Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Fancies - Night Out

Well it must be raining Rubik's Cubes...

because I'm going out tonight.

And by that, I mean I'll be downtown and sans kids until tomorrow!!!!

My sweet husband bought me a night in a fancy hotel/day at the spa for Mother's Day and I'm cashing in.


To start the fun, I'm going to...

pour myself some yummy bevies...and will totally look like Ms. boobs/flat tummy while doing it...well not really but one can dream.

Next, I'm going to...

soak for a few mintues hours so that I'm nice and ready for a night on the town...

One of my best girlfriends is meeting me for dinner and then is going to join me again tomorrow morning for the spa goodness.

To say that I'm excited about waking up all alone and doing nothing but this for a few hours...

is a GIANT understatement.

I can't fucking wait.
{sorry for the sweers but it's the only way to adequately express how much I'm looking forward to the morning of peace and quiet.}

I'm not quite sure what I'll be wearing tonight for the dinner/night out portion but in my dream land, it would be this...

but that's probably not realistic...I'm not going cotillion in 1945 after all.

So instead, I'd love to be covered in this prettiness...

but it's also likely not an option...turns out I don't have thousands of dollars these days for outfits...go figure.

In any event...I'll definitely have clothes on.

And I'll be having beaucoup amounts of peace/fun/alcohol/food/relaxation.

Je suis excited.

I hope you all have a fabboat weekend.

To start it off right, make sure you visit the lovely {av} and have a peak at the rest of this week's fancy ensembles.

I'll see you back here tomorrow with the winner of the Clover Chen giveaway...if you haven't yet entered, you can click HERE.

And make sure you also check back in on Sunday- a new/fabulous Style in 7 will be up!!




  1. HAVE FUN! Much deserved and sounds amazing!

  2. Have fun hunnie...I think I need a spa day/week/month, lol:)

    A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  3. Oooo, that sounds awesome! You sure know how to celebrate some time to yourself. And great photo choices! That floor-length frock is fantastic. Makes me want to throw a 1945-cotilion-themed party. People do that, yes?

  4. Have fun!!!! I LOVE spa weekends. In fact, I think I'm entirely overdue for one myself =)

  5. that jacket looks amazing! TGIF!

  6. I'm excited for you! Have the best time and overeat/drink one for me!

  7. That sounds like the ULTIMATE luxury. Especially that part about waking up and having alone time for a few hours...


  8. Have fun! Want to hear all about it on Monday. :)

  9. Looks like you're going to have a fab night out! You go girl! I'm a little jealous. :)

    Camila Faria

  10. That sounds sooo nice. Nothin better than doin nothing!

  11. There is really nothing better...and I'm pretty sure that millions of dollars couldn't make me look like Miss boobs/flat stomach, but hey, I would trade that for a night out/day at the spa and be totally happy...for like, at least 48 hours (c: Have so much fun, lady!!!

  12. I loved this post, you are one funny woman. HAVE the most amazing time!!! What a rare treat, I probably wouldn't even want to sleep. Janell

  13. Sounds like an AMAZING weekend to yourself! Enjoy every last bit. :)

  14. Have a GREAT time this weekend!

    That outfit is amazing!!! The blazer...and the heels...and the it!

  15. Now this sounds like fun...and well deserved! You go and have yourself a great time, and relaaaax. Loving the outfit!!

  16. Can't think of a soul who deserves it more Momma! Enjoy your 24 hours of bliss, I'm jealous. Oh to wake up all alone?? Sounds nice.

  17. Love this look. Especially the blazer, bag, and shoes.

    Visit me at

  18. I'm hosting an exchange student and i understand how important it is just to have 5 minutes along w/o the questions, the noise, the talking. I feel yah. I loved everything about this post. It was so beautiful.

  19. Hope you're enjoying yourself! A night alone and a day of spa services sounds absolutely dreamy right now, plus some delish cocktails...heaven.

  20. Enjoy your night and day away! It is heavenly waking up alone in a hotel sans enfants! Enjoy my friend :)

  21. That sounds pretty perfect. Have a fab time!

  22. you so flipping cute. i hope you have a marvelous time and get to frolick in your skivvies like the hot lady as much as you like. :)

  23. What a wonderful husband you have! Love the outfit you have planned - those pants are fab!! Have an amazing time! xx

  24. Love the photo journey of events as you prepare for your evening! Hope it was wonderful!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo