Friday, November 12, 2010

A Fabric Request- Level Two

I opened up my inbox today to find a message from Alex of Things that Sparkle; one of my most favourite blogs.  Alex asked me if I could come up with some ideas for fabric that would coordinate with these AMAZING chairs that she had reupholstered in Kelly Wearstler Bengal Bazaar.

Hello fabulousness!

I started by searching all my favourite fabric houses for some prints that I thought might work.  This should always be your first step.  Search and pull.
Next I opened up Powerpoint and pasted the original fabric onto a blank slide.  I pasted one of my choices that I thought might work and then looked for a third that had a shade from the second choice, thus ending up with three patterns that worked together.  If one didn't work, I simply erased it and went back to my files to find another.  This is the way I always choose fabrics (well sometimes I buy on impulse) when I am trying to put a room together.  Go on the internet, save pictures you like and then layer them on a page to see if they work. 

Here are the 6 schemes I came up with.

And that's all there is to it- Level Two is really no harder than level one.  Pick one fabric, find another that has one shade from the original and then pick a third that has a shade from your second choice.  One other thing to keep in mind is to keep the patterns balanced.  You don't want all geometrics, or all florals etc.  A good rule of thumb if you are choosing a three pattern scheme is one floral, one geometric and one abstract.

I hope you see something you like Alex, and thanks so much for letting me have a go at the search!



  1. this is so much fun!!! thank you so much for your help!

  2. i love your recommendations!!! happy weekend!!

  3. ooooh, loving number 2. and number 6, now that I look again!

  4. oh man! how do you choose! Number 5 is great with the pink and black. Just so you know Im going to a blog love featuring your blog today! Like what your doing here!

  5. These are some great patterns! Can you share your fabric resources with us? I'm shopping for lots of fabrics right now and I need help!

    PS I hope you'll join my handmade gift swap! Check out the blog to sign up!

  6. I love it! I always learn something from you. Thanks for all of your wonderful tips.

  7. oh my goodness this was so helpful!! i could never understand how some people knew what patterns would work so well together, but now I want to run out and experiment! loveee it! xoxo

  8. oh, and I've always been curious..the chair in your header photo, I am in love!! where did you get it from?

  9. Numbers 4 & 6 are my favorites! Glad I don't have to choose between the two, I would lose sleep over it!

  10. Thanks everyone!
    Design Blooms- thanks so much! excited to pop over and see!
    Brandi- the fabrics in this post are from:
    Louise Body, Neisha Crosland, O&L, Christopher Farr, Of the Young and the Restless, Katie Ridder, Mulberry and Clarance House.
    Nuha- the settee in my header is an antique I purchased from an etsy seller called bohemiennes

  11. I love the little "recipe" for choosing fabrics. I think I like the second combo best - the one with the dancing ladies (whatever they are).

    Have a great weekend, Christine!

  12. These are AMAZING combinations. You have a great eye! I just found your blog via I will def be keeping you in my blogroll! Beautiful blog!

  13. great work! Love the pattern mix-age. Lovely!

  14. LOVE the middle two, all that gorgeous color! Stunning pics, you definitely have a great future in design! XX!

  15. Such great choices...the last one is really speaking to me!! Happy Friday ~

  16. I just discovered your blog through Hodge:Podge - it's great to "meet" another Canadian blogger :-)

    I love fabric combo #5 best, although they all look great. I can spend HOURS at the fabric store, trying out different patterns & colour combinations :-)


  17. Stunning choices! Love the mix too.

  18. Thank you for listing the sources...I was going to ask. Need pillows and two chairs slipcovered and I want some stellar fabric. :)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo