Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday Shopping- Global Home NY

 Not wanting to get out of bed on a Saturday morning?
Stressed about all the things you should be doing?

{via here}
Time for some online retail therapy.

You should go here.

It will make you happy.

I discovered Global Home while trying to hunt down this tufted beauty.

 When I googled tufted ottoman, Global NY came up and as I have done time and time before, I clicked the link....and was instantly and totally in love. 
Upon my arrival to said website, I immediately headed to the seating section and there found a few lovely ottomans that were beautiful but covered in linen which (as all you moms out there know) would spell disaster.  I emailed the store to see if they had any others in different colours and voila, the owner sent me a picture of the beauty that is now in my home.  Lesson to be learned here, always check with the seller- you never know if they just might have what you are looking for...a quick email can end up making you VERY happy. 

So there started my love affair with Global NY.  A few more reviews of their website and I ended up with this.
The lamp actually turned into a bit of a saga and ended up being faulty.  Joe (the co-owner) quickly saw to it that my lamp was replaced and in only a few weeks, a brand new one arrived at my of charge.  Another amazingly brilliant thing about this store is that they charge next to nothing for shipping.  If memory serves me correct, I paid a grand total of approx. $150 to have a giant ottoman and lamp sent from NY to Canada- and that included duty/taxes- AMAZING!!!  Have I mentioned yet that I love them?
The store is owned by Vivian Hung and Joseph Giamarese.  Located in upstate NY, they carry a wide range of beautiful items that have been hand chosen from around the world.  In their words, "We sell a lifestyle that is internationally inspired. We like to call it Modern Exotic."

Here is a small preview of their amazingly eclectic inventory.

I'm presently eyeing those deer head shot glasses and the gorgeous gold plates.  And oh I how I wish I had somewhere to put that stunning gold mirror!

Happy Shopping!


  1. Ha! That first picture is how I feel right now!

  2. A little bit of everything - looks like they have some great pieces. Ditto on the gold mirror!

  3. What a wonderful store! I will definitely check them out. Thanks for the introduction and for sharing the source of your ottoman.

  4. Such cool stuff.. I can't wait to check this out.

    So, my mirror came, broken :( beyond bummed. But to be honest I think it looks to small. I'd love to send you a pic and get you're opinion (couldn't find you're e-mail addy on your page). Kind of not knowing what to do now.

    Have a beautiful Saturday. I'm headed down to the basement to start cleaning the playroom- sigh! haha.

  5. Great post featuring so many of their great designs; thanks for taking the time to do that! Love that bed in the upper right hand corner and the zebra rug!

  6. Oh Christine! We have such similar taste! Love, love everything! And that tufted ottoman is so similar to the one in my Friday post (the one I am going nuts for!)

    Fabutastic! I am hopping to the store!

    P.S And thank you for your nice comment regarding my new DIY series. Just so you know, I will be coming after you too!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo