Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Holy Hannah...

Look at what met me at the door when I arrived home today.

The fabric is called Anne Dorthea and is made by Hazeleton House, an amazing Canadian company that produces traditional English hand blocked patterns, as well as screen printed originals.  When I saw the this print on I Suwanee, I instantly fell in love and was able to order a yard of it through Jamie (a big thank you to her!) I am sooooo totally smitten with this glorious black floral and now the question is what to make with it. When I ordered the fabric, I intended to put it on the back of these chairs in my foyer (I have two of them.)

This Marimekko Joonas fabric was to go on the front.

My inspiration was this entrance way by Christina Murphy.

My plan remains the same but a part of me is wondering if those glorious florals will be entirely too hidden on the backs of chairs, which will mostly sit resting against the wall (with the occasional trip to the dining table.)  What do you think?  Use the fabric on the chairs as intended or switch gears altogether- maybe a bench for under the hallway console or behind the sofa?
Whatever the decision, I plan on basking in my two most recent fabric purchases for quite some time- the week started with the arrival of my Christopher Farr Carnival and now this Anne Dorthea has arrived.  In the fabric love department, I am all filled up!


  1. Wow, what a warm, warm welcome!
    I like your original plan -- let the florals be the pleasant surprise that peeks out when you pull them up to the table.
    It's be a pretty, poesied punctuation ; P

    Bonne nuit, Alcira

  2. I love that! You and I do have the same taste. Love your blog!

  3. So gorgeous. Cannot wait to see the finished product.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo