Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday Shopping- Abigail Ahern and a Giant Thank You to Desire to Inspire

If your thinking about the portraits I showed you earlier but not entirely sold on their spooky embrace, may I suggest a rainbow bright alternative; these are done by the exquisitely quirky Abigail Ahern.

I've read that her collection is like a trip through Alice in Wonderland- an eccentric picture book, where each piece tells a brilliantly off kilter story.

Have a gander at Abigail's design work; totally the stuff fairytales are made of- at least in my wonderland.

As far as this story is concerned, I give Abigail an enthusastic thumbs up.

On a personal note, I was thrilled beyond thrilled to wake up and find my header on Desire to Inspire's reading list.  I die a thousand deaths of excitement and am honoured to be in such great company- sounds like a cheese sandwich but so true.  Thank you, thank you.

Happy Hallow's Eve!


  1. Hi Christine! Abby's (if I could be so bold to call her that!) lighting makes me crazy with excitement. I NEED that bunny lamp. So fun.

  2. Adore Abigail's work so much...great round up! And congrats on the Desire to Inspire shout out!

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog. It made my day! By the way where did you buy your French Dot wallpaper panels?

  4. Congrats on the DTI recognition - those two ladies know talent when they see it!

  5. oooo, thanks for the intro to artwork of Abigail Ahern. Kind of loving!

  6. Congrats on Desire to Inspire! That's so fab! And I am CRAZY for Abigail Ahern, she is beyond talented! XX!

  7. congrats on the mention and sensational selection of abigail's work!

  8. Oh, love Abigail's work...thanks for sharing! Take care, Caroline

  9. Thanks for the sweet congrats ladies!!! I am so excited that this whole blog thing seems to be kind of working- it feels great to be connecting with other people who share my love for pretty stuff. xxx


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Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo