Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sharing is Caring- Happy Sunday

This is where I wish I had spent the day yesterday 
(with a cup of hot coffee in the am and a glass of red in the pm)

{JKL design}

No such luck. 

I received a sample of the Timorous Beasties McGegan Rose paper on Friday and my head has been spinning ever since.  I absolutely love it but I'm not totally sold on replacing my beloved ostriches.  I'm also not sure if it would be too much pink alongside the already pink living room.  As well, the curtains for the kitchen will be a floral so I don't know if I want another floral in such close proximity.  Having said all that, I am so smitten with the paper that I am leaving the option open for now.  The artwork in this option if also from JKL- love!  If it doesn't end up in the foyer, I might have to find a place for it in my bedroom.  In this scenario,  I might consider the black and white photograph above- I think the photograph would be delightful above my bed.

In option two, we're back to the Ostriches but I replaced the artwork with this completely gorgeous JKL piece that I posted about yesterday.  Again, if it doesn't go here, I am pretty sure I will find a place for it elsewhere; it's a must have for me.   It's hard to tell in the picture but her eyeshadow is actually the more lilac colour so I like how it plays off the carpet.  It could also work really well in the master against the Rose paper- many choices!

This is the original scheme and I think I still like it best.  The only real issue I have with it is that I was considering moving this artwork to the master because I think it would be a great compliment to the yellow settee I'm hoping to buy.

Along with decisions about how to dress the hallway, I am a little strung out on what to do with the Craigslist chairs.  We started the upholstery process yesterday and let's just say it didn't go as well as I had hoped.  Here's the gorry details- first in picture form-

And now in words- We started by taking out the nail heads with a flathead screwdriver (hubby's job.)  The first surprise was that the nail heads weren't actually nail heads but one long string of round metal buttons.  As soon as we pried them away from the chair, they bent and broke into pieces and were therefore, garbage.  Next, I started on the staples using a pair of pliers- most every staple broke and I ended up having to take both halves out by levering the wrench against the chair; this resulted in many gouges in the wood and me cursing.  As I started taking off the fabric, the foam actually started to crumble away so even though I was led to believe they were newly reupholstered, no such luck.  So now,  I also have to replace the foam- sounds easy enough but there are no foam stores open here until Monday, so me not happy.  I decided to head up to Michaels and see if they had anything that could substitute and paid $30 for some quilt batting that the lady said would work- great.  So, at the end of day one, we have one chair totally ripped apart, no real foam, and totally hacked up wood.  This leads to the dilemma. I had intended to leave the wood as it is but no such luck on that deal so my two options are to either go gold or flat black- thoughts?  I also am trying to decide if this whole thing is worth it or if I should just haul the two sad chairs over to our upholsterer, pay the $400 and get them done properly.  To be honest, I am heavily leaning towards plan B.  If, on top of wrecking the wood, I mess up my gorgeous fabric, I will honestly loose my mind.  Sorry for the long boring rendition of the days events but I'm at a bit of a loss here. 

In happier news, I spent part of the day ( before noted chair debacle) at Holt Renfrew and how sweet its aisles were!  I sat at the YSL counter for 30 glorious quiet minutes and had a new face put on.  I'd almost forgotten how great getting your make-up done feels- such a treat. I walked away with the best foundation I have ever had in my life-  Teint Majeur.

I also tried these Cole Haan Air Chatham boots on and they shot up to the very top of Christmas list 2010
Also on the x-mas list, this print (along with the ones on the hallway board number one and two) by Leigh Viner of  JKL. I'm now totally obsessed with her work.

And if at all possible, though not likely, this-

{via here}

Ok, so no fur hammock- I'll take one of these instead

Just one more...this Endless rug from Madeline Weinrib

And finally, the best part of my Saturday-

1. finding this little monster with his bum up in the air sleeping on the living room floor as I was cooking dinner

2. opening up the Walmart Christmas flyer and seeing my little sweet redhead in it:)



  1. Aww, your kids are adorable.
    I still like your original moodboard best, too (though I wouldn't say no to either of the others).
    Upholstery is much harder than it seems! I say, either get a really good upholstery book (which will then require buying more suitable tools) and dedicate a couple of weekends to it, or go to an upholsterer. I have ruined one chair too many, and I don't think you want to do the same...

  2. all of your selections are fab but i still like #2 best. speaking from some experience, reupholstering can be tricky! i know when you've spent $ on fabric, the last thing you want to do is mess it up. i laughed out loud at the pic of your son! adorable.

  3. Hi, just found your blog and it's delightful. Love the photo of your son!

  4. Hi Christine! I have tried upholstering in the past, but have ended up exactly where you are and so have found a very good/dependable upholsterer over the past few years and it has made all the difference! I think it is money well spent for the long run! Love your artwork find...and your children are too cute! Take care, Caroline

  5. Oh my, always a treasure trove at Bijou and Boheme!
    I'd say leave the upholstery to the professionals this once -- that fabric is too great to botch.
    As for the hallway vignettes, I really love them all.
    And I'm dying to try that foundation.
    But best of all, oh the sweet children.

  6. I love the second version of the hallway. That ostrich wallpaper is amazing. Fun and whimsical perfection. Are those chairs in the inspiration version upholstered in Marimekko? I have a sofa upholstered in that very fabric.

    Your little ones are beyond precious. Melt my heart.

  7. This post is fabulous. Loads of inspiration in here. Have I mentioned that I'm falling for your blog hard?!

  8. This post is great!! I'm rooting for hallway #1. And dont give up on the upholstering! Give it another try and if it doesnt work then theres always plenty of other fabric options to choose from. And I am also on the hunt for a fur throw. xoxo

  9. I vote for getting your chairs done professionally, but then again, I've always found upholstery daunting. I also like your original board the best too. Should be a fun makeover! Love the picture of beautiful! She's such a sweetheart. She got her grandpa's firey hair!

  10. decisions, decisions - love all the looks! thanks for the link to jkl, looks like my kind of work, going to check them out!

    {and that pic of your boy is soooo sweet, took me back to finding my guys like that when they were littler, thanks!}


  11. Love all your options for the hallway, but my favorite is option 2. I also think leave the upholstery to the professionals in this case. Love your Christmas wish list. That rug is awesome. And your kids are tres cute!

  12. Your children are gorgeous...and despite the bump in the road with the chairs, I have every confidence that your design will turn out amazing! Loving you xmas wish list too!

  13. I like hallway one and your kids are adorable!!

  14. Thanks ladies- I'm leaning towards option 2 as of right now but we will see- I really want that Beasties paper somewhere in the house though so we will see:)
    NKP- I went over and looked at your sofa- amazing!!! It is the same fabric I'm using and seeing your couch made me love it that much more:) I love how it's graphic and organic- and it's teflon coated so hoping it might actually withstand the onslaught of daily life in my house.
    We actually sprayed the chairs this afternoon- they look very gold (but definitely better than how they were with the damaged wood) so we will see what happens next- I think I might want to antique the finish a bit- Any suggestions for making the gold less perfect?
    After the painting is done, I'm taking them to the upholsterers. I figure that I would have to purchase and size the foam and because the foam would be puffier than what was there, my fabric templates (old fabric) wouldn't work as a guide to cutting the new fabric- we weren't able to salvage the old nailhead strips either so again, I would either have to buy new ones or sew welting- too many things I am uneasy about so off they go to the professionals- I think I'll be happy that I spent the $400 in the end-
    Thanks so much for your comments everyone!!

  15. Yikes- just started typing and had no idea it was that long- sorry for the ridiculously long response.

  16. You daughter is darling! And your son, such lovely children! Christine, I FEEL you with the chair revamp. I decided that I would try to refinish our dining room table myself. My stepmother is an interior designer and she told me how to do it. Well, basically I wrecked it, it really looked bad. So my mother-in-law saw it and said she would take it to be refinished for us ($700 later). Turns out it's a very rare Stickley, which now has scraping gouges because of me, yikes! So, I say, don't be a Deer, go with the pros! ;) Hope your weekend was fab! XX!

  17. That ostrich wallpaper is on my wish list in a major way, so whatever you choose to do with hallway, you have to go with the ostriches!

    And I am all for trying to do an upholstery job on your own, but it seems like these chairs are going to give you more trouble. Is it $400 each to get them reupholstered or $400 total? Because the latter would definitely have made up my mind!

    And I love that photo of your son. My little guy has those pajamas and they are just the cutest things!

  18. Shari- Thanks for sharing your experience (sorry about your table but I'm sure it's fabulous now, even with a few little gouges:)and you definitely helped me cement the 'take them to the upholsterers' decision
    Shannon- $400 total- I've made up my mind on that one- off to the upholstery shop later today! I have the PJ's from last year for both kids and they are too cute- hoping they will last through this x-mas as well:)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo