Saturday, October 8, 2011

Style at Home - Thanksgiving

To my Canadian pals, happy almost Thanksgiving lovebunnies.

I love turkey time...though we might have steaks this year...a new oven that I don't really know how to use yet + large turkey and company = possible disaster...I have served a raw bird before and not so sure I want to go down that road again.

I'm also iffy on the whole seasonal decorating thing...I'm not a 'themey' person and the colour schemes you're 'supposed' to use are usually not my cup of chai tea...Valentine's Day pink/red is an exception but let's face it, who has the time or inclination to decorate for that one...hubster is lucky to get a box of chocolates.
Anyhoo...when it comes to Thanksgiving, I'm definitely not about to dive down the pumpkin, orange/yellow rabbit hold...just not my bag.
However, I might consider doing a little 'gentle decorating'...this is a term I use to describe a subtle reference to the season rather than a 'I'm going to put holiday chachkies on every possible open surface' sort of thing.

I've got people arriving tomorrow so any zhushing that's going to happen, will take place today.
Knowing this, I had a look around for some inspiration and was pleased as punch when I found
a pile of ideas over on the Style at Home website.
The genius folks over there have compiled some of their favourite looks, tablescapes and recipes for fall and you know what, I enjoy them...I'm definitely contemplating attempting a few of these things for my big dinner/company extravaganza on Sunday.

Loving these as inspiration for my Thanksgiving party party...

Pretty right?
The Marimekko tablecloth is kind of something the bold pattern.
And the wine spread...well...that's a no brainer...delish.

I think I'm going to take my cue from the the pale soft palate of the pie beside the peaches...camel and peachy blush...that could work.
Keep in mind that my family will be seeing my newly renovated kitchen for the first time so whatever I do will have to work with the pink and gold that's well...everywhere.
I'm thinking whites and creams, with hits of very pale orange...aka blush.
Did you catch the subtle Thanksgiving palate?
In my world yellow and orange can so totally morph into cream and soft peach...I'm so sticking to the theme...ha!

I'm loving that pink and gold shot and also quite taken with some of the more natural elements above...though there probably won't be any sticks at my place...I'm just not not a dead branch kind of girl....unless I spray them gold that is;)

Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

PS...I'm thankful for you boys and girls.




  1. Happy Turkey weekend! LOVE Thanksgiving. Good luck with the decorating and cooking.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I am LOVING that tablecloth!! I too struggle from seasonal decorating disorder. Just figuring out how to decorate for halloween for my kids while not compromising style. Less is best in my book:)

  3. Have a wonderful thanksgiving! I too tend towards the more subtle holiday decor, with two exceptions: the odd bit of tackola Halloween (mostly for the kids sake) and as you probably saw last year I go WAY overboard at Christmas. I make up for my lack of seasonal decor the rest of the year with a no apologies, massively overboard, bring it on Xmas puked up in my house extraveganza. PS my hubs doesn't even really like xmas....what was he thinking when he married me? lol

  4. Happy Turkey Day Dear :)) I want to jump at that cheese platter right now!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! Know whatever you do will be lovely!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you! Forget the turkey, I'd be happy with the wine and cheese!

  7. I couldn't agree more about not feeling the themey decorating or colors that go with seasonal decor. And, not to mention - where do people store all of this stuff after the fact? I just can't bring myself to do much other than Christmas unless like you, it's fairly subtle and not much. Love your color solution. Enjoy your holiday and guests! Thank you so much for commenting on my guest post on Aubrey's blog!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo