Friday, October 7, 2011

One Kings Lane - The Sale

You should have seen me double fisting my wine glass and credit card at 9 pm last night when this started....

{PS, how excited am I that my living room shot is the button...that would be VERY.}

To be honest, I was a total nervous wreck...putting a collection of things you love out there for the world to judge is a little well, scary...I seriously hit refresh on my computer screen every 30 seconds for the first hour, praying to Jesus that people liked the 23 trinkets I was offering up.

In case you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, here's my little curated pile of pretty stuff...

Thankfully, a lot of it has already sold and I'm so excited for the people who now own some of my absolute favourite things.
Though I'm a little was very hard saying goodbye to the chandeliers, floral vases, brass deer and Leigh Viner originals...VERY VERY hard...oh and dogs...I loooveeed those pooches...whoever already has or might buy these're a lucky pants.

I'm also not loving whoever has or gets these things...


So what about you?
Did you see anything you absolutely had to have?
Anyone make a purchase?

This has honestly been such an honour for me and I think One Kings Lane for thinking me, worthy of the task.
To be in a group of such fabulous ladies....

Design-Blogger Tag Sale

and to be part of such an amazing event...well that's butter my friends.

You can click HERE to view everything that's still up for grabs...lots of fabulous!

Well my friends, it's been a pretty swell 24 hours for this cat...both because of the above but even more so because of the amazing comments you all left yesterday...they honestly filled my heart to the brim.
I can't thank you enough for continuing to be the most supportive group of people I have ever had the pleasure to know.

I heart you like chocolate donuts.

And don't forget, because I luv you that much...this original painting from the ridiculously talented 
Brent Shreiber, could be yours....

Just leave a comment HERE and your automatically entered.

Happy Friday all and to my Canadian friends, yah for Turkey weekend!!




  1. Dear Christine,

    It was so great to see you all up there last night! I loved your offering--the bar car to die for (wish I had a place for it!) WHat fun you must have had seeing it all up there--congratulations! xxBarbara

  2. What fun and congrats!! What great items! Janell

  3. p.s. love the I know why you wanted to know if I still had copies of your living room photos!! :) LOVE that ROOM!

  4. This is so fun to see!! have a great eye!! Take care, Caroline

  5. What an exciting day for you. I had a peek at the OKL Sale, you know you're doing something right when most of your picks are gone! What a great selection of goodies. I also just read your blog from Yesterday... Happy Blogiversary.

  6. Congratulations, Christine! What an absolute honor. You are very deserving to be a part of the fabulous line up of bloggers! How exciting! :) Your living room is gorgeous! Have a great weekend! and enjoy an extra glass of wine this weekend, after all that work!

  7. My internet is back up and running, going to check the sale now! DYING over everything you showed here!

  8. Congrats!! So excited for you, your pieces are/were absolutely stunning!

  9. What fabulous pieces you offered! I love your brass deer and that glass and brass bar cart! Congrats on all the sales!!

    xo Allison
    Spicer + Bank

  10. Congratulations Christine!!! Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

  11. It was such a great sale! Sadly I couldn't buy because I just spent all my money on some fabulous new fabric for my living room chairs. I could tell exactly which ones were yours though. You have such a unique style. Congrats, it looks like it was a huge success!

  12. Love pretty much everything you had in there hot stuff. You're amazeballs.

  13. why am i not surprised that EVERYTHING you have i lust over? you're like my design guru :) i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i'll be able to snag something!

  14. How exciting, Christine! I saw you on there and was so happy for you! And I love that your living room is the button :) Happy weekend, lovely xx

  15. You sold the Christopher Farr fabric! You've come a long way since you bought that from me. I am so proud to "know" you! Keep rockin' it! xo

  16. I knew that milky chandelier must be yours - so so so much pretty in your pile! Hope it all sells out soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. nice post, gr8 blog and pics bdw come around and check awt my fashion blog n lets follow each other lyk twitter :)

  18. I was totally double fisting my wine and card too. The Brno chairs were gone in like one second as well as everything else I loved. Then I hit refresh and saw that someone chickened out on Brnos so I put them in my cart,bit my lip, closed my eyes and bought them. We are having Ramen noddles for dinner.

  19. You had such a fabulous offering of goodies! Congrats again for being part of it. Have a great weekend, Christine! xoxo

  20. Yes! I was totally right about 3/4 of the things that I guessed were yours! (c: Whoever picks those beauties up gets a piece of Christine swag? Priceless. Have a great relaxing weekend, girl, you deserve it! Absolutely AMAZING sale!

  21. I wish I could purchase everything...UGH!

  22. Everything is awesome! New follower here, what a fabulous blog!


  23. YAY! I am so happy to hear so many of your items are sold, even though it's hard to part with them it's amazing!!! Congrats to you Christine, what a very well deserved honor. And PS. Your items are completely gorg and so VERY you!
    Nancy xo

  24. Just discovered your blog via the sale. Lovely!


  25. So many wonderful and chic items. Seriously great taste all of you have! Love all your goodies and I can see they were all a big hit. So exciting, congrats!!

  26. So happy for you and your success! You really selected some stunning pieces. Congrats again!

  27. Love all of your chic items - you have such exquisite taste. So excited to see you in this fabulous blog line up - big congrats to you lady!!! xxx

  28. what a beautiful collection of goodies. Congratulations!

  29. OHHHH, I am SO pissed I missed this. I was in the throws of directing movers, but wish I was able to enjoy all your choices on OKL instead. So excited for you. VERY cool!

  30. I can't believe I missed this--this is just more proof that I should not disappear off the blog world for a week!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo