Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Finds and a Change of Plans

Hello friends.

I hope you all had a bueno weekend.

Mine was busy but swell...mostly because I did a lot of sourcing/shopping and well...some REAL goodies were landed upon.

First, after hitting one of my favourite local antique haunts and taking a few pictures of vanity options for my Little Miss client, I turned the corner on my way out and spied some gold and pink hiding from behind a bed frame...upon closer inspection, this piece of total Bijou heaven was unveiled...

...and my knees proceeded to buckle.

It literally is the prettiest piece of furniture I've ever laid eyes on...and the best part, it's a kid-height wardrobe full of shelves on one side and an open section on the other...perfection for my Scarlett's new room since it's technically not a bedroom and has no closet...this thing HAS to be mine...seriously.

Now...since I have no option but to purchase this...really, I can't not...some of my other plans have to change.

For one, Orangie is out...I just can't do two budget benders in one room so, I spent the weekend looking for alternatives.

After showing the 6 year old endless options the only one she admitted to liking as much as fair Orangie, turns out to be one of my long time faves...

...Petal Pusher.

I'm happy with the choice, though I was really trying to sell her on this Flavor Paper...

You win some you loose some...the gold works better with all the pink furniture anyway so it's all good.

So...Now...this wallpaper change sort of makes my original multi-coloured/eclectic dressing room idea fly out the window.

Instead, I'm going to make the place more in keeping with the rest of the, gold and black.

This is the new plan...

It involves:

1. Petal Pusher on the walls
2. White silk curtains with black ball fringe
3. Her existing bed, which in my perfect world I'd change but so it goes
4. The IKEA malm console that I re-did for the One of a Kind will go at the foot of her bed...this glorious pink moire chair...

...will sit behind it...and PS, that chair is going to be mine thanks to the amazing new store that the fabulously talented ladies over at 219 are opening...if you haven't checked out their preview of what's to come, you are missing out my friends and must get on it immediately...SO MUCH GOODNESS!!!!  
5. The wardrobe bliss will go on the one full height wall beside the door
6. Two new modern/acrylic side tables...have to find these for next to nothing so if anyone has any ideas on that front, I'm all ears
7. The pair of figural lamps I bought last year will stay...LOVE them
8. I just stumbled upon this pink sofa heaven on Craigslist...

...and you'll be mad if I tell you how cheap it is so I won't...hopefully the dude emails me back quickly and tells me it's still for available- cross fingers please
9. A vintage Moroccan wedding blanket...though I really want one of these for my own room so we'll see
10. A Venini chandelier because every room needs one
11. A few open gold dressing racks
12. The West Elm Souk rug that I've been wanting forever...well, S gets it and we brought it home yesterday since there was a 15% of sale happening...

...and PS, if you're considering this rug for your very own, let me just tell you that it's even better in fluffy and, love, love.

So that's it for that.

I'm hoping to have the room done within the next month so stay tuned...I promise after pictures:)

Moving on.

As part of my Little Miss sourcing, I ventured downtown to my favourite chandelier guy and found quite a few great options for her of those finds will be coming on Wednesday when I update the project...for now, I'll show you the piece I found for myself...hello flush mount gorgeous that will be absolutely perfect in my foyer...

It totally reminds me of my dream flusher, the Trillion, only it's vintage (aka one of a kind) and WAY

There's honestly nothing I love more than finding gems like the ones I discovered this weekend...I'd give my limbs to own a real store and do this sort of thing for a living...and make millions at it.

Oh the fun I'd have....



  1. Your daughter is seriously one lucky lady. Her room is going to be amazing! Love that wall paper!

  2. oh my good lord im already in total love. i love this one way better than designer guild. seriously C. its like it all just meshed! love!

  3. When i saw you post that piece on instagram I thought you MUST have this! Most places do lay away which I think would be wonderful. This is going to be amazing. Hope the guy calls you back about the couch soon!

  4. I love that little looks just like you...after your reading your blog for a while I am totally getting your aesthetic. The room is going to be perfection.

  5. so glad you got the wardrobe - it's insane! also i want a room like scarlett's. love it all!!

  6. Agreed! That wardrobe is crazy good! And I agree with Little Miss S... I love love that Petal Pusher wallpaper! : ) It's been one of my favs since Emily Henderson used it. Can't wait to see this room come together!

  7. had an amazing shopping weekend! Love love love that wardrobe! Perfection!

  8. I saw that on Instagram and nearly passed out. I would give limbs just for that piece alone. You are so talented!

  9. Wow is S lucky!!! What a scheme. So divine. Great finds. Hope the sofa works out.

  10. Omg! I want that room...gorgeous.

  11. Can I be your daughter? Seriously, that room is heaven!

  12. Living the dream, my friend, living the dream! I can't even believe the drop down, drag out ridiculously fab finds you got this weekend!!! I'd be jealous, but you're way too good at this for that (c; I would just like to reiterate that I would give a limb for Miss Scarlett's new wardrobe...oh the fun we would have!!! Alas, the fun will be Miss Scarlett's (c;

  13. I want every single one of those! Jelly!

  14. the pieces you have found for Scarlett's room is gorgeous! there is nothing better than finding vintage beauties for a room, nothing! i obv share your love of finding these gems :).

  15. That antique piece is pretty. are you still going with that architectural bed from room and board? If so the lines of that bef will look so good next to your curvier pieces. love the wallpaper that your little one picked out.

    I just posted a board for my girls room. I just bought fabric from eBay and I'm nervous.

    have a great day

  16. That wardrobe is so perfect for Scarlett! Love the wallpaper, of course. I think we're wallpaper twins. I have the same ones in my stash for Chloe's big girl room. This room will be divine.

  17. That wardrobe has your/Scarlett's name all over it! The room is going to be amazing. Think I want to do over my daughter's room now!

  18. Oh my goodness, that piece of furniture is beyond amazing!!! Such a good find - I am so excited to see how it looks when the room is all done. Oh, and P.S - thanks for the info on the Souk rug. I've always loved it, but wondered if it was really that good in person. I think I might just have to purchase it since I've been thinking about it for a while now. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend!

  19. All I know is this is going to be one of the loveliest rooms ever when it is finished! Amazing line up of pattern and color:)

  20. Yes, this room will turn out adorable! I can't wait to see the final photos! And PS I LOVE Flavor Paper's stuff!! Thanks for sharing this!

    Love, Jamie Herlzinger

  21. Oh my ... Scarlett's room is going to be a knock out. Does that girl know how good your designy-sense is/that not all kids get anything beyond a wallpaper banner(puke)? It looks incredible

  22. That wardrobe is perfect for Scarlett! The wallpaper is stunning!

  23. that wardrobe blows my mind every time i see it. it's what i was looking for for fiona's room.
    so sad for orangie.
    and i LOVE that old fashioned looking pink paper with the ladies. that is so unique and awesome.
    also- i want the souk! i've always wanted the souk!
    scarlet gets EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

  24. positively obsessed with that wardrobe and may have to fight you/your client for it x


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo