Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday Shopping- Lille a Shop and New Blog Love Luxe and Lucid- Huntley & Co.

I thought I would preview one of my favourite places to find beautiful things, Lille a Shop.   I have had many people ask me where I purchased the Nama Rococo paintings/panels sitting above my fireplace- this is the source. 

I love how the store carries such a varied selection of beautiful things; definitely has something for every taste and price point.  As for their current inventory, I am absolutely crazy for the fur chair and crystal slab tray.

In other news, I was browsing through DTI's new reading list and came across the blog Luxe and Lucid.  Needless to say, I am in LOVE!!!

The blog is written by the amazingly talented designer Tricia Huntley of Huntley &Co.  Her work is completely inspiring and I consider her one of my absolute favourite designers.  Her style is described as 'American Luxe' and I would agree but add that it definitely has some quirky edge to it, while remaining accessible and not overly done.  I adore her design sense and can't wait to pour over her entire blog, which seems to be written in that same edgy style. Here are some snippets from her design portfolio.

And since it is shopping day, here are two things Tricia featured on her blog that I am DYING over.

I really think the paining on the right and pink/gold ring are two of the most gorgeous things I have seen in quite some time. 

Happy Shopping everyone!



  1. The shop does have beautiful things and thank for sharing another good blog. I will go check it out.
    Have a great day!

  2. OMG... I am loving your blog so much! You are definitely keeping me busy checking out all of your fabulous finds! Thx!

  3. These little things are so cute! Your blog is adorable <3

  4. How do you find all of this incredible stuff!! TN has NONE of this! so sad!

  5. oh and i love your new header!!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Christine. I was dying to know where you'd gotten the beautiful art over your fireplace and I just know that Luxe and Lucid is going to shoot to the top of my favorites list.
    You, ma chere, are a credit to the blogosphere!

  7. LOVE your new header! Glad you figured it out (now teach me). Great finds...Julie

  8. Sara, Carissa, Regan & Wallpaper- thanks for the kind words- so glad you like my blog:)
    Nuha- I am addicted to sourcing stuff on the internet and probably spend way too much time doing it but I'm glad I can now share what I've found with all of you:)
    Alcira- you are such a sweetheart- thanks for being here from the start!!
    Julie- so glad you like the header- it only took about 50 attempts to get the darn thing centered but I'm mostly happy with it- would love it to move down a bit but can't bear to fiddle with it anymore:)
    Thanks so much for stopping by everyone and hope you had a great Saturday xo

  9. it's safe to say I want everything here ...though you can get one of those prints for yourself ...Leigh sells on etsy. Her illustrations and photography and paintings are gorgeous!

    Here's her blog: {though you may know this already ;}

  10. Maegan- yes, I already got in touch with Leigh- one or more of her gorgeous prints/photos are coming home with me very soon I hope- thanks for the link to her blog!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo