Monday, October 28, 2013

Surfing the Web...Emily Henderson...The Fig House..Artwork and If You Want It, Black Rooster It #21

Morning friends.

I'm busy like wizzy today so this is going to be short.

A few things:

1. I'm going with the croc on the chairs...the burgundy tempted me large but when push came to shove, I couldn't pull the trigger.  One thing I've learned over the course of my 39 (cough) years, is that you've got to trust your gut and something about that red derivative business was not agreeing with me...the croc feels more moi so that's what I'm doing.

KW feline or faux bois might happen in pillow form but we'll see.

2. I'm still NOT screwed up the poop shoot when it comes to the mantle and what the heck to do there.

I drafted this post on Friday and then my computer went all cray and I couldn't post it.

On Friday, I had no idea what to put over the fireplace.

On Saturday I was flying around the interwebs while sipping coffee and lazing in bed.

I hopped over to Emily Henderson's Instgram feed, which then led me to her blog (which PS, really is ridiculously full of good stuff,) which led me here...

...which then led me to two hours of sublime art surfing.

If your not familiar with this blog/person, you need to be.

Each post references an artist who the 'curator' is inspired by and/or jealous know that kind of jealous you get when you see a piece of amazing artwork and wish you could have made it yourself?  Well, this blog documents all of that and it's FABULOUS.

I'm seriously very addicted and will be reading it every single solitary day.

So back to my mantle..while I was perusing both TJC and Emily H's blog, I read all about a project they are working on together at a new bespoke event venue in Cali called The Fig House.

Emily designed the space and TJC picked all of the artwork...and if you haven't been following this business online/via Instagram, you need to be...for reasons like this...

...note the gorgeous work of one of my favourite artists in the universe, Zoe Pawlak up there...and the rugs...and the pink/green furniture.

...stop it on those mirrors...and sconces.

...I swear I've never like stained glass in a house EVER...and then EH came up with this- holy shizz...and that sofa...almost makes me re-consider the whole burgundy thing...almost.

And then there's this...

...and then THIS...

...which instantly started a mad and franetic artist search by yours truly.

And with a few little link clicks, I found myself at the portfolio of Stephaie Vovas and whoa....

I proceeded to fall over dead with joy.

I'll take one of...




...each of these please.

And let's start with this beaut...the very same one that's featured over that fabo striped sofa by EH...


I mean's just SO damn good.

I've said since the day I started earning money that there would come a time when the thing I'd spend dough on would be real art...and folks, that day is here.

My plan is to add 1/2 pieces each year and I'm really, really excited about it.

Art = happiness.

3. Because of my computer woes on Friday, I didn't get a chance to post my...

...loveliness for the week.

So, without any further ado, meet some of the new pretty that one of my absolute favourite stores has to offer...

Those bottom right foyer in the new house needs those...also very much want the marble columns...and that mirror.

Also/PS, the louis settee pictured is on a MASSIVE sale- BR has one that she is discounting by like 2/3rds so if you're in the market, let me know and we'll get that baby sent your way.

And...because BR is adding new stuff daily, some of this fabulousity went up after I had put my board together...

1. Leather chairs...

Pictures of Wrinkled Leather Pop Chair

2. Icon chairs...

Pictures of Icon Arm Chair

3. Icelandic goodness like these Sheepskin blankets...

Pictures of Plaid Sheepskin Blanket - Silver/Grey

and rugs ...

Pictures of Sheepskin Carpet -  White

All delish.

And with that, I better sign off before this post gets too long form.

Squeezes and smooches and such.



  1. your love of art rivals mine! I have always said that of I ever had any "extra" money to spend, it would go to art. I gasped over that Icon chair. such a wonderful intepretation of an Eames Eiffel chair!

  2. I've been watching Ms Henderson post about the Fig House for months and I am just dying to go there! It's sooo pretty! And that art is gorge, I love the close up photo, very Farrah, very Studio 54, makes me want to put on heels and go cause some trouble!

  3. I have definetly been following Ms. Henderson and I am totally in love with that mint green wall, those mirrors and gorgeous sconces - Saved to my "want" file for future project ideas.

  4. Christine, I think I love you. No wait-I know I do!!! Your style blows me away. It's like my fantasy dreamland. It is a major thrill and honor that you will have one of my pieces in your incredible house! I can't wait to see a photo of it! And thank you to the amazing Jealous Curator, and fabulous Emily Henderson, who brought us together! :) xox

  5. the black leather chair rocks. I absolutely love that BR grey settee - is it still available??


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo