Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

It's a grey and somewhat gloomy afternoon here today so I needed a little pretty to brighten me up a bit.
I like to share.

First, this stunning photograph.

Next, this home in Sydney, Australia.
The whole place makes me think of summer.

Isn't that the coolest pool ever? 
{via Living Etc.}

And now, this picture from a hotel called the Archangel Inn.

Have you ever?  It's just so gorgeous.
The gold bed. The silver tub. The angel mural.

And then there is this from design firm White Webb.

Hello ridiculously amazing loft with a ridiculously amazing ceiling!

And I had to include a fashion shot.
They always feel like sunshine to me.

Totally captivating.

And finally, there's this.
It's from the very talented jewelry designer Gorjana.

And it's mine.  I won it.
Thank you Hallie at the Glam Lamb!
Have I told you that your my new favourite?



  1. Ok that Australian house has so many unique touches that are to die for! It's finally starting to get cold here in the south today and I HATE it! I need to move to California!

  2. First off, AMAZING photos! The one from Solid Frog is simply gorgeous!! I want to sleep in that bed, how poshe would that be?! Second, those house stills from Australia are incredible. They house reminds a lot of the homes I visited while I lived in Spain. Gorgeous! Third, you are awesome for sharing this post!


    Molly Jane

    PS. Stop by and say hi!

  3. lots of things to love on this post!!!

  4. Your blog lights up our life, for sure.
    Lovely stuff -- and now I'm off to hunt down that Paris TWA poster ;)

  5. Omigosh! i love the pool! wish i have one :P and i would kill to have that gorgeous green sofa! thanks for sharing christine!

  6. oh my goodness!! I WANT that pool!! agh!!

  7. LOVE the Angel Inn- gorgeous room- how would I love a tub at the foot of my bed! and the mural- inspiring-especially for me being a mural painter!

  8. My goodness, I know that house in Paddington! It looks so amazing and is in the sweetest little street. So lovely!

  9. Hi Christine...stumbled across your blog through "The Way we Are" and Im so glad I did...beautiful now a new follower and look forward to many more of your inspirational posts. Anna x
    p.s Those terrace homes in Sydney really are as quaint as they are pictured..especially in Summer :)

  10. What a lovely collection of glamorous images. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Yes...that is totally the coolest pool ever!!!

  12. Omg! haha
    First of all, yes these pictures are amazing. But will you believe that i ACTUALLY SQUINTED at the picture with the sun? Not a joke. I'm thinking...Geez! It's so bright! Love it all. xo


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo