Tuesday, June 26, 2012



I have to admit to you that my brain is more than a bit scattered at the moment.

ana montiel.

My life is feeling a bit like a really weird happiness/sadness scale.


On the one end, things are happening professionally that have me feeling nothing short of elated...remember
 that little excitement I mentioned last week?  Well it turned into something AH-MAAAZING for yours truly...basically a dream come true...beyond grateful and dying to jump in...sorry for not being able to share the news entirely but soon...promise.

Also, Wink of Pink is sort of making me happier than well, most things...besides my kids/family of course;)

I've sold 15 paintings in a week and I am soooooo grateful/ completely ecstatic.

Also, my kids are great...Scarlett is on TV...

...Natasha is heading to University in the fall to be like a cancer research/science genius and Mac...well despite having a nasty case of pink eye, is just always a total 'boy mush/loves his mommy more than cake' joy ball.

Also, I like my husband...a lot.

So...all good.

Except...I am grieving...a lot.

As you know, I recently lost my dear nana and it's been hard....really hard.

But I've been dealing..sort of.

Now though...something else has been added to the loss pool and I feel like it's tipping the scales too far in the sadness direction.

To make a long story short, I found out this weekend that my sweet Lola is dying.

I've been told she has about a month with us.

And it's breaking me.

Lola was my baby before I had babies...she's been with me for 10 years and well, she's a part of our family blanket.

She drives us all crazy a lot of the time...just when the kids are settled and happy, Lola wants food...when I'm finally lying down at night, she needs to go out....when we're eating, she's under the table barking for food and making us all nuts...she's 50 pounds of chaos really.


Despite her little doggy faults, Lola has the sweetest, kindest soul I've ever known...people say you can never be sure that a dog won't bite if threatened yadda yadda...but I'm sure...Lola wants nothing more in life than to love her family unconditionally and without judgement...she's never more than a foot from my side and has slept wedged against me for almost 4000 nights....she's my sweet bear and to imagine our house without the sweet chaos that is her...it's devastating.

I'm also scared....terrified of watching her suffer and of making that call the morning we decide 'it's time.'

The vet says we can hope for about a month of good 'quality of life'.

That's 30 fucking days...it's not enough.

I'm angry...sick of cancer taking my loved ones away.

I don't want to watch he slip away.  I don't.

It makes me crazy sad and crazy mad.

I'm crying like every 8 minutes and feeling guilty about not walking her enough...guilty about bumping her to 4th in line after having the kids...guilty about being a grouchy bitch to her most of the time...guilty.

But mostly, I'm just overwhelmingly sad in a way I suppose only people who have gone through this can understand.

She's my dog and she's leaving me and I just hate it with a fiery passion.

I've been debating telling you all about what's going on but this blog is sort of like my solstice diary and well, I couldn't not explain why I've been a little distant/removed from it all.

I've a bit overwhelmed at the moment...by the joy and sadness that is life...the good and the bad that gets all rolled up into one big and sometimes maddening ball.

sad dog

Hug your pooches and pets a little tighter for me today OK...you know they deserve it more than anything.

And with that giant melodramatic onslaught, I'll say bye for today, with a promise that things will be back to the pretty here tomorrow.




  1. oh christine, i am so sorry! and i totally understand. i have two dogs. they drive me NUTS, but i love them. last week when iwas at haven, jake, who is my walking partner, my friend, my everything in a pup, was lost over night.... gone from 11 pm until the next day. we live in a wooded area and i was so scared i would never see him again, and i was away and i felt like it was my fault because i wasn't there. we are lucky our story had a happy ending, but i know that feeling that he was going to be gone to me, and it's awful- i spent the first morning of the conference trying not to cry in front of all these women i just met. anyhow, i am thinking of you- i get it. i understand, and you have every right to feel like you do. sending you love.

  2. I so wish I could give you a big hug right now...

  3. I am so sorry that you are going through this, first with your grandmother and now with your sweet pup. I am here if you need anything at all. xoxox

    Also....so insanely hugely proud of you!

  4. Awwww. So sorry about Lola.

  5. Oh Christine, I am so sorry. Not the news you ever want to hear, but try to just enjoy this time and try to put it out of your mind as best you can. I know that's easier said than done, but take lots of happy pictures and just live in the moment. My heart is with you and wishing you lots of hugs and love!!

  6. oh Christine, I'm so so sorry. Losing a pet is one of the most difficult things on earth - made even worse because people just dont get it. When my dog passed away when I was in highschool I had to take days off of school to grieve - and nobody understood. I understand (as would anyone who has ever felt the grief of loosing a pet). You and your family are in my thoughts!

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about Lola. Even though I have two daughters, my beagle is my first baby. So I can sympathize with your grief. Wishing you lots of hugs and positive energy.

  8. SO sorry to hear about your pup. Thinking of you and your family.

  9. Hang in there my friend. So sorry to hear about all the loss in your life lately, major suckage, no other words for it. Try to think about all the positive things going on and remember the good times with your Nana and Lola. It does get better but it takes time.



  10. Christine, I am so sorry to hear about Lola. This post made me tear up, it breaks my heart that you only have 30 days left. sending lots of prayers and hugs your way!

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Lola! My heart breaks for you, and I so wish I could do something to make it better. I know there is nothing you want more than to make this stop, to change it back to the way things were. When I lost my Ivy, I just wanted someone to help me. I felt like someone out there had the answer for why she got sick, why she wasn't going to live to a ripe old age, why she was leaving us. The pain is incomprehensible. And while you know you are not alone, you will feel that you are. All I can say is love Lola harder than ever and put aside all that guilt. Hugs!!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. This saddens me so much. I wish I could give you a hug right now so I'll send one virtully--->

    ((I'm sorry my dear))

  13. Sending you hugs. I had a puppy baby before my babies, too... and I still think about him almost every day...

  14. Oh Christine, my heart is heavy for you and I know exactly what you are going through. We had to say goodbye to my beloved Luna of 14 yrs this January and it is NOT an easy task. The one thing I can offer you is that it sounds cliche, but you can just tell when it's time. Although leading up to it and making that decision was one of the hardest things I've had to do, after, I felt a sense of calm and was ok with it. Also, the sense of guilt I had for getting another younger dog while she was still around just turned into me finding more time to spend with the new dog making sure to treasure every moment with him.


  15. Oh Christine ... I am so sorry to hear about Lola. I just had a little weep and went and gave my pooch a tight hug - she's my first baby before the human babies arrived. I'd be lost without her. Hugs hugs hugs.

  16. So sorry to hear about sweet Lola. My thoughts are with you and the family. xo

    PS But also so happy for where things are headed for you!!

  17. Oh.

    This is so hard.

    I can imagine how you feel while wishing so hard that I couldn't. I've got a furbaby - she's my baby before kids, since I'm in that before kids stage - and I love her to pieces. I know the pain of losing her would be way to much to bear, except that I know, one day, I'll have to go through that pain. You have every right to be crying every 8 minutes, every right to be sad and mad.

    30 days is so not enough.

    (I'm sorry I haven't anything more encouraging, uplifting, helpful to say.)

  18. I completely understand how you feel about your dog. I have a ten-year-old lab too, and she's going through some health issues. She's been with me through so much so I don't know what I'll do without her there.

    I'm sure she loves you and you've made a huge impact on her life. Like you said, life is a bitch, but you'll make it through all this :)

  19. So sorry to hear about Lola, Christine. Losing a pet is the final straw it seems like to me, my parents recently lost thier dog unexpectantly and its the most unfair thing I can think of. These animals love you know matter what, and I know that Lola just wants to spend her last days being with you.

  20. I'm so sorry for what you are having to dealing with. Pets are amazing, they are more than pets, they are apart of the family. They love you no matter what and provide unconditional love like no other. Enjoy this time you have left with Lola she is a good dog... a really good dog. We will miss her too.

  21. So sorry to hear about little Lola. I had to put my dog down 2 years ago, and I hate to say it, but it hasn't gotten any easier. I find comfort knowing they aren't suffering anymore. Enjoy your month with her an spoil her rotten. xo

  22. I think more people understand how important dogs can be than we realize. There will always be those who don't get it, but it seems from the comments that there will also always be so so many who do.

    My pup is my best bud and my kid all wrapped up into one. I don't know how I would have gotten through the recent breakdown of my relationship without him, and don't know how I would get through future hurt without him either. My heart is going out to you in a big way, and I am going to make sure to go home and hug my G doubly hard tonight.

    Know that despite your feelings of guilt I'm POSITIVE that you've given your pup an amazing life, and that she'll go the same way she's lived every other day--surrounded by love.

  23. OK, I will go love up on my hound. I am always mean to her and talk about how annoying she is on a daily basis....but if something happened to her I would be CRUSHED

    I am so sorry your feeling blue.

  24. Lots of hugs and kisses to you dear Christine. xoxo

  25. I totally understand your happy sad situation. I am so sorry about Lola! Losing a pet is extremely hard. I really hate cancer too. I'm sorry for the sadness but you are so fortunate to have the happy things in your life as well. And I can't wait to hear your big big news!! xoxx

  26. Hi. I send you love and light in these wonderful yet saddened days. I completely understand how you feel. I've had to make that phone call and it hurts me to this day. I've also recently lost my father, the Thursday before fathers day. It's been beyond difficult. My only solace is taking it one step at a time rather than one day at a time. My children fill me in a way that is unexplainable. True love goes a long way.
    Keep your little ones close and allow yourself to feel that unconditional love that they give. If you could fit in a workout here in there, do it. It has helped me a lot.
    Again , love to you

  27. So sorry to hear about Lola. We put our dog down a few months back and she was our baby before our babies too. She was 14 and was the best dog I ever had. We scheduled her to be put down, and then cancelled because she perked up and I couldn't bear to bring her in with her tail wagging. She clearly had a few happy days left in her. When we brought her in for the final time, I swear she knew what was up and was ready but still acted as she always did, happy to be with us and loving the attention. Having a pet is a priviledge and putting them down is so hard. I felt it was the one thing I could give back to her (a peaceful passing) for all of the wonderful years she gave us. Lola is lucky to have such a caring and loving mama and family that adores her. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.

  28. i have tears in my eyes because i feel your pain. my dog ginger has been around before i had children too and i cannot imagine losing her. i am truly sorry. enjoy every second with her. lots of prayers and hugs to you and the rest of the family.

  29. Very sorry about your dog. To lose someone that's so unquestioningly loving is one of the most difficult things in life. I'm sure she knows how much you love her.


  30. So so sorry to hear about Lola. Sending you and her hugs and love.


  31. Dear Love- I've been there. It's awful, and I'm so sorry. Just do the best you can, and love the hell out of her for as long as you can. My heart is with you.

  32. Oh my god. Christine I am so sorry. I am at work and almost in tears reading this and even just the thought of having to go through what you're going through right now. It is just not fair that our furry ones aren't promised as long a life as we are. It's not fair that we have to see them come and go when they literally become a piece of us. I will hug my little one very tight tonight and I will keep you in my thoughts <3. I hope things get better.

  33. I am just so sorry. My husband and I went through this with our Henry this past winter and it sucks. I cried for weeks. I understand and I am so sorry for the hurt and pain you are going through. I will never understand why the dont live as long as we do, it is so hard to say goodbye. Prayers to you and your family and of course, Lola.

  34. Lola is so beautiful and I know she is your child..there is no getting around this awful part of life, and Im just so sorry you're dealing with these losses lately. She knows how much you love her, just make her last month so delicious she will have the best memories ever. Love to you and Lola

  35. So heartbreaking...I am so sorry your going through this, and hope this next month finds you well and that she is feeling well so you can all enjoy your time together. She is so lucky to be loved by your family, just know she is happy and had a great life! Lots of hugs and prayers being sent your way!

    Raiana xox

  36. So sad, Christine. I know 30 days isn't enough, but at least you know and can really enjoy her.

    At 5, I'm already worrying about my Bailey getting old. Life without him would not be as happy.

    So glad professional stuff is going well, though!


  37. I am so so sorry to hear about Lola...pets are our babies and it is never easy to have to go through something like that! Just try to remember that she's had lots of wonderful years with you but it doesn't make it any easier!!


    Dominique @ http://comfycozycouture.blogspot.com

  38. i'm so sorry, we had our dog albert before our babies and as you say he ended up last on the list. He was 10 when he quickly went down hill and i had to make the decision - very hard but the vet was lovely and he just went to sleep, no more pain.
    Having just lost my father in law to cancer there were times when i wished it was that peaceful for him. Its tough being a grown up sometimes!
    Lots of hugs coming you way and to lola xxx

  39. I'm so sorry to hear about Lola Christine; I know how she must be such a huge part of your life and to find out that she is so sick must be devastating. Sending you lots of big hugs to you and Lola xx

  40. I could not be more sorry to hear about Lola. Our pets are definitely part of the family and losing them is losing a family member. I know how hard it is, but I also know that you have no doubt given her a good life where she was happy. Hang in there and be strong for her when that time comes. It's the hardest decision to make, but it is the one last thing we can do right for them. Love her to bits now and give yourself time to grieve when that time comes. Thinking of you.



  41. Christine,

    I lost my grandma 19 years ago and still miss her like crazy, one of the harest loses of my life. I cannot imagine going through that and the loss of an animal. I want you to know that I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way. She was lucky to have you all these years.. No matter how much you walked her it wouldn't feel like enough right now. sending you big hugs!

  42. just what you need..another sorry comment.
    listen...it goes without saying that i am sorry. i know precisely what you are feeling. really and truly.
    my own cat (15 years old) is my baby before babies too. he is my heart and soul. i think about him dying every single night and day. i smell him more intensely now that i know his end isn't so far away. i stare into his eyes. i snuggle him tighter. and though you only have 30 days...just try to make them the most meaningful 30 days you can. do wonderful things for her. love her intensely.
    this is a terrible terrible part of life with pets. but it's part of life none the less. and the alternative is a life without pets. and that's just a bullshit life.
    you'll get through it. just go with the sadness. don't be afraid of it. just feel it. let it come and go. and then distract yourself when it gets too hard.

    that's the best i got.
    love you more than my luggage.


  43. Our furry friends are like family and when they are sick - we feel for them just as if they are one of us. Take time to cuddle now ~

  44. I'm really sorry to hear about your sweet Lola. I have lost a few animals in my life and it's such a hard thing to go through. Thankfully you have lots of positive things to pull you through. Sending my thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way!


  45. Linda W in WaterlooJune 27, 2012 12:16 AM

    I don't have the right words to say, but I'm thinking of you and all that you are going through at this very difficult time..and hoping you will soon find peace.

  46. This hits home in a way that I didn't expect...I'm really not an animal person, but somehow my hubby conned me into getting a mini schnauzer (this was B.C., too...before children) and she became our baby. Then the babies came and she got bumped further and further down the list until sometimes I'm sure she doesn't even make the list )c: This is a wake up call for me because despite the annoyances, I couldn't imagine our house without the chaos she brings to it either. I have a lump in my throat thinking about what you're going through and hope that when the time comes, you will get to feel peace...because when this crap gets thrown at you, that's pretty much the best you can hope for, right? HUGE cyber hugs, dear friend...

  47. I am so very sorry for what you're going through now. I wish I had words to make it all better. It sucks and is totally unfair that anyone has to deal with loss. Allow yourself time to feel what you're feeling. Please know that you're in my thoughts.

  48. I am so sad for you and your family - nothing like the loss of a loved one, be it a pet or person. Warm thoughts all the way from Denmark,

  49. Oh Christine, I'm so sorry for your sadness!! I know how hard this stuff is, and how long it takes to heal...hugs to you...and congrats on all the great things!

  50. I am so sorry to hear about your Lola. My heart just breaks for you and your family. Cherish every single day you have left with her. xo

  51. I am so sorry - I have been through this - 3 years ago - we had to decide when it was time for our Beauty girlie to leave us. It has taken this long for me to be able to write about it. They never leave our hearts.

  52. I am so sorry to ready this. I just put down my 18 year old cat and thought no one else in the world knows what this feels like. I'm sorry now to see that you do. Even though I still have 2 dogs and 5 cats (yes, 5 cats!), I still cried my eyes out. I have him buried in my yard with a beautiful little cat statue (please don't think I'm nuts!) and I planted red and white impatiens. (he loved to sleep in my garden). It does suck to loose a pet, because they are family. I hope your memories will take over your sadness.

  53. I'm a total lurker, and don't think I have ever commented on your blog before. But I wanted to reach through the interweb and give you a big hug! My dog is my baby, and I hope you can enjoy these last days with your baby!

  54. Oh, dude, I'm so sorry. I'm actually bawling reading your post ~ our pup, too, is part of our fabric and I can't imagine being told 'That's it. Time's up." How awful, and so soon after your Nana is terrible. Hugs to you, dude.

  55. So sorry to hear all you're dealing with.... none of it is easy. We all are here to go thru all of these parts of life with you, the amazing, the blessed, the difficult... think of us as your extended family! And you're so brave for sharing your pain with us... I'm hanging on by a thread for things that have just happened in my world and I must remain tight lipped still.... URGH the pain of watching our loved ones suffer and leave us. Take one day at a time. Love on Lola. Allow yourself to feel. Take a break from here if you need to. We love you!!

  56. Sweet and precious Christine, I'm so so sorry. I know this place and it is awful. I want to tell you that it's okay, but the 'it's time' day is the worst of the worst so brace yourself. Hug her and love her and prepare yourself for the emotions that will follow and know that they are normal and you will get through it. It's been almost 6 years for me and it is way easier now, but there are still days that you could knock me over with a feather. It sounds trite, but 'dog people' who understand made everything so much better! It was amazing that others could share my unabating grief. God love you sweetheart, hugs and prayers for you and your family!

  57. oh, christine, i'm so sorry. our fur babies are such amazing gifts!! be assured, they have a way of putting us at peace when the time comes. he's obviously had a great life with you and the fam. sending all the love and hugs i have!! ox

  58. Christine, I have just hugged my little schnauzer and will keep you and Lola in my thoughts and prayers. NB

  59. Christine, I am honestly sooooo sorry. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart because I just went through this in October and the pain is still very real. I can't lie to you and tell you everything will be dandy. It will hurt like hell, I cried more than I cried for any people. I still miss my little guy every day, I had him for 13 years. Only TIME can make it stop hurting so bad, we just have to go through the process and trust that time will heal. But feel justified in the hurt and feeling like total crap because you have a right to. I'll be praying for you & your fam. BIG HUGS

    Nancy x

  60. Boy.....that brought on the tears...don't know how I missed this. I totally get what you are going through. Been there and I am not going to sugar coat it.......girl it sucks. All I can say is I am so darn sorry to hear this. I love my dogs so much and I can go see a movie with people dying right and left but if a dog dies.....i can't stop crying. They are there just to be loved. There is just nothing I can say to make this better.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo