Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Goodmorning Pretty

I started my day today looking at this little beauty of a Manuel Canovas pillow- it has found its new home on my favourite piece of furniture to make me a VERY happy girl. 

Here are some more shots of this little lovely in action

I ordered a remnant of the Misia fabric from ebay and my seamstress whipped up the cushion in 2 hours! I am beyond pleased and am now totally sure (not that I really had any doubt) that I j'adore this fabric more than life itself and can't wait to make some curtain panels for my kitchen in it.


  1. looks amazing! your house is gorgeous

  2. Christine, I love that french style settee, especially paired with that light....gorgeous!

  3. Thanks! I am almost finished the living room and am really happy with it.
    thingsthatsparkle- love your blog! added you to my blogroll:)
    andrea- please tell me you might be moving this way soon!!!

  4. Props to you! Your place is totally ravishing...gorgeous touches all around.

    Cheers, Alcira

  5. Love, love the settee and the pillow! Beautiful

  6. Oh I like it (hide rug)...what size is it? :)))))


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo