Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Trip to I Want and Can't Have...for Christmas

So I was downtown yesterday and stupidly opened the door to Klaus.
For those of you not from Toronto, the store is akin to crack for decor addicts.

Basically the window made me do it.
I tried to stay away...honestly, I did.

But this most glorious of all chairs was sitting there like a queen on her throne.

And, I want two of them.

Problem is, I'm a chair addict and shouldn't even consider adding more to my already 'I'm a hoarder and have a problem' collection.

but...I REALLY WANT them!
They're just so leathery and flowery and modern and pretty.

There's another catch.
They cost $1132 each.

This story does not end here.

 After I picked my jaw up of the proverbial floor, I looked up.
And saw these.
{this is not good news}

May I present the Lolita Pendant light.

People, I need this.
It comes in pink and has a scalloped edge.
It's edgy but still girly and soft.
Again, WANT!!!
It's only $500 or so.
Practically chump change...except...
I would need at least 3 of them.

Super- strike that off the Christmas list.

Time to regroup and get the H.E.double hockey sticks out of dodge.

But then a glance to my right and these.

 And more specifically this.

It's pink and gold and perfect!

I think to myself...this is my lucky break.
If the pendant is bigger, it must be more expensive.
Time to bother the sales lady again.
Excited, I hold my breath and wait...her computer is very slow.
In the meatime, the little Lolita pushes every other thing off my list and takes it's place in the coveted top of the list spot.

And then...scratch that perfect idea.
Little Lolita is a whopping $1900- it's MORE than the pendant!
Something about more pieces etc.

Now, I'm annoyed and actually want to leave.
But it happens again.
Hanging from the ceiling just in front of the door to freedom is this.

I shriek with excitement, turn around and head for the sales counter again.  I ask the kind (but now somewhat 'I'm a little too busy standing at this desk to answer any of your questions because my store is way too cool for really anyone to enter') lady at the desk, "Um...can you give me the price on this too?"

As I wait for the crushing blow, my mind reels with visions of 6 sublimely flawless white and pink tubes that illuminate my living room with an ambient shadow of heavenly perfect light.

And then POP!
They're $600 a tube.

Time to leave.

And, this time I did.
I put the horse blinders on and willed myself out the door.

But I'm still dreaming about all of it.
Along with all the other beauts that are just too indulgent to put on the wish list.
Like these.

And this pink beauty from Pieces.

And of course the stalwart of my Want but Cannot Have list.
Mr. Serge Mouille.

Alas, perhaps none of these lovelies are quite right for a Christmas list.

But every piece is definitely material for A Girl Can Dream list.
My dream list that is.

How about you...what is at the top of your Christmas Want but Can Not Have list this year?
And a hint...I might just be asking some of you to share.



  1. Ok, I really wanted that Chair, but then you posted the price :/
    <3 Cara
    PS. Did you get a chance to enter this Giveaway!?!

  2. Hey Cara- Thanks for stopping by and yes, I entered- fingers crossed! xo

  3. I hope you at least SAT in the chair! I would have ask the sales lady to TAKE MY Picture in the D&*M chair! LOL! Don't give up! Wishes do come true!!

  4. that's funny, i hate that feeling when you just want something so much you want to just grab it and run!

  5. I know just how you feel about that pendant... I've been in love with a very similar one for months - and it's only $190:

    PS/ love your writing style!

  6. that is too funny, i posted about the exact same pieces chair today! its heaven. and so are all those goodies you found. thank you for sharing the ridiculous prices so i could knock them off my list as well.

  7. I love this post! I feel the same way. Have a great day.

  8. Eek! Those Lolita lamps are too perfect!

  9. Christine I adore those chaors and then the pendants!! Wow!

    Come enter my giveaway from Empress of the Eye! You will love the interview!


    Art by Karena

  10. I've seen that pink chair float around the web and I'm dying for!! And honey, like most bloggers, there are way to many things on my want but can't have list ;)

  11. I think you have to have that pink chair - gorgeous!!

  12. OMG I love those pendants!!!!!!!!!

  13. Well, now they're on my list too! Good thing there's an ocean between me and them.

  14. These chairs are great! Good on you for putting your blinders on and hightailing it out of there.

    I'd love the info for the table guy in Oakville if you still have it. There was another one on Craiglist, in Sutton I think, that I also wanted to check out.

  15. I have never heard of this store Christine! But it's probably better that way...that floral chair and Lolita pendants are the cutest things I have ever seen, but, ya, totally out of my price range.

    As for what's on top of my Want But Do Not Have List, there's too much to mention here...haha.

  16. i always feel that way, why are the things we love always out of our price range?

  17. There are soooo many things on my list right now. An amazing Sputnik light from HFH, tons of custom upholstery, a duvet from Anthropologie, a giant rug, oh the list goes on...

  18. Yes, I know, they do love to torture us! All lovely, lovely things...until you find out the price tag.

  19. These are gorgeous pieces! I can't blame you for wanting them. I want them too! Enjoy a beautiful day, Kellie xx

  20. You are too funny! I totally want to go shopping with you!

  21. All I have to say is that I hope your husband is reading this, hint hint! XX!

  22. girl, if that first chair isn't you then I don't know what is.

  23. pretty much everything at klaus is on my wishlist!

  24. I feel your pain - why do I have to have champagne taste and a beer budget? Boooo!

    But you know, with some imagination and creativity, there's always the possibility of making your own versions of most of these pieces...


  25. Oh, where do I begin?? I feel like everything is on my 'want but cannot have list'!!! Your list is gorgeous - those lolita lamps - oh my!!!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo