Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kijiji Kicks Bum...

Morning Afternoon...sorry for the late post..I was out of the house at 6:30 a.m. so let's just say I didn't quite have the time or the inclination to get my blog post ass in gear.

I'll fill you in tomorrow on where I was...for now, I'll tease you with a few small glimpses of the magic...

...and add one some caveat...holy shit I love luxury.

Moving on...for now.

I was so happy to read (after yesterday's post) that you all like my new 'Project Scarlett' plan...the wallpaper was officially ordered yesterday so there's no turning back.

I also emailed the pink Craigslist sofa dude like a zillion times and finally heard back last night...it's still for sale and it's still cheap Mc cheapersons.

Great news.

Even better though, finding it actually set a Craigslist/Kijiji revival into full action speed.

I think I spent 4 hours perusing the local wares last night...and boy or boy did I find some goodies...and this is where you come in.

Tell me which ones I need.

First, Project Scarlett...as revealed yesterday, this is the plan...

As you can see, the Craigslist original sofa is on the board...


...since then, I've also found these three contenders...

(I'd paint out the wood on this one...gold or white)

(the loveseat on the right, not the sofa...I'm hoping it comes wreathless;)  And sorry for the crap photo...darn Kijiji non-bloggers)

(I think it's my fave)

(would paint the wood gold on this one)

Kijiji: 2 matching love seats and antique love seat

Assuming all are priced the same, which basically they are...and by the same, I mean practically free...which one should I choose?

One thing to consider, the sofa will be going in a window nook which is about 9' wide...curtain panels will be hanging behind...do you prefer the idea of a smaller settee/loveseat one or a sofa?  The later all measure about 7.5'.

I also found a few chandy possibilities...


Kijiji: Chandelier

#2...100 bones...

Kijiji: Chandelier for sale

#3...quite a few more dineros but still a smashing deal...and I love how the glass sort of mimics the flowers shape of the wallpaper...

#4...same price as choice #2...


...I definitely prefer the bottom too but I'm splurging on wallpaper and the wardrobe so...what say you?

Oh and one more thing...this piece of glamazonia was also discovered...

Kijiji: Brass & Glass Unique Coffee Table

 ...and I literally spent half the night trying (ever so desperately I might add) to figure out a place I could put it...PS, damn my smallish house that can't house this ridiculously awesome table...damn the fact that I already have too many brass/ceramic animals...damn, damn, damn.

So...as you can see, your help is needed.

Ta/Thanks/Gracias in advance.



  1. Ooooh sister, you got some good options here. REALLY GOOD! Like, I'm crazy, insanely jealous good. That being said... as far as the sofa is concerned either the original find, of number 4 would be my pick. As far as the lighting, dear GOD! ANY of them would be divine. But, number 2 would be my choice. Looking forward to seeing what you end up with. Good hunting!

  2. For the couches, I choose number 1 or 4. To me they look VERY similar, just that number 4 is a better picture quality, so either would be good. Number 2 and 3 feel a bit stiff and stuffy I think. As for the lighting, I actually like number 1, and it's a great price! I think the smaller scale is perfect for a bedroom. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  3. omg what are you typing into the craigslist search field to yield these results?? i get crap when i search! loving #4 of both the sofa and chandy! gorg!

  4. love the one you love...the long one. NOT the one with the wreaths...those things are weird.

    and i like the 1st chandelier.
    but i have had no sleep so do not listen to me.

    scarlet is a lucky lady.

  5. I'd say get the $20 chandy. You will want some money left for accessories and other things that you don't know you need but totally will type stuff. Its a toss between #1 and #4 sofa so I'd say get the one that has better upholstery on it. Unless you're re-doing it then get the cheaper one. Have fun where ever you are!

  6. Love the Project Scarlett mood board! For the shape and style I like #1 and #4, though I'd probably go for a shorter settee for the window nook. I love ceiling to floor drapes flanking the settee (instead of hiding behind it) for a dramatic look. I like all the chandelier options but particularly the #4. It's such a statement piece that's probbaly worth the splurge.

  7. love #1 and #4, they are perfect. although I don't doubt that you could work your magic and make all oft them look fabulous. those elevator doors are amazing!

  8. Your Craigslist is full of delicious items! We may luck out with one of the choices...so jelly!

  9. How do you even make a decision at this point??? I would be completely incapacitated by the fear of making a decision and then figuring out that I loved another one more (because, daaaaaamn, there's a lot to love!)! Now clearly, I'm no designer...but #1 and #4 sofas look very similar to me (uh, both knockouts!)...and actually I *reeeeeally* love #3 (if it really is wreath-less, major deal breaker...). #4 is my fave chandy...it's just so gorgeous and for the price??? You can add all sorts more prettiness into the boudoir (c;

  10. Prefer the love seat for that space.

  11. ooh so much pretty...i can't wait to see it all come into play!

  12. Oh my goodness! Okay - I have to stay true to my heart and say #3 regardless of wreath or not. Anything in that shade of pink makes me weak in the knees!!!! So amazingly cute for a little girl too. Ahhhh, I DIE!! Who even has that amazing-ness of pink in their home. That's just ridonc. Anyways.. aside from that #4 (your fav) definitely is amazing - love the shape and everything! As for the lights, I'm loving #3 as well. You found some good finds!!! xo


  13. Really amazing choices! Wow! I love the last couch and pretty much all of the chandys. What a lucky little girl.. does she even have any idea just how cool it's going to be?

  14. Definitely # 4 Sofa I love it!!
    I must start checking out Craigs List

    2012 Artists Series

  15. Hi Christine! Fun post. I love the 5th settee, and the 4th chandelier personally. Great finds, all of them!
    Good luck treasure hunting and gathering.
    xo Nancy

  16. I like the original sofa, it looks the prettiest and chandy #2. I also feel like I would give my arm for that coffee table.

  17. AHHHH this is really making me want to start shopping for a new sofa. I feel like I need you to come to Dallas and help meeeee! xoxo

  18. I love #1 & #4. This room is going to look awesome!

  19. I run a blog devoted to Montreal CL & Kijiji finds, & I've gotten a bunch of comments from Toronto readers that their choices suck... you're proving them wrong!

    I like either the first or fourth sofa & flowery #3 chandy. Looking forward to seeing your room reveal!



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo