Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Eddie Ross and Jaithan Kocher via Lonny

This year, I am thankful for so many things.  As ever, I am so incredibly grateful for my family- I thank the stars for them everyday.  This year, I am especially thankful my new life as a 'blogger'- it is such a treat to share my love for design with everyone and meeting so many people who share this passion, is such a privilege.  On that note, I want to send a special shout out to Katie over at Revival who just featured me on one of her blog posts- such an honour.  For those of you who haven't been over to her site yet, you simply must check it out- inspiring!  Happy Thanksgiving/Columbus Day everyone- I hope you are all enjoying a much deserved long weekend:)
PS- I am also thankful that the new October/November issue of Lonny hit the airwaves just in time for me to showcase the glorious Thanksgiving table (shown above) done by one of my faves, Eddie Ross- don't you just adore the palate of navy, orange and gold- delish!!  The whole issues is packed full with eye candy so have a look- in particular, I am totally smitten with this...

Palmer Weiss via Lonny

Is it silly that I want this bedroom for myself?  Adulthood be damned, I love a good pink and orange room!  Well if not, I am thinking that this room will provide ample inspiration for my daughter's 'bigger girl' room- To start, perhaps we will add a little bit of this...

Manuel Canovas Bengale

And some of this...

Christopher Farr Brisa
And we have the start of a room ladies and gentlemen:)


  1. Glad I found your blog via Revival! I adore it and will be following!! I, too, loved Lonny. Eddie's Thanksgiving table has my head spinning w/ideas!! :)

  2. Would love to see a post on baby room ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo