Saturday, October 30, 2010

Something Spooky This Way Comes

On this eve of Halloween, something spooky this way comes- and by this I mean the seemingly glutenous use of antique portraiture in chic decor; spooky faces are everywhere!

Adoring this picture/room- turns out that sweety pie heart rug, water stained walls, and creepy portrait make for one hell of a room. 

Could eat the clash of the very weird old portrait and Saarinen perfection of a table for breakfast- loving this room like candy. 

All in all, I dig this whole dark and strange portrait thing; even if they're kind of clown creepy.

{ images via 1, 2, 3, 4&56, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11&1213, 14, 15(unknown), 16 }

So, what's the verdict?  Would you like a Mr. or Mrs. watching over you?


  1. I have to say I like them. I have one that creeps me out but I can't take it down.... love hate kind of thing.... but he's looking down so maybe I don't feel like he is looking right at me... ha ha...

  2. My grandma had several of these types of portraits, and while I found them interesting, they were too spooky for me. I would run, when ever I had to go by them lol. I do love them in home decor, but I'm too much of a scaredy cat to put them up in my home.

  3. I say yay. Slightly creepy, but in a good way. Creates a nice bit of tension, especially in the context of a more modern space. I think that watery blue room is just perfection. Such a gorgeous interior!

  4. Christine..your home is so beautiful. Love the mix of modern with vintage.

    Looking forward to reading your blog.

    Have a great weekend! xx - Christina

  5. I adore portraits. It think they really lend a touch of gravitas and design street cred to any space. They also throw a grounding curveball into a more contemporary room.
    I've nabbed a few of complete non-relations myself and I love the way they feel like quiet, observant visitors-in-residence.
    So, so glad you have so much great karma headed your bloggy way, btw, you deserve the best ;)

  6. Elégance et raffiné des décors...
    Et toujours un tableau de maître au mur, j'adore !

  7. Thanks so much for your comments everyone- it's great knowing that I'm not just talking to myself:) Alcira, same to you- and as I said on your blog, you really should be a writer- I'm inspired by your style.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo