Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Blogiversary to Me...and a Giveaway and a OKL Sale

Well love buns, it's day 365 here on B&B.

One year ago today, I took a giant plunge in the deep end and posted this...

Sure it was kind of lame but it held within a few short sentences, the promise of something huge...something that would truly, change my life...god that sounds like a gross cliche but it's true.

When I started this blog I had ZERO, and I mean no idea how much it would come to mean to me.
I naively thought that I'd post some pretty pictures, pretend to know what I was talking about and maybe, just maybe, a few people would leave some nice comments.

What I didn't have a know/realize/have any flipping idea about was how much this little pocket of cyber space would mean to me.
It really has changed the way I look at my voice.
This blog has forced my brain to exercise in a way I didn't even know it's taken my fat, lazy creativity and whipped it back into the kind of shape sweaty yoga would do to my ass if I had any desire on god's green earth to let it do so.
PS on that 37, I'm officially choosing face over ass...(thanks Meredith for that piece of genius)...for you 20somethings out there, you'll know what I'm talking about WAY sooner than you think.

B&B has become the avenue in which I allow myself to feel me.
It's shown me paths I had no idea's given me friends I would never have known and already thank multiple dieties for.

Bijou and Boheme is and continues to be the daily love diary of yours truly and I thank you from the absolute pits of my heart for liking it and for liking me...really at the end of the day, that's what it all comes down to isn't it? 
We all want people to like appreciate really see us...thank you, thank you for being the best kind of remind me daily how truly amazing and huge and yet small the world is.
I love you endlessly for it.

And to say ta in a big warm love ball kind of way, I have a little treat.

A few weeks ago I made a pretty fabulous purchase.
In a moment of impulse, I emailed an artist and practically begged him to sell me one of his paintings.
This arrived literally hours later...

portrait painting of young woman listening to god on headphones framed glicee print

And I smiled- big.
The imagery, the realism, the message of this piece...just so good.
That girl actually feels like me...well not actually 'me'...she's like 20 and has a WAY better chin than I do but...I see how I think and dream echoed very clearly in those brush strokes.

{I warn you know that I'm about to go way in the deep end with the mush....if you want to look away, I totally understand.}

I honestly feel like B&B has become my way of 'listening'...I've finally put those giant headphones on and heard what the big guy/girl/Kahuna in the sky is saying.
And for that, I am grateful beyond words.

To thank you all for your part in making this blog such a fabulously special thing to me, I've decided to offer up 'Listen' as a present...and just to be totally open and honest, I have thought about keeping this loveliness over the past few days... multiple times...just look at it on my fireplace... I said, it's special and you're special so I'm GIVING IT AWAY!!

To win this amazing 12x12 original, please just leave a comment below telling me why you love it.
That's extra entries for doing anything...just say hi and cross your fingers...oh and please do visit the amazing shop of Brent Schreiber and make him one of your Etsy favourites- he deserves it...for that I'll give you an extra two in total:)

I'll draw for the winner on Sunday.

And with that, I'm sending you one last giant I adore you kiss.
Thank you for making Bijou and Boheme what it is...a place I love and I sincerely hope you do to.

Oh and because it's one splendid kind of day, don't forget that tonight is zee BIG night...the
Design-Blogger Tastemaker Sale...

on One King's Lane goes live at exactly 6 PST/9 EST...set your clocks...this pile of boxes is set and ready to be delivered...

and I promise you, there's plenty a pretty inside...and I SO hope you like it all.

I'm also quite sure that the 8 other bloggers taking part will have curated the shit out of their collections.

Hope your credit cards are ready on the Freddy.

I love you.




  1. So inspirational! It's easy to hear, but hard to listen. Hearing ought to illicit action - thanks for acting on your own intuition - we're all better because you did! Congrats on your blogiversary - what a great year - I'm glad to 'know' 'ya!

  2. Once I saw an interview with Steven Spielberg where someone asked him what do you think God will say to you when you die? And he said God would say, 'Thanks for listening.' I think that creativity comes from a higher source. Congratulations on your blog!

  3. congrats on your blog....a true inspiration for me! Love the intensity of the painting and I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  4. Christine, you are truly amazing. You are such a talented person who talent has now been discovered by thousands of people through your blog. I have lucky to have met you through it all. Congratulations on this milestone. I am beyond excited for your sale tonight!

  5. Congrats Christine! You are an inspiration to so many. What an exciting way to celebrate your blogiversary - with a OKL shopping party & a giveaway. Hope there's lots of time for some champagne toasts today.

  6. Thank you for reminding me just why I love coming here! First you are welcome, second congrats and third its all well deserved. Love your humor, wit take on style and design and clearly so do gobs of other people. Funny you said love diary, I was explaining to a friend who doesn't "get" why I blog why I enjoy it so much and used that term "love diary" because I really do love it and the day I stop is the day the blog stops (hopefully never).
    Love your advice to all those 20 something's...oh yea, you bet your day will come. I am all for concentrating on the face:)
    And last what a giveaway....a generous and thoughtful one because this is something that means something to you.
    I like it because it reminds me of the power of music. Few things can transform my mood and spirit like music can and this picture reminds me of that.
    Great post Christine and best of luck with the sale!! XO

  7. I am so excited about OKL tonight!
    That is a big deal and I cannot wait to see what you have picked.

  8. Congratulations! You are a huge inspiration to me. You make my creative side exercise in ways that it never has before. I appreciate all of your inspiration.

    I love that painting! I'd die for her cheekbones...

  9. What a lovely post! You, my lady, have taken this here blog world by storm, and I LOVE it!
    Congratulations on an amazing year - and to think this is only your first!
    alison g.

  10. Congrats! Hope you continue for many many more ;)

  11. Oh Christine you are so wonderful. As I was reading I was loving everything you were saying and feeling like you were talking right to me. Which is the point right? That's why you're such a successful person at life. You rock.

    And MAJOR fingers crossed that I win :)

  12. so well said Christine, this was beautiful and so meaningful. congrats on your first amazing year, very glad you took the plunge! xo

  13. Congrats! And thanks for such a generous giveaway, more like a gift! A great piece -- I added him to my favorites!

  14. Well Congratulations for a spectacular year! I for one and so glad you started blogging!
    Can't wait for the OKL sale!

    And I just about died over the artwork you are giving away. What an incredible artist and this particular piece is so powerful! Definately visiting the shop!

  15. Just one year, amazing! Congrats, you do a wonderful job here! Janell

  16. Congrats Christine on a spectacular year and it's only the beginning for you! Looking forward to the sale - I'm sure you will be all sold out in minutes!

  17. I love it when you get mushy. Congratulations to you. May year #2 bring even more surprises, successes and new challenges.

    As for the art... breathtaking. And honestly I've been looking for a black and white piece in just that size. (I've also been on a bit of a quest of spirituality) So I must say this piece is perfect for me!

  18. Happy Anniversary! I too have started a major love affair with's sweet that you're having a giveaway to celebrate;) xo

  19. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting and this post was just fabulous!! You are just the best Christine :D I remember reading your blog before I started my own and when you started following my blog a month or two after I started it, I remember I was SO excited that YOU were following my blog. You are just a fabulous person and I cannot wait to see what's in store for your second year!!

    That print is just so lovely and it would look lovely in my new room :) (Maybe beside an original LV from the OKL sale?? SO SO SO excited for that tonight!! My train homes gets in at 8, so I should be home in time for 9pm. :D!!!!)


  20. The blogosphere just wouldn't be the same without B & B. Here's to many, many more fabulous posts!

  21. You have accomplished SO much in a year! I am so glad I got to be a part of most of it. You really are amazing :)

  22. Congrats on one big fat year! I can't believe it's already been a year since I saw your announcement on FB and I got sooo excited that you have a blog too. I'm off to check out the OKL goodies (although sad that us Canuckles can't easily purchase =(

  23. Congrats on a wonderful year, I am in love with your blog! :)

  24. Congratulations, Cristine! It's amazing how much you have accomplished in just one year! I am so happy for you. Looking forward to the One King's Lane sale.

    What a lovely and thoughtful giveaway!

    Have a great day!

    P/S: I am hosting a fabulous giveaway, too. Come by and enter for a chance to win a designer beach umbrella (worth $110) by Cocopani Australia!


  25. Congratulations, this post is so touching. I'm currently decorating my first post-college apt and although I dont have a ton of money to spend on orignal art, I wish I did-a piece like this, with so much meaning behind it would be a great addition to my walls

  26. This day is *EPIC*! Blogiversary and Tastemakers sale??? Okay, I'm going to get mushy on you, have been warned! I can't tell you how much I love your bloggy and you as one of my blogging buddies. You are one of the most sincere, hilarious, and supportive bloggers that I have the pleasure of knowing...and one of the most talented...all of these wonderful things coming your way are because you are truly gifted and really do have an amazing voice in this crazy blogosphere. Smooches, my dear, looking forward to the rollercoaster of many more fab posts with adorable swearing (c: And you already know that I think that art is *INSANE*...I need it! I'm a really religious person and how hard is it to find a piece about God that isn't cliche or tacky or just not "YOU"?? This piece is amazing...I need, I *want*, I COVET!!!

  27. Sorry about that novel there, sweets...and I of course favorited the genius Brent (c:

  28. Love & adore the painting but I love you more. AS I have told you so many times I am amazed by your drive and determination, you have great things ahead of you my dear and I am so lucky to be along for the ride thanks to the blog & twitter friendship. Happy bloggy birthday to you!! xoxo

  29. congrats on a fabulous one year christine!

  30. What a lovely post Christine. The reason why everyone loves your blog not only for the extreme visual treat! That image is something I need today...think God sometimes need to the megaphone in your ear, to keep all the other noise out.
    xx Jill

  31. How wonderfully exciting for you my dear. Your blog is absolutely amazing and I love visiting every day. Can't wait for that sale tonight!

  32. Congrats Christine!!! Like I said before: you are a blog superstar! You put my little blog to shame - I need to inject a bit of style and sass. Funny I started mine 2 years ago today, will post tomorrow! But as for your giveaway - fabulous! Thanks for giving it up!

    Many hugs to you, you have a great future ahead. I agree with you, the blog has opened up so much, and has allowed us to just be "us". For that I am grateful and blessed!

  33. Christine, Only one year?! Happy Aniversary, such an inspiring blog!

  34. what an absolutely fantastic post! Happy Blogiversary to you!

  35. I would say it's been quite the year for you! This is only the beginning and know there are great things waiting to happen for you! Thanks for taking us all along for the ride. You are the best! xo

  36. We are so glad you took the plunge too! You've become a daly inspiration for and plenty others. I look forward to the OKL sale and I hope I win the giveaway! I love this particular piece because of all the detail it has, it's the meticulous aspect of it that draws me in.

  37. Congratulations on your anniversary. I love how the girl's face seems so intense, yet you can't even see her eyes. I imagine they could burn a hole through you.

  38. Just went & "favorited" Brent on etsy.

  39. Congratulations, Christine! Thank you for sharing with us everyday! Here's to many more fabulous years blogging...xoxo

  40. Such lovely words! Your blog has brought me so much joy and inspiration in the last year. Happy Blogiversary, darling!

  41. so amazing. congrats, christine!! it's so clear you put your heart and soul into this blog and it's why so many people love it! well, that, and your insane taste.

    super excited to check out the tastemaker sale!


  42. WOW. I cannot believe you have only been blogging for a year. Your blog is so professional and so put together. This post is so inspirational to me, I've only been blogging for 3 months now and sometimes you wonder if anyone even listens!

    That brings me to why I love the painting. It ultimately doesn't matter if everyone else listens, but if I am listening to my inner thoughts, and strive for the plans the higher power has for me, then there is no way I can't succeed. I hope that my blog helps me become a better person, and maybe inspire others just as your blog has. I would love to have this piece! It would be a constant reminder :)


  43. Congrats Christine!!! You inspire so many of us on a daily bases. Continue doing what you do, lovely! xoxo

  44. the back of that dress is stunning! love the painting! just stumbled across your blog but i'm so happy for you!
    xo TJ

  45. It's really hard to believe that you and other bloggers that I've been following have only been blogging a year, it probably feels like 5! But in all honesty, blogging allows you to find your voice and to find your little niche in this wild blogosphere. You've obviously found yours and it's been a lot of fun to follow along with you. I often think back to my very first post and chuckle as well, but amazing how it just gets to be...comfortable. So congrats to you and very excited to see what year 2 will bring - **cling of champagne glasses**

  46. Who is the large picture in the back by? From just the bit I can see, it looks beautiful.

  47. Since you posted this yesterday I have fallen in love. I want this so bad. This is the best giveaway ever and I'm crossing my fingers and toes!!!

    Congrats on ur blogging anniversary! You have an amazing blog!

  48. Dina Eisenberg| DinaLovesOctober 06, 2011 3:01 PM

    It's your anniversary- congrats!- and I feel like *I* got the gift.

    Your blog is evocative, expressive and so darned beautiful. You inspire me to make my remodeling/lifestyle blog just as much fun.

    Bask in the glow- you so earned it!

    Warmly Dina

  49. I love your blog. I started blogging at the beginning of the year with a similar thought in mind, to contribute to a diary that will force "my brain to exercise" and foster my creative potential.
    I also wanted (want) to connect with other people that have similar interest and passion for beautiful things, places and moments. There is nothing quite like feeling connected to people that share similar interests, it's the best creative fuel. I have a long way to go but reading your blog everyday is very inspiring!
    I love the Brent Schreiber piece because it's beautiful and well executed, but mostly because it's tied to your story which I find very inspirational and motivating!
    Congrats on your anniversary!!!

  50. Happy anniversary! I love the painting, it makes me think about needing to put my God earphones on instead of always listening to people.

  51. I can't believe it's only been a year! You've accomplished so much! And I only see more great things in your future! Xo

  52. Such a sweet and inspirational post :) Listen is a beautiful work of art but even if I won I'd want you to keep it, it seems to mean so much to you! <3

  53. I'm so proud of all that you've accomplished with this blog and have been continually impressed by your courage to trust your instincts and follow your heart. I read this quote from Steve Jobs today which reminded me of you. xoxox, your proud sister
    "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."

  54. Hi my love. Congratulations on your first (of many, I'm sure) anniversary in the blog biz. I can't tell you how proud I am of you and what you've been able to accomplish in such a short time.

    Love you!


  55. Happy Anniversary Darling! I sure am glad you decided to have this pretty little blog as it is my VERY favorite :-)

  56. A huge, giant congratulations - to another 365!

    Andrea x

  57. aaaah, hubby's comment is so sweet!!! I'm so grateful you started this blog and I 'met' are fabulous and thank you for sharing the fabulous with us!

  58. you truly have a fabulous blog!! additionally, i LOVE your tastmaker tag sale!


  59. I LOVE this piece of art! It sends such a great message! It's a great reminder to not only hear, but to LISTEN to Him. Muffle everything else out and hear his voice! So great!

  60. Happy Blog Birthday Christine!! I am so happy you did start this as I consider you so dear to my heart, I love your posts, your inspiration and support more then you can know...

    All my best to you the next 365 days and beyond and omg so excited for tonight!

    Also so love that painting!


  61. I loved this. I've been following your blog since you first started and it's a bit of the best part of my days. I'm so glad you took that leap a year ago. As for the is truly amazing. I feel that the art in addition with your post is a message to me as I'm teetering on the brink of wanting to essentially follow in your footsteps. I'd be thrilled if I could accomplish a blog even half as wonderful as yours!

  62. Big congratulations to you! I feel exactly the same way about my blog which will be a year old in Jan....or is it Feb? always get back what you put in (or give)... I'm a firm believer in that. You have obviously worked very diligently to gain an audience and have succeeded....mine is your 63 comment on this post. Keep it up!
    ( almost 54... It's all about the face....and the smile)

  63. congratulations!!!! happy bloggervasry. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  64. Wow, Lady, what a fabulous first year! Congrats on all the goodness that has come your way and is still to come!!!

  65. Happy anniversary and congratulations on your first year of kick-ass blogging. I'm so happy that I've discovered not only you, but also all of the great artists and designers you've featured. Cheers!

    (I love "Listen" because it embodies one of my most earnest prayers, to keep my heart open to God.)

  66. uugghhh! just missed a great painting on OKL! The only thing that would make it better would be to win this great piece. This would be perfect to look at every morning to remind me to be still and listen. Congrats on a year. I love your blog!

  67. Congratulations Christine! One year and no end in sight. You are a true inspiration. Best of luck with the sale.
    Christine xo
    PS I chose face over ass too! ;-D

  68. I love the look on her face. It's so bad ass!

  69. Happy Blog Birthday! Off to check out One King Lane!

  70. your post almost made me cry! I'm so happy to have "met" you through the blogosphere and every word rang true for me
    Happy blogoversary Christine!

  71. Christine - you have a gift and I'm so glad you started this blog to share it all with us. Congratulations on a phenomenal year. I've enjoyed getting to know you online and in real life. Most of all, I'm happy you've found your voice (or rather your way of listening) through blogging... I guess that's what all of us bloggers are trying to achieve really, right? Best wishes for more blogging years filled with joy. xoxo.

  72. Happy blogiversary Christine and congrats on all your achievements!! X

  73. Congrats sweet Christine. I can't believe you have only been blogging for a year... you've done some amazing things...and speaking of.. congrats on the One Kings Lane. So exciting.. I loved your pics! Have a great weekend!

  74. Happy happy blog birthday! We started not too far apart:) Your insight is fantastic- I love the "choosing face over ass" part! :)

  75. OK, first off: Happy Birthday to this fab blog! What a year!!!! Secondly...OKL, OMG!!!! Seriously crushing HARD on your picks, and really thinking about the pair of crystal flush mount chandeliers...LOVE! OK, off to ogle them so more! Congrats on everything Miss B+B!!

  76. wowowow. one year? i thought you had been around much longer. such an accomplished blogger! happy for your success, friend!

  77. First of all - sorry for our lack of commenting the past few weeks - we've both started new jobs - has been craziness! Most importantly - we want to CONGRATULATE you on your one year blog-a-versary! Christine we couldn't be more prouder into what you've made your gorgeous blog into. and... I can't wait to check out your OKL sale - what a HUGE step in your career! xoxoxo A&E

  78. happy birthday--I can't believe its only been a year! I've loved following you and so happy for your success! xxBarbara

  79. How beautiful and inspiring! I can't believe you are parting with her. Congratulations on "hearing" AND doing!

  80. Congrats on your blog! I'm a new follower, but I think I may have to stick around :) very beautiful post

  81. Oh the places you'll go...I am so thrilled and happy for you! Becoming friends has been such an honor, you are truly talented and here's to another great year! Love ya girl!

  82. Oh and p.s. I totally want that art! Fabulous!

  83. Congratulations on your anniversary and OKL! So excited for you!! xxKelly

  84. HAPPY BLOGGY-B-DAY Christine!!! What a wonderful thing, you have come so so so far in only 1 year, you should be crazy proud! I love follwing your blog, it has been so much inspiration to me. But even more importantly is how thankful I am that because of this crazy little blog world we were able to 'meet' eachother from across the country and I now have a friend in you. Thank you for one year of fabulous inspiration!!
    Nancy xo

  85. Happy BLOG B-DAY!!! Congratulations on your absolutely gorgeous sale and a full years worth incredibly stylish and well put together pieces of your talent! I only recently met you through the midst of starting my way in the industry and I know I will continue to follow your blog. I'm officially Hooked! Thank you so much for all you do! :) CC DeuxVie

  86. You towtally ROCK! Congratulations, congratulations! I don't comment often, but I do come by a lot cuz your space is so inspiring!

  87. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Not to sound lame, but I love the "realness" of the painting....makes me wonder what exactly she is hearing.

  88. Congratulations Christine on your blog anniversary! Your blog is one of my daily reads and each time I visit I am always left feeling inspired - you are one of a kind lady!!! Much love xx

  89. Happy Blog Day! Nice post and so generous of you to offer up your Oprah of you.

  90. Congratulations and Happy Blog Anniversary!!! I started following you recently and I'm surprised to hear that you've only been doing this for a year - you're a natural! Many happy returns!

  91. Wow! That painting is insanely amazing, just love it!

  92. I am in love with that painting!! Amazing:)

  93. Congrats on your milestone! You said it so perfectly - blogging really does change our lives! Love this painting!

  94. congrats christine!! I absolutely adore your blog and love how thoughtful this giveaway is. it's an amazing piece and will keep my fingers crossed :)

    looking forward to year 2!

  95. "be still and know..." absolutely love this piece of art! Happy one year!!!!

  96. This was such a great post... I even teared up a little reading it! Congrats on a spectacular year, and looking forward to what's still to come!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo