Sunday, October 31, 2010


you with ghosts of a fabulous kind.

{via ????- sorry!!!}

This is her house.  She loves octopus chandeliers and canopy chairs.  She used to be a movie star in her past life so likes to have giant lights and cameras around.

And then there is her.

{via here}

She lives on a boat on the river.  She likes her rugs to remind of her of the green grass she used to play in.  She also likes sheer curtains- that way no one can really tell how hazy she is.

Then is her.

{via here}

She lives here and likes a more modern abode.  She likes a brighter palate so that she doesn't look so gloomy all the time. The sparkly wall really lifts her spirits on rainy days.

And finally there are the twins.

{via here}

They like to mix it up a bit- one is more of a mod girl while the other calls her style vintage whimsy.  The live here. They like to entertain a lot so want a space to be open and have plenty of seating for guests.  They both really like Liza Minnelli and the colour blue. 

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

PS- If you haven't read Jenny's take on Halloween storytelling over at MFAMB, you must head over- her version of Halloween spooke is exquisite and inspired me to try writing a little narrative of my own. xx
PSS- Ideat magazine rocks- These pictures were taken from the magazine using old school styles- yes, taking pics of the pages with my camera.
PSSS- Windows Photo Viewer is a giant addictive time waster.  You can take any picture and morf into a better (or in this case spookier) version so easily- go technology!

That's all for now- off to start the Halloween fun with the kiddies.  Will post many gratuitous pictures of the family tomorrow:)



  1. Now, that is spooky! Loved the spaces although it spooked me out a bit. Happy Halloween! Kellie xx

  2. Love love love the polaroid pic!

    Just discovered your blog through {tig} - it's great! Would love it if you stopped by mine sometime.

    Andrea x


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo