Thursday, January 12, 2012

It Happened....

Well boys and girls, it's official...#projectkitchengorgeous has been shot.

And what a shoot it was.

Thanks to the amazing team at Style at Home magazine, my beloved kitchen actually found a way to get pinker and prettier...I actually recall saying this mid-shoot to Meredith, as I literally tried to pick my jaw up off the floor...incredible.

The inspiring styling was done by the incredibly talented, Tara Ballantyne...this girl literally blew me away.

I knew I adored her the second she walked in with every pink flower known to man, a palate of homemade cupcakes, buckets of shiny accessories and a bevvy of pastel confectioneries...almost more pretty than I could comprehend.

Watching the photographer, Donna Griffith actually take the pictures, was also a true delight...such an experience to witness a true artist at work.

Meredith and I practically hung off of the computer screen, as her photographs appeared one by one...the attention to even the smallest detail, and the patience with which she waited for the absolute perfect shot...nothing to say but brilliant.

I literally can not wait for you all to see how Donna's amazing talent brought our little kitchen project life...her photographs honestly elevated an already pretty amazing space, to a place that I think, truly deserves it's spot in the spotlight.

A huge thank you as well to Ann Marie Favot, design editor extraordinaire...her vision of each shot and the story that will be #pkg, truly made the day one I will never forget.

I feel beyond honoured that our little project will grace the pages of one of my absolute favourite design magazines...and might even be lucky enough to grace the COVER..holy pancakes!

Style at Home...I thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart.

And of course, I have to say a very special thanks to the incredible Meredith Heron.

It's hard for me to believe that it has only been mere months since we met over Twitter, as I desperately reached out for help with my kitchen.

I feel so infinitely blessed to have had the chance to collaborate, share, and observe such a talent...Meredith took my vision and elevated it to a place I never knew it could go.

The word designer seems wholly inadequate in her case...Meredith truly is a maker of dreams and I count myself VERY lucky to have been her client...and even more so to be now count us as friends.

I'd be remiss if I didn't also send a huge warm hug to the suppliers and trades that provided us with such amazingly beautiful things to work with...Electrolux, Brizo, Griffin and Wong, Weaver and Loom....thank you, thank you.

And lastly, by certainly not least, a love filled barrel of gratitude to all of you...the incredible support you've all had for out little kitchen project has meant the absolute world to Meredith and I.

Our palpable excitement about sharing #PKG is in huge part, because of you....thank you for being so infinitely patient, for always encouraging and supporting, and for sharing this amazing journey with you to the moon for it.

I've also VERY excited to share that photographs of the rest of my house might also be be coming to a certain fabulous magazine near you soon....

stay tuned.

Oh and speaking of tuning, I promised a little TV reminder.

My little small screen debut is today on CBC (check listings in the US for network/time...I've heard it shows on the Live Well Network?) at 2pm EST....eek!!!

Hearts, kisses, thanks and piles gratitude.




  1. when does the issue come out? i can't wait to see it! i am so so drooling over your cabinets, and well, pretty much everything else, too.

  2. Sounds like an amazing experience! Congrats! Can't wait to see the photos!

  3. Congrats to you! It all looks beautiful! I can't wait to see more!

    Great way to start a new year!


  4. Congrats, congrats and congrats!! Your kitchen (and home) are one of the prettiest I have seen! I'll be watching today and look forward to seeing your home in print.

    You're an amazing example of what can happen when you put yourself out there via your blog and social media. Way to go Christine and Meredith!

  5. Every detail- incredible. You're right, it does deserve it's spot in the limelight. Adore all the styling. Excited to see finished product!

  6. So fabulous Christine! The Style At Home do have some magical powers & make you fall in love with your home even more. Sounds like you had a wonderful experience. Excited to see #PKG and the rest of your house in print!

  7. Sarah @lovelaughshopJanuary 12, 2012 9:02 AM

    Christine......beyond excited for you! Your kitchen is for SURE cover material!! I'll be watching you today for sure. Can't wait to see what's next for you! xoxo

  8. Congrats! Every little detail is just gorgeous. So much incredible styling!

  9. That marble is absolutely gorgeous. These little snapshots are such a tease - I can't wait to see the issue!! Fingers crossed for the cover! xoxo

  10. The marble, THOSE DRAWERS, everything - I am already blown away and can't wait to see the full editorial. I can only imagine the magic to come! Congrats again, well deserved!! xo

  11. The pictures are absolutely stunning. I am so excited for you. You and Meredith so deserve this. The two of you are a superstar team!!! And cover?!? Absolutely! I've been looking for your tv listing today and can't find anything. Do you know what channel your sister has found it on??

  12. congratulations! i adore all the pink, marble + leopard! stunning! xo

  13. Umm..aahhh! That is too much prettiness for one post- I can't handle it! Congrats!

  14. All that pink deliciousness, and pink tulips to boot.....these are some gorgeous pictures. And, yet just a glimpse of what we'll soon see.

    Thank you for taking us on this creative journey with you!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  15. Christine I have been just taking it all in!! The pink stemware and the gorgeous hardware are just two of the items that stood out for me!


    Art by Karena

  16. Oooh... I'm so excited to see the spread. The photos you posted here are amazing in and of themselves! Congratulations!!! xoxoxo

  17. !!!!! Cannot WAIT to see it!!! You are just too fabulous and deserve every goodness you've received! HUGE congrats Christine!! Can't wait to see where 2012 will take you!!! xoxo

  18. How exciting! After following PKG, I can't wait to see it in all of it's glory! The detail shots look out of this world!

  19. Amazing Christine! Your kitchen is gorgeous! Love all the details especially the brass and warm metals! Can't wait to see it in print!

  20. soooo happy for you! I can't wait to see my friend of long ago on tv today, and I can't wait to see your kitchen in print! ps I'm lusting over those golden handles (perhaps on a pantry door?)

  21. Congrats to you! I can't wait to see the issue - it's one of my fave mags too and if their usual interior styling is any indication, the styling of your space will look amazing :)

  22. Congrats Christine! This is your year girl! The campaign cabinetry with the marble is to die for!!!

  23. Finally! You've been teasing us with PKG too long. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to see i. Must have been such a fun day. What an experience!

  24. Oh Christine, I am just so thrilled for you! The kitchen looks so pretty and sparkly and feminine, I can't wait to see the whole thing revealed. So far it is unlike any other kitchen I have seen, and it has been amazing to follow all the careful thought and dreams that went into it. You and Meredith seem like a match made in heaven, if I ever had the budget for a project I would definitely give you girls a call! :)

  25. How exciting for you! Icing on the cake! Can't wait to see it in print - I amazed you were able to keep it under wraps for so long - I could never do that! As for the rest of your house, let me guess....could it be the other fabulous Canadian publication???

    I did say you were a rock star in my So Canadian eh? post about you? Well, you are my friend.

  26. your home is dreamy. i'm drooling! congratulations on your hard work!!

  27. soooo stunning Christine! I can't wait to see it in the magazine!

  28. I am drawing little hearts with my finger on my computer screen...I'm completely gaga over the little snippets, I can't even imagine the design coma this much sweetness is going to send me into!!! Excited doesn't even cover it. And speaking of cover, holy bejeebers, that is the *SHIZ* that your gorgeous space might be on the cover!!! I'm doing a special happy dance just for you, my dear!

  29. I am sooo excited to see your home. The sneek peek pics are amazing! Congratulations! It certainly looks as thought it deserves the cover spot :)

    The Klury Report & Kini Style

  30. SERIOUSLY??? Every detail is amazing! I can't wait to see the finished project. What a huge event biggest smooches!


  31. Good Lord!!! Please come down here and help me with my house!! You are so talented and we are DYING DYING to see the pics!!

  32. OMG OMG OMG. Just the photos you've posted here are unbelievable. Pretty sure I'm going to need to have a medic on hand when this thing is published. You and Meredith make an amazing team!!!!!! Fingers crossed for [whispering too] the cover!

  33. Congratulations Christine! Looking forward to seeing your kitchen in print -

  34. So excited to see your gorgeous kitchen in print! All the sneak peeks have been whetting my appettite for the most amazing kitchen reveal ever! xx

  35. I can't wait to see the pics in my Style at Home. What issue might it be in?? I"m also on the Live Well Network!

  36. So much beauty, it's drop dead stunning, Christine! I love it.

    I love what you have done with your Malm table and I am a massive fan of the animal print rug and soft furnishings. That drawer unit is so so lovely. Everything from the pink glassware to the door handles!!

    Congratulations on all the wonderful, exciting things that are happening in your world right now. xo

  37. wow. your home looks so amazing. take a moment and smell the roses (well, all those fabulous flowers in your home!). congrats.

  38. I'm so happy for you and I know first hand that you have one of the most beautiful kitchens I've ever seen! Congrats that the world will now get to see (and love) it with you too! xo

  39. Lovely shots dreamy and ethereal as usual, congrats! Looking forward for that issue. Cheers.
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  40. Sooo amazing! How awesome for you, Christine! Can't wait to see more :) I'm sure my jaw will drop too!


  41. I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to stop by but I'm sooooo happy I popped over here today. Your house is a dream. The styling/photography is delightful! I am all ready to move in!! Off to share some of these gorgeous photos on Tumblr with the rest of the world!! xo

  42. Wow!!! It looks beyond gorgeous! And I saw you on Steven and Chris! What a fabulous segment! You were great... so natural... (and I loved the red top!)

  43. Yay! Congratulations to you!! I cannot wait to see the spread and also check out the show! :)

  44. HEY Christine - SO PROUD of you. Those images look so fantastical!! Well done you!


  45. Oh my goodness...I need you come help me...stat! Haha

  46. Congratulations Christine! So excited to see the pics in the magazine. Donna Griffith is amazing!

  47. beautiful. Words cannot describe!

  48. Cannot wait to see the photos that were taken. I am sure it is going to take my breath away.
    SO exciting!

  49. Holy crap I cannot wait to see more!!! Your house is amazing and so I can only imagine its awesomeness with some professional styling and photos!!! Yay for you!!!

  50. Congrats Christine! I'm sure you did just fine! Your home is so gorgeous! I'll have to scour the internet for the video!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo