Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Fabrics- Call of the Wild

It seems as though animal prints and fur are everywhere right now.  Modern or traditional, a good cowhide or leopard print can go a long way to oomphing (totally not a real word I realize, but sums up the sentiment) up a room.  What I'm wondering is how you are feeling about the use of real fur in decor.  For me, the reality of my choice seems to come back the age old tenet "actions speak louder than words." On the one hand, if asked, I would say that the idea of hunting for pleasure literally disgusts me.  On the other hand, I have two cowhides in my house, three sheepskins and at least 4 pieces of leather furniture.  Are you tempted by fur's cozy embrace?

If actual fur is not your cup of tea, what about a little leopard print to make the blues go away?

Rubie Green makes my favourite faux leopard- Jackie.  According to RG, she is "sophisticated but never pretentious, and classic but never dowdy. Her presence is iconic, her grace immaculate, her name eternally respected. And her style, without fault, forever timeless." 

Apparently I agree with Rubie and have fallen hard for all of Ms. Jackie's charms; take exhibit A, B & C.

{daughter'a rainboots}

{daughter's coat}

{car seat}
I also have this-

My great aunt gifted the coat to me and although I have no desire to wear a leopard everyday, I do have other ideas.  I would never buy a new fur coat, or anything new and fur for that matter, but I do believe in making once forgotten things into new beautiful things.  I was thinking of turning this coat into a bench or ottoman to sit under the console in my foyer.  I saved these pictures as inspiration.

{photos via 1, 2 (unknown), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-14, 15, 16, 17-20 (my own), 21, 22, 23}

So, let me Jackie your kind of girl?


  1. I think that Cowhide and leather are somehow different since those animals were already being raised for meat, and it's actually good that all parts were being used. I am somewhat ok with hunting (would never do it myself) if you are hunting for meat, not pleasure. In fact, my vegetarian uncle, would actually eat hunted meat as he felt the animal had a good, natural life. Fur raised animals, however, are not raised in very nice conditions (for the most part), and it somehow seems worse just to use the fur. Perhaps if you were raising, for eg, rabbit for meat and using the fur and they were raised in humane way? Should make for an interesting and varied conversation!!

  2. Saw your house on Two Ellie...loved it, and came to your blog. Great stuff! I am your newest follower.
    Happy Friday!

  3. I do love a fur and animal print (faux of course!!)

  4. Andrea, totally agree with your comment. It will be interesting to see what everyone says- I'm seeing fur throws everywhere lately so thought it would be an interesting commentary.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. When I saw your fabulous house on Two Ellie, I swooned! What a wonderful sense of color and style... and to discover that you write a beautiful blog - it's double the pleasure. So happy to have yet another dose of beauty on a daily basis! BTW - I'd rather have leopard print rather than real fur!

  6. I love that animal print and your blog! I just recently started a blog as well -

    I'm a mom who also loves interior design. I'd welcome your feedback!

  7. Great post and lovely blog...looking forward to checking it out more!

  8. wow - a what a great round up of pictures!!! fitting for this week too! I did a round up of Halloween Deocrating for my post today... Happy Halloween!!! :)

  9. Gorgeous pictures! I love what Andrea said about the hunting part. If you are hunting for fun, there must be something wrong with you. Enjoy the weekend, Kellie xx

  10. Great photos! Love your daughter's rainboots by the way!


  11. That last shot with the deerskin ottoman make me wonder why there aren't more deerskin things insight...but then realized it's just brown fur/skin, the charming dots mean its a fawn.

  12. I found you via Two Ellie. Lovely blog you have. We have a cow hide on our living room floor and another smaller skin over an armchair. I love them both. I'm not a fan of wearing animal prints, but I do love your great aunt's coat and would love to wear it with a gorbeous LBD for sophisticated nights out and also dressed down with skinny jeans and boots or flats.

  13. I'm loving animal prints and fur, but only if they're faux.
    Just stumbled upon your blog and it's lovely! :)

  14. I love leopard print!!!!!! I have a fur coat that was my great grandmothers that is chocolate lamb and mink. I don't think I would ever wear it but I love to see it in my closet hanging there. Its very 40's. Great blog!


  15. I'm cra-zy for that leopard print sofa! She must be single or very rich to get away with that. My husband would veto that so fast!

  16. Hi Christine,

    Yes, I am quite tempted by soft, furry things around the home.
    I'm working quite a menagerie right now, as a matter of fact.
    And I adore a touch of leopard. Can't wait to see what you do with that fabulous coat!

  17. Jackie is my kind of girl! I am totally down with fur, apologies to PETA, but I am! I do agree with you though, while I wouldn't necessarily buy a new fur item, one that has already been made, well, it's already been made. XX!

  18. Loving your blog. I do love animal daughter has a coat just like that! so fun!
    looking forward to more of your blog!

  19. You should display your fabulous coat. Love it!

  20. i just posted on fur too! i think its a thin line between stylish and tacky, but one I'm willing to tread! I don't agree with hunting for pleasure, unless well..they want to eat their game. But for me its faux all the way !!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo