Thursday, November 4, 2010

Twitter and Help and Candy...and an edit

So I have caved to peer pressure and started a twitter page-  To say I have absolutely no idea what I am doing would be a MASSIVE understatement- so far it feels like I am reading Japanese but I'm hoping I might have a fighting chance of being able to sort it all out.   Anyhoo, my twitter sight might not end up being anything of interest to anyone, but please follow anyways:) xo

Also, I need some bloggy help- Can someone please tell me how to:
1. get my header to center {edit- thank you Ashely- it only took 27 bloody attempts but it is now centered- I'm thinking it is a bit huge but can't spend one more minute on it right now- need at least one glass of wine before I make the 29th attempt at getting it right:)
2. have the little gadget at the bottom of each screen that shows little pictures of related posts {edit- thank you Amy!! It was easy and worked!}
3. how to sign you name at the bottom without leaving the huge gap of space {edit- the space isn't so enormous now that problem #2 has been remedied so I'm OK with it for now}
4. how top put Twitter/Facebook  follow me button on toolbar {edit- thank you Shannon- I haven't had a chance to do this yet but I'm sure it will work thanks to your hints}


To thank you in advance for your troubles, a little gorgeous room candy:) xoxo

Love the artwork

Love the gramma couch and stone wall- the whole think looks weirdly and pleasantly old

Love the brown velvet and plaid and floral settee and white brick

Love the panelling

Love everything- mostly the fur

Love Julianne Moore and the house that she rode in on

Love you my readers and followers- thanks for making this whole blog thing feel good
(and the pink heart, lamp and table)  

{ images via 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7}



  1. Hey christine!
    Beautiful photos! I can help with one thing...the photos at the bottom of each post are courtesy of LinkWithin. Go to my blog and hit the LinkWithin button below a series of photos and the rest will guide you. There may be an easier way but this is how I connected it to my blog via another blog. Good Luck!


  2. I was gonna help you with Linkwithin--that is all I know (I had to hire the rest!)

    Look at how crazy-popular you are already. I love it!


  3. I can tell you what I had to do to get my header to center. Whatever photo editing system you used to create the image, open up the photo then you need to adjust the cavas size of the image....don't adjust the size of the image ... Just the canvas size to the left or right. I kept doing that to mine saving as a new image than uploading that to my blog. It was really crazy it was way off center for the actual image on my laptop... But it comes out even on my blog. Hope I explained this alright.... I'm trying to type on a phone just email me if you have any more questions! Good luck!!

  4. It has been a very steep learning curve with all this blog stuff, html etc. My hubby is the computer geek around here and helped a lot. I'm going to try that link within too...I've been wondering about that! I haven't ventured into Twitter yet, but I do feel like I'm missing out on things. Let me know how it goes.

  5. Thanks Ladies! Amy, your steps worked perfectly and like magic, the boxes appeared:) Ashley, thanks for the tips. I tried adjusting the size a million times and resaving but am going to try the canvas size like you said and see what happens- thanks so much for taking the time to answer on your phone!! And Julie, I wouldn't go that far but thanks for the sweet comment:) Speaking of popular, any more news on the big interview?? Fingers hugely crossed for you!

  6. glad you had help with the questions -- I have caved to the twitter thing too! oh, the pressure!! :) feel free to be my friend desire2decorate :)

  7. Just found your blog through desire to inspire!

  8. Thanks for asking the question. I just added link within also. And thanks for stopping by on my blog and sharing some good options for the Knoll side table. You are so lucky to be the owner of two.

  9. Aw, the room with the paneling is gorgeous. Twitter is fun! What is your handle (user name) there? I'll follow you and introduce you to the "cool kids" lol (never been one of those in high school...)
    I'm not on blogspot so I can't answer most of the other Qs, but the related post thingy is called Link Within and there are fairly easy instructions on their site.

  10. Oh, and now I see you already did all that. Silly me, should have hit refresh first...

  11. Will do Wendy- thanks for stopping by Design Blooms- Sara, I only have one Saarinen but with I had two:) and Belly, thanks- handle is the same bijouandboheme- xo

  12. Hi Christine! Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog! I haven't jump into the bandwagon of twittering yet. So tempted to do so, but so much going on (facebooking, blogging, etc) I think I'll put twittering on hold for now. Otherwise, i might ended up be too addictive :P LOL Have good weekend Christine!

  13. ps: so enjoying reading your blog! totally should visit yours more often! :D

  14. i love how the artwork is hung in the fourth photo! i've been wondering the same thing with the related things below my day I'll have this blogging stuff figured out.. ;)

  15. Hey Christine,

    I am now following you Twitter! Welcome to the club@ You will learn to love it!!

    Looks like you got some help with everything but the Twitter and Facebook widgets.

    For Twitter, try this link:

    You can either do a "Follow me on Twitter" button or a widget if you want to have a live feed showing your tweets.

    As for Facebook, here is the website for the widget:
    Click on the first option - the Like Button.

    Good luck Christine and let me know if you have any questions!

  16. Christine,
    I am in the same boat you are in...just started twitter last week. And it's wierd but I know I'll get used to it.
    Glad you found help on all your questions. Thanks for posting them so I can figure out some of that stuff too! And thanks for stopping by today!

  17. Newbie here too! I've been on for a week or two and still figuring things out - I'm following you now!

  18. I love everything...

    THanks so much for sharing:)

    And yeah, those furs are fab...

  19. Thank you so much everyone for the help. Shannon, I'm going to attempt the linkage buttons today- thanks for the info! And Lissa and Christine, I'll see you over on the Twitter dark side:) Nattie, Allison, and Ann, thanks so much for stopping by and saying hello:)

  20. SO glad I am not the only one new to Twitter and find it weird. I too caved to the pressure. However, in the short period I have been using Twitter it has brought more readers to my blog. Imagine that! It works if you work it!!

  21. I just started reading your blog and love it! I'm learning a lot about the blog world too, so your questions and the answers are helpful for me too -- thanks for asking them and letting me steal the answers. :)

    ps. Also just started following you on Twitter, can't wait for your Tweets!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo