Thursday, October 14, 2010

Houston... We Have a Problem

I am obsessed with fabric.  This wouldn't be such a bad thing were it not for a budget that is about to revolt or a home that is almost at full capacity in the glorious pattern department.  But surely there must be room in the chequebook and/or floor plan for just a little more?  Is it weird that I think about moving just so I can have more room for all of the fabrics I love? First, there is this one by Zimmer and Rhode that I have just discovered on ebay- pink, red, elephants... I lurv it!!

Or this one by Clarence House, which has huge blooms and amazing colour.  There must be somewhere I can use it?

I have also fallen for this fabric by Hazelton House.  The very talented Jamie, who owns Furbish Studio, used this fabric to make the gorgeous bench below.  Luckily, these pretty blooms might actually come home with me.  I have a pair of antique french chairs in the foyer and hope to use the fabric for the chair backs.  I ordered a bold black and white geometric for the front.


And then there is this by Abigail Borg.  Surely to god my sofa needs a few more pillows because I don't think I am capable of refusing pillows that have an abstract floral made with pink, orange and yellow.
via Shelter

And one last problem, this divine Christopher Farr fabric (that I ordered from the very talented Katie at Revival) just arrived in the mail and for the life of me, I can't figure out where to use it.  The pattern and colour are perfect in my living room but there just isn't room for any more upholstered pieces.  The design is too big and glorious to waste on something small so thinking caps on.

Where there is a will there is a way and I am determined to "make it work," as my favourite mentor ever Tim Gunn would say.




  1. I have just discovered your blog and I LOVE it! One of my new favorites! I've got you in my bookmarks toolbar so I can check in daily! I have to say I've been loving your focus on fabric. I love fabric but am not particularly savvy in that area so you are definitely educating me...and we have similar tastes! Perfect timing as I'm looking for fabric to recover some chairs and you're giving me great ideas!

  2. Thanks Kecia!!! I'm so glad you like my blog- nice to know that there are people out there seeing it:)
    As you can tell, I am totally obsessed with fabric so will be doing alot of posting on it and hope to do a special Friday Fabrics post every week. Please let me know what you decide for your chairs- there are so many gorgeous options out there, it is always so hard to narrow down.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. oh my GOODNESS. so glad I found you! you've totally opened my eyes to some fabrics and patterns that I never would have never considered before! I'm loving the Zimmer and Rhode piece above...I'm excited to follow your new blog and maybe someday I'll find the perfect fabric for my headboard, haha.

    I actually found you via Little Green Notebook where you ID'ed that Osborne & Little fabric...I'm obsessed! Do you know what it was called?

    Thanks for your posts!

  4. my little apartment- thank so much for your comment! I'm so happy to hear you like my blog and I hope to do many posts fabric finds, so stay tuned:)
    As for the Osborne and Little, I read that it was a vintage pattern and I have looked for it to no avail- they have a similar one available now but I don't love it as much- I will look it up and send you the link.
    Have a great weekend and thanks again for stopping by!

  5. oh, I'd totally appreciate that! my email is:

    goodnightdean at gmail dot com

    have a lovely weekend!


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Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo