Friday, January 13, 2012

Hooray...I'm a Best Blog

Well I wake up today after a whirlwind of a week.

Yesterday was the airing of my Steven and Chris segment and let me tell sure does a girl's heart a whole ton of good to receive such amazing feedback...from the bottom of my heart- thank you my friends!!!!

I have to apologize to my international readers...I had checked prior to taping to make sure the website video could be viewed outside of Canada but it seems I was wrong...very sorry:(  

I'm working on finding a way to be able to show it to you but for now, I can direct you to this little Q&A I did for their website...

christine_dovey1.jpg HERE to find out: my design rules, tips for shopping online and at flea markets, favourite parts of my home, and the story of how my little house makeover came to be.

Thanks to Beth for such a sweet write-up...the intro put a huge smile on my did seeing my mug on the Steven Chris main page... I snapped it for prosperity sake;)

Once again, I have to send out a ginormous thank you to the team at Steven and little 5 minutes of fame is something I'll never forget...such an amazing experience!

And with that, I wish you all a fabulous weekend.

I'm pretty pooped after all the excitement around here the past few weeks but I will be back tomorrow with some shots of my newly painted bathroom and don't forget that Sunday is announcement day for my 
Michelle Jacobson giveaway...if you haven't entered yet, click HERE...

...two amazing original pieces up for grabs!

Kisses and love hugs.




  1. Wowie wow WOW!!! You've had a pretty EPIC week, girl! AS WELL YOU SHOULD! Ride the fame train as long as you can and enjoy every second of it, I know you've worked hard to make your visions come to life! I'm just grateful that we're lucky enough to witness it (c: Have a fantastic weekend, doll!

  2. You were AMAZING!!! I saw the episode yesterday and you did a wonderful job and your house is fantastic. So inspiring!!

  3. You are awesome, so wish I could see the clip so make it happen lady! Hope you get lots of rest this weekend. I continue to be thrilled for you!

  4. You were go great, a natural on camera! have a nice relaxing snow day indoors, and maybe have a nap, I deserve a little down time.

  5. Awww Yay! Need to work on getting that video though for us in the States. Really want to see it! So happy for you though. Have a great weekend doll.

  6. Ah, boo not being able to watch in the US! Anyways, I'm sure you were amazing. I loved the Q&A - lots of good tips in there. Congrats! xoxo

  7. HOW cool for you! I can't wait to see it!!!!!!

  8. Amazing and so excited for you Christine! Will watch the segment tonight when I get home!! Congrats on Best Blog!! Well deserved!

  9. Yay! Usually I end up not being able to watch things because I'm in Canada. I'm definitely checking out that segment when I get home tonight (right after I pour myself a nice glass of wine... priorities). :-)

    Congrats and have an awesome weekend!

  10. So exciting, can't wait to be able to see it Christine. Just so happy for you I'm smiling' :)

  11. Congratulations !!! That photo of your home is SO fabulous !!


  12. You are a super star!

    I agree with S&C - you would be an amazing HGTV show host!!! Send that clip off to some producers!!!

    I'd definitely start watching HGTV again!

  13. CONGRATS Christine! I am DYING to see it, so please find a way to get us a copy! Maybe use an iPhone to video your TV while it's playing? Kinda bootleg, but we're just dying to see it! Have a very happy weekend - you deserve it. Xoxo A&E

  14. Congrats!! Such a great story... sort of inspires me to do the same. Now I just have to convince the husband!!

  15. Congratulations! I can't wait too see the video when you next post it! xox

  16. All over your blog this evening! Christine, the interview was so great. Congrats to you! I also just entered that fantastic giveaway you're hosting. M.

  17. Congrats! Congrats!
    What a wonderful and productive year it's been for you, Bijou ;)
    it looks like 2012 is kicking off grandly!
    Cheers, Alcira

  18. Dearest Christine, Major kudos to you m'luv! I am a rabid ! fan of your blog and all links thereof. Please give me a hint on how youbsold all of your stuff online as my hubby is getting close to imploding ifvwe have to stuff another item in our storage unit!! I too tried to sell off all of my "French country" inspired furniture and accessories so I could devote my heart to all things colorful and contemporary. Not very successful, however. Again, major congrats to you and your incredible team. I cannot WAIT to see your kitchen transformation.

    Pinkest luv,

  19. PS pleez email DonnaG @ with any hints for selling off all current household goods!! I have a ton! Thanx <3.

  20. You go girl! I'm thrilled for you and what a way to start of the year! This is your year for sure! Congrats!! XX

  21. SO bummed I can't see the video :(
    But congrats love!

  22. Congratulations! You really do have one of the best blogs out there! Truly inspirational every time I read it. Can't wait to see more of your gorgeous re-decorated home!

  23. Congrats. Of course you're a best blog.

  24. OMG Christine, how fabulous!!! You certainly are a best blog :) Hope I'm able to see the segment soon. Congrats, sweetie! xoxo


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo