Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday Fabrics- Me Myself and I

I've been a little crazed when it comes to fabric lately.  Here's my very pretty fabric stack in the living room.

Even looking at the picture makes me happy- still not totally sure where it's all going but that's OK-

My Marimekko Joonas upholstery fabric arrived on Wednesday in this very chic wrap.

And then there was the inner packaging- also gorg.

And then the fabric- isn't it lovely?

I couldn't wait to see what the fabric might look like on my Craigslist bergeres so did a little trial run.

Originally, I had planned on painting the wood trim gold but I'm thinking of leaving it the way it is- I like the reminder of it's history and how it's warn in all the right places.  What do you think?

As a reminder, I plan on putting this on the backs- it's by Hazelton House and I bought it from Jamie of Furbish Studio fame- I LOVE it!!!

And yesterday, I was lucky enough to find this Kirk Brummel/Brunschwig & Fils fabric at
 The Designer's Attic.  I have admired this print for a long time and was so excited to see it on Shannon's fabulous site.  I can't wait for it to arrive!
I'm not entirely sure what I am going to use it for yet but thinking some pillows for the master bedroom- or maybe a small chair?

And finally, there is this sweet 4 yard piece of La Fiorentina by David Hicks.  I had seen some other colourways from a seller on ebay and thought I would check to see if they had any of the magenta left.  One quick email and it turns out they did and because of a small imperfection, I got the whole 4 yards for $80!!!!  I can't wait to use this glorious fabric for something on my 2nd floor.  I have two cushions made with it (also from Furbish) on my sofa downstairs and adore the vibrancy of the print.  Shannon from Pink Wallpaper/Designer's Attic was nice enough to send me a template for the fabric (a big thank you to her for the template and the amazing deal on the fabric!!!) headboard she made using the magenta Fiorentina so I am thinking of maybe doing the same.  I have no idea where I might put a new bed but am considering selling my daughter's IKEA number and starting fresh.  If not, this will likely become a bench for the master.

I have also had a few non fabric related purchases this week.  There is an amazing store here called
Petits et Jolis that sells antiques and custom painted kids furniture; the place is like a treasure trove of pretty things and I hope to do a feature on it next week.  In the meantime, here are my most recent Jolis purchases.

Don't worry, I didn't buy it for the picture- I bought it for the huge ornate frame.  I hope to paint it and turn it into a frame for my flat screen.  I got the idea from the very talented Ms. Limestone one of
 Adventures in Renovating a Brooklyn Limestone- take a look at the inspiration photo of her master bedroom- isn't it scrumptious?

I also bought this as a little treat to myself.  I saw the painting a few weeks ago and it had been haunting me ever since.  I love how it's dark and moody but still pretty.  I also love the black chippy paint frame.  I have it hanging above my bed and although it's way too small in scale, I can't bear to move it because I love seeing it when I wake up each morning. 

And finally, I am really really hoping to take this beauty home with me soon.  I saw it over at Caroline's
A Flair for Vintage Decor.  She has a fabulous shop filled with gorgeous little gems so if you haven't been over to her blog to check it all out, you must!!  I am hoping to put his yellow darling under my window in the kitchen (if I end up moving the table) or at the foot of my bed (if I don't make a bench with the La Fiorentina.) 

I think that is all for now.  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!  Mine will be spent attempting to reupholster those chairs- we'll see how that goes:)  I promise to post some pictures as soon as they are done.  I also plan on spending some very much needed quality time with the kidlets.  I have tried to do most of my blogging posts the night before when they are sleeping but I'm finding that as it is getting bigger, so is the time I am spending on my blog reading/commenting- still working on finding the balance:)



  1. Wow...everything here is fantastic...but that Marimekko fabric on that chair literally took my breath away!

  2. Amazing, Christine! First of all I can't believe you got 4 yds for $80 of the la fiorentina fabric! And, I love the Marimekko fabric on your chair - it's brilliant!! So many lovely things in this post!! Happy Weekend!

  3. Ah the yellow settee - love it! Ever home needs a burst of color! I'm in the market for some good fabric {thinking about recovering a chair} - love your resources!


  4. Love the fabric and the yellow settee. I also have a Bergere chair and I thought about redoing it myself but haven't gotten there. It's seems very complicated. Let me know how it goes.
    Have a great day!

  5. new to your blog... i had a great stay! your home is glorious!

    the black and white marimekko fabric is perfect for your chair!

  6. So much to love early in the morning!
    I have the exact bergere in my son's room.
    At first, I wanted to paint mine too, but then I decided against it and am happy this way.
    Of course it has a more masculine tufted leather, caramel-colored leather seatback, but still, I think the original finish would look great with that amazing black and white fabric!

  7. I adore that painting! And you've inspired me with the fabrics.

  8. Okay, another fabric fanatic here:
    Magenta La Fiorentina is my favorite fabric! So lucky to find it on ebay - I've been looking for ages now.
    The b&w Marimekko is graphic perfection on your bergeres. I think it will be amazing in gold, but it looks good as is, too.
    The painting and the bench are beautiful.

  9. love the black and white fabric on that chair! - nice match!

  10. New to your blog via Twitter! Glad to find another talented Canadian with a penchant for fabric! I love the fabric choices - wish we had decent fabric stores here in the west! I guess you ordered yours? Your Craigslist find - also a beauty! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    Added you to my Canadian blog roll too! {oh - and new follower as well}

  11. Whoa! You are one busy lady!!! Nice finds! I'm soooo jealous of the La Fiorentina!!! Thanks for all of the great resources in this post too... I'll have to check them out this weekend!

  12. Thank you for all of the fabric posts! I love fabric and am currently on the hunt for the perfect fabric for a Craigslist find chair as well; however, I'm not very savvy on where to find fabulous fabrics so your blog has been so inspiring and helpful!

  13. Love the fabrics. I too have a fabric obsession and an ever growing stash. My hubby just sighs when I come home with more for 'future projects'. Love the fabric you chose for your chairs! The blogging balance is very tough. I have said that I don't need to post daily, or even weekly if there's something going on that I need to give my attention to. I know I won't get the most followers, or become a huge blog this way, but that's ok. It's not why I started this blog. I am definately still trying to find that balance!

  14. All great fabrics! I love that marimekko on the bergere. I agree...keep the wood tone! And that frame for the TV is gorgeous and what a great idea.

  15. Very impressive. I like how you combine your own home style with new fabrics. Give it a new fresh look. Great pull from other sites to compliment the fabrics.

    -Papa Gnome

  16. I love that fabric you have picked out for your chair. Yes, I say leave the wood the way it is. I have a berger too that I have been wanting to cover forever, that is still in it's thrift store state. I love that David Hicks Fabric. I'm going to ebay right now to look it up.

  17. I always adore websites aimed at interior design because since I don't yet have a house, I get plenty of ideas for what I would like to do someday! LOve that new fabric you got!!

  18. i spent most of the morning sourcing fabrics for a clients sofa and toss cushions!! love the original wood trim on the chiar and the fabric is fabulous! -- have a great weekend!

  19. Christine, I almost fainted when I saw that beautiful Marimekko fabric! Stunning! (And don't do anything to the wood! I used to sell antiques).

    The yellow settee is also fantastic and how it would make any room happy!

    You scored, my friend. can't wait to see all the after pictures.

    Happy weekend to you!

    (I have added you to my blog roll. You rock!)

    ox, Mon

    P.S A blog can really consume you. It has taken me a long time to figure out a good balance. But a piece of advice -- don't blog too late at night. I did it for too long -- but ended up being totally sleep deprived and not a good functioning person or Mom day time!

  20. Oh my I love that black and white fabric!! to die for!!it will look great on your craigslist chairs :)

  21. too funny! i almost emailed that ebay seller to ask the same thing. Glad you beat me to it as it would probably sit in my closet for too long. I, too, can get carried away with fabric. Great finds, especially that Christopher Farr number ;)

  22. So many things to comment on!

    1. Those Bergere chairs are going to look amazing! I definitely say leave the frame as is!

    2. I love the idea of framing a flat screen TV.

    3. I am going to check out A Flair for Vintage Decor right now because I am in love with that settee!!!

    Have a good weekend Christine!

  23. Thanks so much for stopping by everyone- I love reading your comments! Fingers crossed that I don't wreck that fabric trying to upholster then chairs:) Will post all the gruesome details on Monday.

  24. I am drooling... I am making a pillow for my bed out of the magenta Fiorentina, I adore it.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo