Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One of a Kind

Tomorrow morning I'll be at the media breakfast for the
 Toronto One of a Kind Show.

Happy dance!!!
{and PS, thank you so much Shannon for securing my ticket}

Here is some of what I'll be seeing.

I'm ridiculously excited.
Can't wait to see this years delicious offerings and am on a mission to secure some, if not all, of the beauties featured above.

Will report back with my finds tout de suite.



  1. I'll see you there! I look forward to meeting you!

    ps. I have that Biko necklace and I absolutely LOVE it!

  2. Oh I cannot wait!! I want to know who does that first piece of art! Gorgeous!

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! I love the first piece. It's beautiful! I can't wait to see what you get.

  4. That first piece is incredible!! And those gold rings. My birthday is soon, I'll take both :) Have so much fun! Get lots of goodies.

  5. Renee- excited to meet you as well and jealous you own that necklace- love it!
    Shannon and Alex- I know right- I almost died when I found it...b-lining straight to the artist's booth- WANT that painting!!!
    Sara- I'll be sure to post my goodies as soon as I get home- have a great Thanksgiving!!

  6. Christine I am so happy that you stopped by my blog and introduced me to yours! I've been looking back at all of your old post and I love it! I can't believe I haven't met you before. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and I can't believe that is your hallway! I just love it! So so happy that I found you. Have a wonderful night and I'm so looking forward to following along :)

  7. Should be tons of fun! Hopefully we can say hi.

  8. I love that first painting!! I hope you get it!

  9. Ooh, this sounds amazing!! I hope you have tons of fun.
    PS. Thank you so much for taking a peek at my guest post today, I really appreciate it :)
    Nancy xo

  10. Looks like it will be an interesting event. Love the last picture with the sofa :)

  11. I can't wait when you get back. I'm loving the blue couch! Have gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  12. Was a great show, look forward to seeing you soon Christine!

  13. Christine, it was SO GREAT meeting you this morning! :) I had a fabulous time strolling and talking with you! Was it the top painting you were certain you were going to buy?

  14. Kerry- so nice to meet you in person too- I love these blogger events- it was the top painting but I never ended up finding it at the show- probably a good thing:)
    Staci- thanks so much for the ride home and loved chatting with you- we're two peas in a pod I think:)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo