Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter Escape

I'm a little under the weather at the moment so need a little escape.
Let's pretend that I'm this girl just lying there in the snow. 

My name is Delphine.

{via Create}

I'm waiting for my gorgeous better half to arrive...

and whisk me away for the weekend.
He's taking me to our country cottage in the English countryside.

Here it is.

This is just our weekend escape of course.
We plan on spending a few days doing nothing but lying together in front of the fireplace, wrapped in luxurious fur blankets and smiling blissfully like there isn't a place we'd rather be.

Something like in the movie 'The Holiday'- you've seen it I'm sure.
After a few days of pure sweet nothings, we'll head back to the city and our London terrace house.
It's not so bad either.

You're welcome to come in and have a look around.

So hope you enjoyed the little tour of our two homes/life.
We're pretty fond of it all.

And of course, you know how the story goes...we end up living happily ever after.

Ah....a little diversion is such a good thing.

Hope you liked and PS...wasn't that kitchen insanely good?
Check out Scott Weston Archtectural Design for more delicious design candy.



  1. You're good, you. Of course I saw The Holiday! Probably my fave rom-com!
    I hope you're feeling better, but if being under the weather makes you pop magical posts, well... ;)

  2. I loved that story! That cottage is amazing with the big white beams and claw foot tub...mmmmm!

  3. I hope you get well soon Christine! The terrace looks so inviting.

  4. I hope you start feeling better!! Those cottage images are inspiring! Take care, Caroline

  5. A nice diversion from the load of cyber-shopping that I am about to partake in... after the morning blog reading, of course. :)

  6. I can't wait for my winter vacation... I have so much cozy cottage living to do!

    Beautiful pictures... oh and good *drool* @your gorgeous better half. I might have to do a google search and find me one of those for myself :)

  7. The kitchen was my favorite! I love your little getaways!

  8. oh la la! what a fabulous little getaway and a great way to start off my morning :)

    xoxo - julie

  9. I must say that Jack Black totally ruined "The Holiday" for me. Couldn't they have found a better love interest for the fab Kate Winslet?
    Now that I've got that out... WOW the pillowed bench in the dining room with the canopy? Quite the lovely escape!

  10. I want to be the girl lying in the snow! LOL.:)

  11. What a delightful story!
    Hope you are feeling better son!

  12. Delphine -- I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather! I'm sure an afternoon with that man will perk you right up!

  13. Feel better!!

    Loving the photos.

    And your pink Christmas is just darling...I want to redecorate now!

  14. Christine, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well but that post was amazing. Feel better! xoxoE

  15. This completely made my day... what a delightful little fantasy! And I absolutely LOVE your blog's new look... fabulous! xoxo Annie

  16. Can i bring you around some soup? ( and just maybe could I have bath in that tub while i am there........?!!) KG

  17. hope you're feeling better!! loved your little dream ;) I fell right in with you, haha. I love the movie, The Holiday, by the way! sending good vibes your way! xo

  18. Delphine - so exotic. Love your new site. Your name font is way cool!

  19. Feel better, sweetie!!! I loved your little daydream. It's always good to escape :)

    Oh and I'm loving the new look! xoxo

  20. I'll take a piece of 'better half' too please. Hope you feel better!

  21. I haven't had a chance in awhile to stop by here, so glad I got one today...great post! I NEED that bathroom in the loft! I have always dreamed of having a wide open bathroom with a vintage soaking tub...ahhhh someday! I would rather have a large bathroom than a large bedroom...do you agree?
    Lovin' your blog!

  22. You have totally outdone yourself on this post. Brava! It is marvelous!

  23. Ha! Loving this post AND the new design. It looks fantastic.

    P.S. I will gladly be your housekeeper in these lovely little daydreams if it means I get to spend my days in that kitchen ;)

  24. I love your new design! How did you do it? I am getting my new blog header soon, not sure it is really "me" as I won it and I could only choose from pre-made templates. Chose the simplest ones and could have "extra" had to pay for it :( I will try it out for a while and maybe re-vamp soon!

    Love this post by the way. Hope you are feeling better :)

  25. Just found out about your blog yesterday, and I'm loving it :) I'm quite surprised to see your new header today, it fits your blog, nicely done!

    ...and I love your stories, keep them coming!

  26. This post is de-lish Christine!! I love it. And I love your blog re-design, it's so pretty!!! You did an amazing job. Hope your week is well so far.
    Nancy xo

  27. What a beautiful happily ever after... now to create a dreamscape of my own, off to bed, with beautiful inspiration!! Much Love!

    :) Hazel
    Hazel Loves Design

  28. I popped over to see your new blog layout ~ LOVE it!!! I hope you are feeling better soon, Sweetie. An escape like this would certainly do the trick! What a great post!!! xo

  29. Of course!!! Love your little dream! Have them myself quite regularly!


  30. I love stories like that, especially when the Good Fairy comes and does all the housework.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo