Wednesday, July 4, 2012


First off, a big happy 4th of July to my Americano friends.

Holidays are winners.

My hubster's new vacation from employments status means that yours truly can paint her brains out...and so I have.

I finished this little number yesterday.... honour of Ms Jessica Rae Sommer.

You many remember that she painted this...

...and well, it slays, we're doing a little art exchange...I get that amazeballs image of myself (sounds weird to say that I love my own image but you know what I  mean)
 and she gets my little creation excited.

Next up, a little commission for my lovely friend Wendy...she's just started her own kick ass marketing company and is looking for a little citrus art prettiness to design her website banner's what I came up with...

...turns out citrus comes way less naturally for me than straight up pink, gold and black...this puppy took me a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time.

And finally, I've got a few larger paper/framed pieces going up in the shop today.

Ms. Blythe...

...she has sparkles:)

And two 12x18 partners in crime...Anna...

...and Julia...

And with that, I'm breaking from painting for at least the rest of the day...after I clean this all up that is...

...PS, think there's any money to be made in palate photographs?

I'm kind of loving that second shot of my mixing mess.

Later gaitors.



  1. Christine, you have outdone yourself. All your paintings are gorgeous and I'm feeling an added sense of happiness now to own one - I love it!

    Today's marketing landscape needs to embrace originality and here's yet another layer of how I bring it to my company. Fingers crossed we can launch the website in two weeks. I'll keep you posted. Happy dance ~

  2. I am in LOVE with Jessica and Wendy's pieces. I may just have to commission you down the road! :)

  3. I m loving this series of paintings. It seems like you have really gone from having an eye for art to having your hands nicely in it!

  4. I'm in love with all the bright colors you're using! They all work so well together. I think the Ms. Blythe piece is my favorite though.


  5. I'm in love with YOUR art!!!! the citrus painting is by far my favorite.
    Happy 4th!

  6. Too much gorgeousness going on here.
    And yes, I do love the palate shots and think people would gladly throw their money at you for some.

  7. your newest paintings are amazing!! Talk about constantly improving - seriously they keep getting more incredible. I think my fave are these ones with yellow...and I don't care for yellow all that much - but these are bang on


  8. Very nice, and you thought you could paint, HA !!! I really like the built up and very texture look of Wendy's piece. YES, I think photo's of the paint palette would be brilliant.

  9. LOVE all the pieces and love the exchange you did. You had to have that portrait of you! It's amazing!


  10. These are gorgeous! Wendy is one lucky lady to get that gorgeous citrus!

  11. OMG Christine that last one is absolutely stunning!! is it actually one of the pieces or that's the paint plate? LOVE IT!!

    All the Best to Wendy as well with her new venture!!

  12. Christine, that coral painting is beyond GORGEOUS, please tell me you'll be doing more like that one ;)

  13. uhhhh!! I need one of your pieces. I do.

  14. seriously love these paintings! and i dig the one of you too! i was sorry to read about your husband's job sitch, but stay strong. it'll work out, it always does somehow :)

  15. Love all your creative energy! So glad you're painting like crazy. It's all beautiful!

  16. Loving loving loving ALL of your new pieces! Keep it up sweetie. It's all gorgeous.

  17. Love that gorgeous piccie of you! Also, simply adoring all of your pinky artworks - so special.

    ~ Clare x

  18. Love that gorgeous piccie of you! Also, simply adoring all of your pinky artworks - so special.

    ~ Clare x

  19. simply in love in love in love in love and so so so excited!!!!!!!! I love. Seriously. Clearly I have died off the blogging world in my Interior Design deadlines madness at the design firm... so I have missed this gorgeousness! I am so sorry! Thank you so much for the post and I can't wait to have a piece of your talent in my home!!!!!!! Like. SO. Excited.

  20. I think a collection of artist palates would be so incredible if they were somehow signed and displayed.

    Ever thought about selling a palate? :)

    xo, Margaret


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo