Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Fabrics- Helena Gavshon

Contemporary prints living harmoniously beside vintage textiles.
 Embellished, painted and digitally printed techniques.
Antique patterns from 1820-1950.
Latest trends in contemporary textile design.

And I'm in heaven.



  1. They are all fabulous, I love the second one!


    Molly Jane

  2. I could see "Fabric Friday" quickly becoming one of my favorite features. Thanks for the eye candy and reminding me once again that pattern and color bring life to everything.

    have a nice weekend!!


  3. Love these! The third one reminds me of cozy Canadian cottages.

  4. These are just beautiful! You have some wonderful sources.

  5. Wonderful fabrics...fresh and yummy!!

  6. That watercolor floral is my fav! I would love to use that for a pillow!

  7. Oh-Em-Jizzy, I don't know how ya do it Bijou.
    Manage to unearth all these treasures and care for three kiddos too!
    You must stay up late into the wee hours, non?
    Do tell your secret -- oh, and how's that YSL foundation working out for you? Should I take the plunge?

  8. Great sleuthing, Christine - you always find the best stuff! Hey, I wanted to let you know I did a post on my blog today about brass lamps and put a few images of your foyer with a link to your blog. Hope that's okay! Have a great weekend!!

  9. I love Fabric Friday! Thanks for sharing so many new goodies with us!

  10. oh i love all of them! Keep 'em coming!! xoxo

  11. Girl, you are the fabric guru! In fact that should be your new name. Fabric Freakin' Guru! Good stuff

  12. nice finds! looking forward to meeting you too tomorrow night!

  13. lovely fabrics! thanks for sharing!

  14. some great fabrics!

    david john
    YHBHS interiors

  15. They are gorgeous! Loving #5 and #6! Enjoy the beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

  16. Man, I love fabrics, makes me wish I could sew better. These are beautiful.

  17. Thanks for stopping by ladies (and gent:)- love reading your comments!!!
    Alcira- juggling that's for sure- today I dropped the blog ball and spent the whole day out with the kids- yesterday, dropped the kids ball and spent too much time on my computer- trying to keep most of them in the air most of the time:) And as for the foundation, DO IT!!! Sersiously, by far and away, the best I have ever used and worth every penny. Part of the delight for me is that it is a perfect match for my skin and that almost never happens (I'm super pale and pinky)- it's so light and feels like nothing is on but still manages to totally even out my complexion- so yes...I should have stock in the stuff- love it to death!
    Hugs to everyone for your sweet words- xo

  18. I was just at the fabric store and was getting so frustrated by their lack of choices. This is more what I'm talking about! Thanks for becoming a follower! :) xoxo

  19. Love them all! I must have the pink zigzag as a roman shade in my bath... Would you mind sharing the source?



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo