Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog Bliss - Thanks Little Blue Deer

I'm sure you've all noticed the new look around here at Bijou and Boheme.

I am utterly in love with the design and have one person to thank for it...Shari over at
Little Blue Deer.

If you're not familiar with her work and blog (although I think you might be living under a rock if you aren't ;)  you simply must introduce yourself.
 Little Blue Deer is my go to page for all thing beautiful and feminine.
I can spot her web designs a mile away because they speak to such an artistic aesthetic- she's totally my kind of girl.

Shari helped make my blog an even truer representation of who I am and I couldn't be happier.

Here's just a small taste of her divinely inspirational blog/work.

 If you are in the market for a little make over of your own, head over to her site and browse through her library of redesigns.
I know you'll fall as totally in love as I did when I first looked over her work.

 Thanks so much again Shari!

And PS to all my gorgeous readers out there, I wanted to thank you too for continuing to stop by my little blog and for leaving such sweet comments everyday.
It truly makes me so happy and I am honoured you spend some of your day visiting B&B ( and thanks for that idea Ms. Sparkle ;)

And computer is still totally on the fritz so I won't be able to visit all of you over the next few days.  I'm currently trying to get some posts done on my hubby's work computer so I hope to put up a post each day until it is fixed...please cross your fingers for me on that one!

Hugs and....



  1. I just love coming over here for my daily dose of pretty :)

  2. Beautiful! And yes, so romantic. I would kill for that hair color.

  3. I was totally noticing and loving your new design yesterday when I stopped by- simply beautiful work!

  4. Oh, I love it! It looks so good over here! Just lovely! Thank you so much for the love! XX! You are fabulous with a bright future in blogging! XX!

  5. So romantic! Love your blog! :) Should we follow eachother?

  6. I love your new look! Its fab!

  7. I have not seen her blog, but she's in my google reader now. Very lovely. I like your new design too. Hope you get your computer fixed soon. I know how that is. I just went through that and finally just got a new computer.

  8. looks SO good. What can I say? You're hot girl! Sorry I haven't written you back..I will :) Julie

  9. It looks fabulous! I desperately need a redesign on my lamely designed blog. I'll head over to her site. Love the red head's hairstyle; its what I'm always trying to get my hair to do.xo

  10. I love shari blog! it totally one of my fave blog to read too! :) thanks for sharing christine!

  11. Absolutely gorgeous! I'm loving your blog design, I'm one of your newest followers!


  12. love the new look and am a fan of little blue deer too! xo

  13. Doesn't Shari do phenomenal's absolutely lovely, Christine!! Hope you get your computer fixed ~

  14. ms sparkle, i love it. your blog is perfectly amazing. xo

  15. Wow! Your makeover is awesome... I already loved your blog design, but this is a whole new level!

  16. Love the look of you blog and thank goodness I know I don't live under a rock cause I already follow Sheri's blog :)

  17. It looks amazing!!! The fabulous Shari can do no wrong. Love it :) xoxo

  18. Love the new design Christine, it looks fab!!!

  19. Thanks everyone!!!! Working with Shari was fabulous and I was thrilled that she was able to take my ideas, mix them with hers, and make the blog look exactly as I had hoped it would...So happy you all like it too!

  20. I LOVE the new look Christine! Your "Bijou and Boheme" font is so cool!

  21. Thanks Shannon! The font is called 'neon sign'-I found it on this website called font space- love it too! xo


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo