Thursday, October 24, 2013

I'm wracked with Indecision

Honestly, I normally know what I's not often that I feel really and truly torn.

When I'm looking for something, what usually happens is that I either spot it and know it's meant to be mine, or I source and source until I hit upon just the perfect thing.

When I was working on the downstairs bathroom, for example, I knew from the start what I wanted the finished room to look like...faucets, tile, sink, shower...that was all easy.  

Accessories, mirror and art...saw them, and bought them...easy.

Sconces...a bit trickier...I flipped and flopped a little but when I found the IKEA dudes for literally $15 a pop, that made that decision for me.

And in the end, it's come together exactly as I had hoped...

The living room, on the other hand, not going so smoothly.

I loved the way it was before, when I did it.

But like any decorator, I felt like it just wasn't resonating with me all that much anymore.


I made a few purchases, painted the walls...things were good.

BUT...progress has come to a crashing halt because of my indecision over what to do with my channel chairs.

If you recall, my first plan was black embossed leather.

I still like this one but after my painting arrived, I thought some pattern and/or colour had to happen.

I thought about KW faux bois for a while...

...but I just don't think the pattern will translate well over the channel bumps of the chair...would make for brilliant pillows though...too bad I don't need any of those.

Same thoughts about this...

...though it does a real good job of tying colours together.

But is it too much animal with the tiger (see below).

After that, I thought I had decided on burgundy velvet...

...and am actually still leaning towards it...especially after holding it up in front of 'Sway' and seeing this magic happen...

Trouble is, this colour REALLY freaks me out- I loathe red and black in a mucho large way...I could end up hating this.

What I'd really like is more of an oxblood but I'm having trouble finding it- Schumacher's Bordeaux might be close... appears to have a touch more brown in it so I might order up a sample of this for comparison sake.

Of course, there's a few abstract b/w lovelies that are also occupying some of my brain parts...Pierre Frey Leo would hold title on that front...

Pierre Frey - Leo

...trouble is, I think it might be a bit much with the b/w striped rug, large painting and this stuff (in pillow form.)

This whole minimalism thing is tough- I find it way easier to max things out...editing is NOT my forte.

My other issue is with what the hell to do over the fireplace.

With such a statement painting on one side of the room, I have to tone down ideas over there...any thoughts?  
Seriously, I need help here people.



  1. That bathroom is seriously magical! Can I move in?! Minimalism is not my forte either but I adore that Pierre Frey Leo. I also love the idea of the bordeaux fabric, I think that would be my choice! Good luck, can't wait to see what you choose!

  2. How about a leopard print? Max it out all the way. I love leopard print mixed in with stripes. If not, a rich royal blue would be swell. If all else fails, the burgundy is really nice also.

  3. speaking of Navy.......Robert Allen Meticulous in navy/black might be pretty on those chairs

  4. Why not add a mainly white textured art piece by the fireplace and oxblood accessories?

  5. Don't over think it! Your orignal plan for the black embossed leather was awesome! Stick with it and bring some of that colour in through your accent pieces.

  6. can totally understand your hesitation, especially because the burgundy is such a huge change. that being said, this post by Erin made me absolutely fall in love with the navy & oxblood combo:
    not sure if you've seen it or not. but goodness those two colours look amazing together. I think you'll definitely figure it out and this may be one of those times that you just have to go for it and then see, unless it's super expensive to do that is.


    I think a hefty, no frills Philippe mirror would look great over fireplace against the big man. I would be worried about the burgendy too, especially if your going to keep some of your pink accessories. Go with the black!

  8. What about a raspberry burgandy ?
    Taking a colour cue from the picture..[]=82&color_id[]=71&color_id[]=81&application_id=F&searchclass=

  9. I love anything in a jewel tone velvet and I think the one you picked is gorge! However, if you want more of an oxblood, I just spent ages on this site searching for pink velvet for my dining chairs and this color is a pretty good match for oxblood.

    Robert Allen also has a gorgeous shade that's similar.

    You have great taste, whatever you pick will be stunning as usual! :)

  10. I think you should put a colour like fuchsia on the chairs. It would look great with your other pink items. I had the same problem with my fireplace, because everything I put there was fighting with the large colourful art on the opposite wall. After a mirror, and two pieces of art, I had to put a solid colour over the fireplace. I'm not a fan of purchasing trends, but I ended up with a large indigo Juju hat, and I must say that I love it! Finally it all came together.

  11. I've been loving this fabric lately...makes me think of the Wearstler/Diaz living room a little. Good luck, I'm the same way with my own home soooo indecisive! :)

  12. link (duh):)

  13. Not into the burgundy fabric, either of them. I'd go with the KW leopard. It would make the space much more fun.

  14. If a more minimal look is what you're aiming for, I think the black embossed leather you were originally going to use would help you achieve that.
    Before I realized a minimal look is what I find easiest to live with, I used several colours in a room. And while that does look nice I found it "stressed" me out...

  15. I feel your pain. I am also in the midst if a redo. I am not crazy about the wine/oxblood but love Black Rooster's suggestion of the blue. Go as neutral as you can so that next time you can make a big change by just switching art and pillows and stuff. :) Reconsider the black, maybe in velvet.

  16. When I'm stuck i run through the Elements and Principles of Design and say, "Yeah, Nailed that" or "That's not quite right". It helps me realize what's bugging me about the space. Google them if you're unfamiliar.

  17. Oh I feel your pain...our living room has been unfinished for almost four years! Everything else is done but I am paralyzed by the baby grand piano and how bossy it is.
    I think you should do something understated to give the art a starring role...but of course i am full of great ideas in someone else's place.

  18. i say go with your original croc on the chairs if you love it and throw some pillows around for contrast.

    if you are after minimal i say make the space as minimal as possible and then add layers step by step. i feel like you are doing this all so fast. let it all sink in for a minute. trust your instincts with the croc. it's gonna be amazing.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo