Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wish List Wednesday

My mini-makeover continues...I spent the whole day yesterday running around like a crazy person trying to snap up some things we need to finish off the basement- I'd show you the stuff but it's not that interesting...sinks, counter tops etc.

The highlight of the venture was this IKEA faucet- $99 bones y'all...

As for things that remain on my wish list...these are the pretties on my brain this week...a la...

Blog Series- Wish List Wednesday

1. Jonathan Adler ceramic goodness...really want one of each of these...

Trying to decide which of the first two I love more...urn or vase...tall skinny dude or short tubby one?

My Allen (I'm now calling him My Allen because he's a superhero and makes things in my brain come to life in mere minutes) made me a version of this pedestal...

...and I need something to plunk on top...the short guy would work better for this but the tall Mr would be great for my console in the basement...decisions, decisions.

As an alternative to the head on a stand, I'm also considering:

...the scale of it is just off the charts.

3. Some Vern & Vera goodness...

4. A neon sign from 47 Park Avenue...

...and this set of vases...

...would take one everything in this fab store actually.

And I think that's pretty much it for now.

I'm still debating on fabrics form my re-upholstery projects....the Schumacher Burgundy velvet is now going on the pair of poodle chairs...Platner is still very much up in the air.

I'd love to do it in the black leather but it's on a black frame and I'm worried it would disappear if I went the black route...head is spinning on that one - any advice would be much appreciated....think a Platner could handle a pattern?

In other not related to stuff I want, my little dude is now 7 months...

...and I just can't even believe it.


And on that happy note, I'll sign off for now.

Going to try to stream an episode of something before sweet boy wakes from his nap...chances of that happening are slim but one can hope;)



  1. Dying over that happiness is expensive sign! haha Love the black faucet too, a bit unexpected but chic!

  2. I loved the vases and the pedestal...I'm into pedestals as well lately....They can make anything look more important!

  3. I would use canary yellow velvet or orange brown leather on the Planter chair.

  4. I love the neon sign and vases! But my fave pic is the last one. Your son is just too adorable AND that outfit, what a cutie!

  5. Ill take two of those pedestals please!

    OK, I have to say it: I HATE that happiness is expensive neon sign. I've seen it a few times and it makes me gag a little. I just hate the sentiment of it so much. even if its supposed to be a joke, sarcastic or whatever, art.

    Hope you still like me ;)

  6. Yours is the first blog I check every day. Love your style and am trying desperately to put my spin on it in my house. Even purchased a few things from BR due to your posts. (I like that short squatty vase best). I never comment, bcs seems like I have nothing new to offer to the conversation, but there are probably many people like me who read religiously but do not comment......

  7. You're dude is beyond adorable. Seriously.... makes me smile so big! And way to go on that Ikea find. I'm so bad in that store... I get so stressed out with the layout LOL

  8. Major score in the faucet department, I like the short squatty JA vase, i enjoy the "draped" effect. There are no words for Japer, total cuteness:)

  9. Yup, I think I need those side tables from Vern + Vera!!

  10. What a sweetheart he is, so cute! Also, I think the Planter would be so chic in black on black!!!!

  11. Love the Ikea faucet, can't believe how cheap it was!

  12. oh my gosh! Look at that face! he's is ADORABLE, Christine.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo