Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Fabrics- Perfect Pairs Level One

I'm a girl who loves pattern and colour.  What's more, I'm a girl who adores the way that different patterns can work together to create a certain feeling or mood.  I'm a girl who appreciates how the pairing of two fabrics can create a union that's more beautiful than the sum of its parts could ever be.

Here is a preview of level one matching- large print with lots of colour, second print in one/two coordinating colours that has been pulled from original fabric.
Perfect Pairs.

{I was a little lazy and didn't include the names of each fabric.  If you would like to know what any of them are, leave a note and I'll fill you in.}

Mixing patterns together is what I believe, brings life to a room. 
I think the more pattern the better but if you are scared of getting it wrong, make it easy on yourself and pink one large pattern with lots of colour and then select a corresponding fabric with one of the colours, in a geometric. 
And don't go crazy upholstering sofas or making curtains...start with cushions.  If you don't like the patterns together, you can move them or get rid of them all together at no great loss.
Once you feel more confident in your mixing prowess, then you can move to the big stuff.
Easy peasy.

The fabric pairing advanced class will be starting soon and will hopefully feature the thoughts of some pattern experts. 
Fingers crossed on that one.

For now, I'm off to begin wallpapering day- hope to show some awesomeness in the way of ostrich bliss later.
Happy Friday Lovelies!!



  1. Christine, I love this post and your pairings!! I can't wait for the advanced class.....Have a great weekend!!

  2. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.
    Shimmer smile from me to you :)

  3. I agree with everything you said! Great pairings - my favorite is the chinoiserie with the pink quarterfoil-ish pattern.

  4. I love pattern and color too - But I'm still quite shy when it comes down to actually doing it. Thanks for sharing these bold inspirations!

  5. Awesome post, Christine. Especially for those of us who are not interior designers but just like to look and have pretty things :) Keep it coming!

  6. i ADORE the first and last pairings, i want want want!

  7. i love your selections! good luck with the wallpaper, can't wait to see it finished!

  8. love all of your pairings! cant wait to see your wallpaper installed

  9. What a great post! i love the combos you chose too. That class sounds interesting!

  10. Oh I love that purple pair! Can't wait to see the wall paper!


  11. Wow, I would have never thought to put most of those together, but they all work out perfectly! I especially love the blue pair!

  12. love your pairings -- for some reason I thought of you when I came across this picture while pulling together my Perfect Pairing post for today....

    and, here's my Perfect Pairing post...

  13. Love that top pairing! I love pink.:)

    I have super fab giveaway today for small or big girls from chic pretties. Stop by.
    Have a great weekend!-Betsy

  14. This is great. The first combination is my favorite. I posted today about sneaking pink into the place I share with my fiancee!


  15. Great pairs. I can't pick out one pattern... let alone mix two... this was like a nice little lesson! Thanks!

  16. I'd love to know more details about the pink asian/moroccan pairing. the pink and red is very pretty.

  17. Anonymous- the moroccanish one is Christopher Farr Venecia and the other is Pagoda by Manuel Canovas:)

  18. Hey Christine-

    Wow! Love so many of these... and most I haven't seen before. I really like your eye.

    That first one got me super duper excited. Care to share the source??


    ps love the blog, layout, all of it. So many pretties :)

  19. Hi Naomi- the first one is Abigail Borg/ Orange Fox and the pink trellis is available at Calico corners (for just $12/yard) and is called Key West.
    Wendy, I had a look and it is indeed VERY pretty- thanks for sending the link!

  20. I loved!!! wallpaper...

    Chris Rasga


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo