Friday, November 19, 2010

Party Party

This will be me tomorrow night.

Well maybe not exactly (though I would kill for those heel kickers) but I will be glaming it up.
This lady is hitting the town and painting it pink.
 I'm going to this.

And I'm very excited.
Even getting my hair done.
Perhaps quite possibly wearing kelly green velvet heels.

Yes, tomorrow, I will not be living by this old adage.

Tomorrow, my friends, more will be more.
I'm going to party like Ghislaine does.
And by Ghislaine, I mean Vinas....AKA decor goddess.
Have a look at her designs.

Her work is my definition of a party.
A perfect party that is.

So, my lovelies...I'm off until tomorrow.
Hoping to do a quick shopping post in the morning but will be spending the rest of the day primping.
What a luxury for this mom of 3.



  1. Enjoy, Christine! This weekend I'll be wishing I was Canadian so I could join you all. Can't wait for your recap!

  2. AWESOMEness will arise from this meet-up, I can feel it! Also, you will be required to post pics, ya know?!
    Have a blast, and report back forthwith!

  3. Wishing tickets from Van to TO weren't so expensive. Sigh.... Have fun. Take lots of photos!

  4. have a fabulous time! looking forward to hearing about it!

  5. Have a blast. And don't break your neck in those shoes.

  6. Have a great time. I want to see pics of those heels!!

  7. I want to see the kelly green velvet heels!!!!

  8. Kelly green velvet heels?! OMG, I'm already feeling under-dressed! I might wear leopard print shoes, but more likely just boring black boots.

    I have a feeling tomorrow night is going to be a blast :-) See you there!


  9. i'll be sure to check out your green heels!! looking forward to it!

  10. I'll see you there Kelly and Wendy and go for the leopard Kelly...can never go wrong with leopard I always say:) Here's hoping I don't kill myself in the heels- will post some pics of them tomorrow. Night night ladies- this girly is going to attempt an early bedtime so I actually have a hope of making it through the day/night tomorrow:)

  11. You will have so much fun. I'm very jealous. Just found your blog through Milk and Honey and love it. Will be back for sure!

  12. sounds sure to put up pics!
    PS: you always find the most unique house photos!

  13. So jealous of you east-coasters, I wish I could be there too! So many blogger friends I'd love to meet :) Maybe one day a trans-Canada meet up could be had!! Have so much fun Christine :)
    Nancy xo

  14. Have a wonderful time! You deserve a break from the mommy-ing.
    Do post snaps of your surely fab do.
    Looking forward to seeing those shoes ;)

  15. Enjoy! It is so lovely to have a party to dress up for xox


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo