Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I've Got My Eye on You...and a Lecture

I think you already know this...I have a LARGE addiction to pretty art.

If I was a rich bastardess, I'd fill my walls from floor to ceiling with original fabulouness.

But sadly, I'm just a regular girl with a less than noteworthy bank account, which means I can't just run around all willy nilly, buying whatever strikes my fancy...I know it might seem like I do that, but really, I don't...not all the time anyways;)

In any event, I adore good pictures and there's a few I'm lusting after at the moment.


This one is called Argos and is one of the amazing photographs currently for sale in Lonny's Etsy shop.
I die over it.
The soft mint and pink...the regal just must be mine.
Don't you think I need this?

I'm also redonkulously smitten with this number...

portrait painting of young woman listening to god on headphones framed glicee print

It's called 'Listen' and I think it's brilliant.
The detail and realism of the striking.
The artist is Brent Schreiber and he's well...VERY talented...if you're taste runs into the more subversive/edgy category, he's your guy.

Butterfly / tiny canvas  print

I've loved this little piece of magic from Tush Tush for like...EVER.
Called 'Butterfly' it's just so enchanting...the colouration, the subtle 20s vibe...I simply adore it.
And good's now MINE...HA!
It's propped up on my fireplace at the moment...will show you some pictures when I get that room back together.

Current - Fashion Illustration Art Print

Leigh Viner's newest piece...have you noticed yet that I have a small LV addiction...I swear my house is turning into her Canadian flagship gallery...I think I'm up to 7 of her pieces but what's one more right?
I mean how can I not get this yellow/black dot piece of perfection....aptly named 'Current'- PS, Current, I currently want you.

The point of all this is that I want all of these things and if I bought them all, guess what...
I'd still be OK.
These are original pieces of art that are affordable and PS, freaking fabulous!

There is zero, and I mean zero, need to buy crappola mass produced shit that's screen printed onto canvas in a lame attempt to look like pseudo original artwork.

Buy these things instead- OK...please?
I'll like you more and your house will look better.

And just because I want to help you with put this little lecture of mine into action, I've got a BIG surprise that has to do with one of these gorgeous pieces...and I mean it's're going to loveeee me when you come back tomorrow for my big blogiversary bonanza and see what's what.

You're also going to kiss me when you link over the the 
One Kings Lane Design-Blogger Tastemaker Tag Sale tomorrow {at 6pm PST/9pm EST} and see some divine original artwork that again, you can have for WAY less than the cost of gross store bought replicas.

To thank me for all of this, you can buy me these...

Pair Rare Italian Murano Art Glass Table Lamps

or these...

Pair Mid Century Rare White Glazed Pelican Lamps Hollywood Regency

Both are from my top 5 awesome Etsy shops, Paris Couture Antiques...95% of their current inventory makes my pulse increase to such a degree that I can almost get away with calling my online shopping's that for rationalization- ha!

See you back here tomorrow for the B&B turns 1's going to be kick bumb shaker.




  1. You have such lovely taste...I would take any of the above! Can't wait for tomorrow!

  2. You are so right about buying original art! Who would pay money for that shiz when there are sooo many resources to buy art from independent artists these days? I do get giddy when I find vintage art of course. I've already started my xmas list and some of these are going on it!

  3. I totally agree...but at the same time I'm guilty of getting those repros just to fill the space. It's a tough one...small works sure not a problem..but if you want something large & orginal..i find that you have no choice but to break the bank. I find with reproductions there is no connection - so for a quick fix it is fine and getting rid of it is not so painful. But when you get that original artwork - you never want to part with it. While your waiting to afford the original I don't think its too bad to balance with a few temporary pieces.

  4. That Listen piece is truly's just so striking...and then it's got an amazing meaning, too! So cool. And speaking of cool...I just won the giveaway for one of Leigh Viner's pieces and I was *freakin'* estatic...Her art is so fabulous!!! But I'm pretty sure that giveaway is the only piece I will get to own in the near future! ha!

  5. your taste = killer. love everything i see here! and your advice is so spot on! i have a little amy kligman collection myself....but when i get that new house, i'll be branching out a bit :)

  6. I so love you!! You always make my day Christine!!! :) And Aubry, yay it is on it way to you today sweetheart! :)


  7. Found your blog via Leigh's Facebook page-- love it!! I featured her on my own blog recently. ( ) She is a doll and her work is mondo fabulous.

    THANK YOU for encouraging your readers to buy original art. It enhances our homes, our lives and our communities-- buy some art locally if you can.

    To the reader who buys mass produced art because she can't afford larger originals-- Many galleries and artists will work with you on a payment system to purchase original work. And there is excellent work out there that is available for not much more $$ than the box store crap. It can be done!

  8. You are too funny and I love it! I blogged that tiny canvas that you just bought many many months ago and still oh so love it too. xoxo, can't wait for tmrw.

  9. I had a patient once who was an art collector. He had floor to ceiling art and it was all amazing...every single piece. I'm still inspired by it!

  10. oh my gosh, that Listen to God painting. In love. Want it right away. Thanks for sharing you picks. Amazing taste!

  11. adore Leigh's illustrations as well, so talented! x

  12. Dying over all of that lovely art!! And LV's latest piece? Oh my Gosh that girl is talented, it's nuts. LOVE!!
    Nancy xo

  13. Dying over all of that lovely art!! And LV's latest piece? Oh my Gosh that girl is talented, it's nuts. LOVE!!
    Nancy xo

  14. I agree with the first comment - you have impeccable taste! Love everything! xx

  15. oh my god. i NEED those figurines!

  16. LOVE that Tush Tush one you have. Great post.

  17. Lucky you that you even have her art! I can just admire from afar. Congrat on your 1st blog b-day. It is my 2nd blog b-day tomorrow. Celebration will be friday though:)

  18. I love that first picture its gorgeous!

    Dont forget to enter my $50 La Posh Style giveaway!

  19. I somehow missed this yesterday. Anyway, I can't tell you how I despise repro art. It is so easy to get something real. I suppose you have to put some effort into finding something you like but that's it! Why do people continue to head down to Pier1 or World Market to buy a painting? Makes me crazy.

  20. Christine - thanks for the introduction to all that original art. Some of those pieces are amazing. And happy blogversary!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo