Monday, October 11, 2010

Mood Board...Take One first official mood board.  I have actually been doing this unofficially for ages- basically I just save all the pictures of things I love in one big file (per room that is,) open them one at a time, minimize each and then layer them one on top of each other - this gives me a pretty good idea of how things will look together and actually works quite swimmingly, if you are the only one who needs to see such images.  Now that I hope to share some of these montages with the rest of the world, I finally decided to sit down and play around with Powerpoint long enough to figure out a way to both create a board, and get the resulting images on this blog. I am pretty sure there is a much more professional way to do these boards but for now, my methods actually resulted in what's below- hooray for me!
I posted earlier about the Palmer Weiss bedroom, that I wanted to use as inspiration for my daughter's bedroom.  Although her room is not at the top of my 'to decorate' list (it already looks pretty OK and my husband will definitely roll his eyes when I tell him I want to overhaul it already,) I seem to love pulling ideas for her room the most- something about a little girl's room that just grabs me- I suppose it is the same thing that makes me want to buy her 50 pairs of shoes and sunglasses in every colour, while my poor son enjoys one pair of sneakers and a few t-shirts- I digress:) 
Anyhoo...before I kill the mood with all of this rambling, here is THE board...hope you enjoy it.

Scarlett's Bedroom

Thoughts????  I already have most of the furniture so just need to add the fabrics and wallpaper (Nina Campbell-Perroquet.)  The paper is one of my favourites because it reminds me of Paris in summer.  I think that although it is definitely girly, it doesn't read as juvenile.  To balance out the femininity of the walls, I decided to add the black and white zig-zag rug; not sure what it is about a black and white geometric rug that I love so much but I really feel as though they add strength and pizazz to a room.  The fabrics in the room are all favourites of mine because of their whimsical feel and bold colour. 
Here is a snapshot of who the room is for- note the sunglasses...they are presently missing and I hear about them at least once a day; she may have 10 pairs but those red ones are her fave!  I think the room fits her personality- you?



  1. Great job! Love it and my favorite is Nina Campbell's wallpaper! Ever since I saw it in Rita Konig's home, I fell in love w/it!!! Your daughter is one lucky girl!!

  2. Thanks so much Fran! I have added you to my blogroll and very much look forward to reading your posts:)

  3. Fabulous board...can you tell me who the bench and accent chair fabrics are from? thanks!

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks! The bench in Bengale by Manuel Canvoas and the accent chair is Pagoda by Katie Ridder.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo