Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sponsor Welcome - Goodbye Tuesday

Prepared to be BLOWN away by my newest sponsor Chloe Shard...her incredible sketches are nothing short of ah-maaaazing.

Each of Chloe's pieces begins with a vintage photograph like this...

Reserved for Jessica Rowe

...which she then sketches, shades and colours.

And when she's done, the final work is pretty much art nirvana...

Reserved for Jessica Rowe

Are you still standing?

Incredible right?

Here's some more from her drawing divinity...

Original Drawing (Small) / I Question

Reserved For Andee - Commission 2

Original Artwork // Watercolour Sketch // A3 // Coffee Stains

Reserved for Andee

Original Drawing (Small) / Red Bow Blues

Original Drawing (Small) / Parade Un-norm

Reserved For Andee - Commission

Original Drawing (Small) / Soda Pop

Original Artwork // Watercolour Sketch // A3 // Porcelain Girl

Original Drawing (Small) / Full of Hot Air

Truly inspired.

Chloe sells her completed drawings and also does commissioned work...whispers...there's one being made just for me and's already so so beautiful.

Here's the photograph Chloe and I decided on...

...and the preliminary sketch...


Now you want one right?  Well...if you commission a piece from Chloe, you can pick your picture from a huge selection of vintage photographs and then even request certain colours/shades you might probably guess, mine is going to have hints of pink and gold in there...happy dancing.

I'm pretty sure you all need one of know your house/room would look infinitely cooler with a Chloe Shard original on your walls....just ask's her piece sitting pretty in the dining room...

...along with those gold walls of her, well...the whole thing has just sort of killed me softly. 

You can see the rest of Chloe Shard's gorgeous work HERE and if you want to glance through all of the photographs first, just to get some inspiration, click HERE.

And with that, I'll say a huge you're's not everyday you get introduced to this kind of greatness;)

High fives love bots.




  1. Wow. Wow. Wow. This is nutso. Heading off to buy some pieces that I cannot live without. Thank you for the introduction my sweets!

  2. Very very cool. xo

  3. I love the one with the girl in pointe shoes and the other with the red head scarf. So incredible and lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  4. LOVE #3 these are fabulous!

  5. Gorgeous! I feel like I want to spend my evening shopping images to recreate!!

  6. Wow- her work is amazing! Purely stunning. I can't wait to see your piece! And happy birthday! I remembered we shared the same day! 7th- woo-hoo! :)

  7. How am I just now seeing this??
    First of all, I love the subject you've chosen. Prepare to be blown away by the detail when it arrives.
    Chloe is an amazing artist and I hope she'll continue to get more and more recognition.
    Also, this is totally making me miss my old dining room. That piece is in storage with the movers until we get our new place and those stripes are long gone :( ...But I can't wait to find a new home for her in our next place.

    The Aestate

  8. Um these are freaking awesome. What a great idea!

  9. This is absolutely spectacular! Blown away. Really. I will be saving her info for sure!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo