Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2 Boards, 4 Animals and Some Genius

I'm sooooo happy to present some new boards, thanks to my faboosh sponsor 

I was presented with a kids' room challenge and quickly decided that one board just wasn't enough.

So...I give you....


I have to tell you...putting these mood enhancers together is pretty delightful, when you have such gorgeosity to play with.

Check out the Black Rooster Blog for more loveliness.

Oh...and if you shop kids pretty before May 18th, you lucky duckies will receive 15%!!

***use code KIDS***

In other news...I have a few animal stories to share.


...she's a gold, pink and white ceramic elephant ring holder for god lover's sakes...and she's a mere $12!

Urban just scored an adoring customer.

Project Kitchen just scored an animal friend for beside your sink.

Hearts and rainbows.

On to animal(s) numero two.

I recently bought a pair of fugly dogs and made them pretty.


They delight me.

They also demonstrate the sum total of my DIY abilities...spray paint I can do.

This on the other hand... NOT in my range of capabilities.

It is, however, in my dear friend Sarah Gunn's (PS...she's on TV all the time because she whips off amazeballs DIYs like this ALL THE TIME- proud as punch of her) repertoire of talents.

Can you effing believe she made that bleeping rug?

I'm still trying to absorb this.


Back to animals.

You may have seen a few tweets a while back about my new lion acquisition.

What I didn't mention was that poor Leonard the Lion was missing a large chunk of his base.

Enter Tim the painting/fixing/creating genius.

Thanks to a delivery from my other dear friend Tim, Leonard is now back at home and all fixed up.

Isn't he dapper?

I heart him to the moon and back.

And do you know what else I'm ridiculously smitten with?


Mr. Horsey actually belongs to my neighbour/very talented designer friend Hollie.

I had picked him out for her on Etsy...when he was delivered, we were both very saddened to find him unable to hold a shade straight because of a wobbly neck.

I felt terrible/like the worst picker outer ever.

Enter Lia from Mod Pieces.

She took that poor horse and brought him back to life with a little fix me up (read more here) and a brilliantly fabulous new shade.

Isn't he divine?

Jealz he's not mine actually.

And with that, I'll sign off.

Happy middle of the week friendlies.




  1. The kids room are great, loving the wallpaper in the boys room.

  2. This is just beauty overload. Absolutely love the kiddie rooms. Perfection. Wish I had one to work on right now! So much fun!

  3. Christine, where did you find those dogs?! I have been on the hunt with no luck. Also I found the most amazing giant brass deer statue in our areas craigslist, and giant brass giraffes however I believe the giraffes have been sold. If you are interested in it I can send you the link, just let me know!
    I would have taken them but sadly have no place to put them and can't get my hubby on board with animal statues unless they resemble our dog...enter dog statues lol!!

    Rai Atelier - Etsy Shop

  4. Ok seriously - that elephant has me spinning. SO SO SO CUTE! I love her. Reminds me of a book my mom read to me at night when I was a kid 'The Saggy Baggy Elephant'!


  5. I love Ele and I love those dogs!!! How friggin' adorable!

  6. Love that horse lamp....and my daughter would love something like that in her room since she is our budding equestrian!!
    Hope to see you soon at your sale!!
    GlamaMama xoxo

  7. loooovin the kids rooms! You could transport that girl's room right into my house! horse lamp is devine, and your lion is fab....bigger than I thought!

  8. I love those boards! And that elephant. Now to click on all of the links until my credit card weeps.

    Also? THANK YOU for sharing my rug, my friend! You are the bestest. xoxo

  9. oh geez, how to comment on all of this goodness?

    The rooms- adorable. Especially love the boys desk.

    The rug- impressive. I was going to tackle a similar project and decided to get real with myself.

    The animal- fun! Though watch yourself lady... you are quickly turning into a zoo. I kid I kid. the dogs at the front door are brilliant

  10. I am coming to your house to steal that lion! Adorable!

  11. The girls moodboard... pretty much one of the main reasons I'd want a little girl (I kid, but seriously). Also, loveee the dogs and the "grooming" you gave them. What dapper guards at the door!

  12. So much talent all in one place..including yours Christine! I love the mood boards, you could design rooms for my kids anyday! all the animal fun and beauty, such fun whimsical pieces.

  13. So much goodness! Love that rug...and your front door dogs!! well done! Shocker...but I'm spraying some stuffs today too! :)

  14. Totally bums me out when eBay doesn't come through 100%...but thank the good design deities, Lia sure did! She gets big blog kudos for that one, it's awesome! And holy DIY ridiculousness! That rug is off the chain amazing...yeah, I'm a spray paint kind of gal myself (c:

  15. OH my goodness, that pink bed! I'm swooning :) Those rooms are too cute!

  16. Ohh so much goodness in this post. The only decorative animals I have is a little alabaster cat. Hopefully more will be adopted soon and the actual animals won't be jealous!

  17. love the boards you made! is it weird i like the boys room best.. i'm all about pink and girly but i'm loving the industrial elements! xo

  18. These boards are amazing!!! Of course I love any and all animal statues/figurines/lamps !!!! So cute! xxox Elizabeth

  19. love your animal love and high five to black rooster!! those dogs are so handsome and stately at your front door! where did you find them Christine?

    Glad that I could help to bring Leonard back to you. Tim for sure is an incredible genius and i just can't wait to pick up the pieces back from him this week.

    ain't Lia and Sarah some super women? so talented and can bring all things back to life ... within their own super power domain of course!


  20. That ceramic elephant ring holder is to die for. SOOO adorable!! Great choice for beside your sink :p

  21. Gorgeous inspiration boards! Those dogs? You are too awesome - love them!

    ~ Clare x

  22. Some genius...PURE genius! I love the boards and your very statuesque dogs gaurding the door!!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo