Monday, June 25, 2012

Purchase Tangents

This morning I give you a bit of a mixed bag of tangents related to purchases;)

First up, I posted a picture on Instagram of my new side table ...for those of you who may of missed, get a load of this polyhedron/marble insanity...

...and the best part, it was a mere 35 bones.


It's actually got me thinking about this whole polyhedron 'trend' likey.

I was flipping through Etsy this a.m and spotted this clock number...

Faceted Wall Clock

...totes wouldn't kick it out of bed for peanuts.

In other news, I bought some palm action this weekend....

...and they made me re-access my #projectexterior plans.

As you know, my original thought was to do black windows and have the siding painting dark charcoal...the trim would be beefy and white.

This neighbourhood house is the inspiration for such measures...

...and is still the front-runner plan but I'm also warming up to the idea of going total Palm Beach and doing the siding white...again, the windows would be black.

My all time faveskies neighbourhood crib is all about what I mean...

I LOVE the idea of white with black windows and copious amounts of black/white striping and greenary...with a little pink in there of too of course.

So what's your vote?

Charcoal or white?

Very interested in your thoughts on this matter.

Oh and one more my little red head graduates from Kindergarten...this Mama is going to be a basket case...just don't know where the F the time goes.

Also, it's my sister's birthday and since she's the GREATEST SISTER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE, I wanted to take a minute here to wish her a blissballs day.

Good day to all of you friendlies too;)


  1. White :) We painted the house we're about to move out of grey. But our new house is white with whitewashed brick :)

  2. I vote for white.

  3. My vote is white, and with the black windows, accents in fresh green and hits of your signature colour. Amazing

  4. White! Happy bday, sis!

  5. I love your random many goodies! I vote white...the black and pink accents are so you! Wear waterproof mascara today! :)

  6. Charcoal is just so dang sleek and sexy...and totally unexpected in a sea of white! Love the sneak peek into your personal else would we know what's been trending in design and decor ;D Awesome picks!

    Happy Monday!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  7. My vote is WHITE! With all the Palm Beach elements you mentioned. Doesn't get any better.


  8. I will go for white and with charcoal windows: classic, elegant, and you can throw in whatever accent color you want in that combination! Of course a bit of pink and green is alway hot!

  9. I vote charcoal. It makes the white pop so much more. :)

  10. I think I'd go white, too! That marble side table is awesome. In love.

  11. Ooooh I'm in a pickle with you. On one had I like the contrast of the charcoal, and it seems like you could go much longer without re-painting because it would look cleaner. White would show everything although I'm completely obsessed with white/black and white/black striped accents.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  12. B&W is my favorite color combo so I have to go with white. I need you to take me shopping somehow bc you always find such great deals! xoxo

  13. I say black! You could still do the Palm Beach vibe with a black, sexy house, and it would be more original that way.

  14. Hi Christine! I love both, but my vote is the white with black windows, striping and a hint of pink somewhere. This sounds like you!
    Happy Bday sis, and congrats to the graduate!

  15. Linda W in WaterlooJune 25, 2012 8:43 PM

    My comment won't be at all helpful! :) In the bright sunny days of summer, I think white is stunning against the blue sky and greenery. In the gray blahness of winter and also against fresh white fallen snow, I think charcoal would be much more striking than white. So....paint every six months?? :)

  16. I am in favor of the white! I love the fresh feel and I doubt that will ever change. I feel like the grey might feel gloomy in the winter. . .but the the white will feel like a wonderland all year.

  17. Well, shizsticks. How the hell do you expect us to decide between two fab options??? That's like asking me to pick a favorite child (c: In all seriousness though, I don't think there is a loser here...except for maybe ME because I don't have that fabulous new side table in mi casa. Frowny sad face. But total happy face for sis's fabulous birthday!!! Hope it includes copious amounts of frosting (c;

  18. Linda W in WaterlooJune 26, 2012 12:17 AM

    I'm now swayed all the way to white. I was thinking about Christmas because that is my favorite, magical time of year...and which house colour would show Christmas lights off to their best advantage, if you are into that sort of thing, and I think white would reflect the lights whereas black might subdue them to some extent. Is it silly to pick a house colour based on Christmas lights?? :)

  19. Love the idea of the black windows against the white. Happy birthday to your sister! Xx


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo