Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Shopping - Blog Shop Love...and an Announcement

On the positive side of things, it's the weekend...woot.

On the flip side, I woke up this morning....after feeling finally better for a couple of days...with a GD sore throat and head full of snot...I swear someone upstairs is out to get me this winter...just can't seem to be healthy for more than 2 days in a row...beyond over it.

Anyhoo...back to the glass is half full side of things, the one good point about being sick is that my sweet hubster loves any excuse to take the kids out, which means yours truly gets lots of computer time...and that equates to some good old fashioned online shopping in my books.

And that my friends, is where you come in.

As you know, I've been away and pre-occupied these past few weeks and as such, have missed the launch of two shops, from two of my absolute faveballs bloggers.

So today, I'm making up for it with a little preview of these sweet like honey endeavors.

First up, I'm sure you've all already seen the beauty that is Ms. Mackenzie's...aka Design Darling' site...

...tailored to the 'preppy twenty or thirty (I should hope so- wink;) something,' 
Design Darling {the boutique} is a perfect reflection of Mackenzie's aesthetic...which I like to call...Palm Beach Prepster Pretty...or PBPP for short.

I'm in love with what she has put together...the shop holds a collection of fabulous that is so charmingly her...

...which PS, means you'll ADORE it!

You can see more of Design Darling {the boutique} hope you have your trusty credit card on stand-by...there's a lot of goodness and if you're anything like me, you'll find any attempt to be fiscally responsible VERY difficult;)

And change gears a bit...I'm so proud of my second blogger entrepreneur friend, Ms Amber...aka Amber Interiors.

It seems though this girl is on the un-stoppable train.

A few weeks ago, she was featured in Elle Decor...yes that's right...effing ED...the Holy Grail of design publication bliss.

And on the tails of such fame, Amber has ventured into the world of merchandising with her new online store...

Reflecting her World Traveler Bohemian Chic style...or WTBC...Shoppe by Amber Interiors is filled to the brim with heaven sent pillows...all made with vintage textiles, these one of a kind creations are a true reflection on Amber's coveted style...the girl can combine patterns like nobody's buiziness so buying something from her store will pretty much instantly make your home cooler and more Amberific...tis a VERY good thing peeps...the girl knows what's she's doing...see...

Pillow utopia.

You can click HERE to see more of what's she offering up...bliss, bliss, bliss.

So there you have it...two bloggers who are taking over the wold with online shops that perfectly represent their impressed...the talent in blog land just never ceases to amaze me.

And just so you know...yours truly might just be venturing into the world of e-commerce soon too...if all my ducks line up as they should, a little corner of the web will be belong to a B&B shop called....

More on that soonly:)




  1. Curate My Love!! I am already lovin it. Need to put my credit card in the freezer!

  2. SO many fabulous things happening with bloggers these days!!! Love both Mackenzie & Amber's shops, but I'm thinking yours might be favourite when it opens :) Happy weekend!! xoxo

  3. It's about time!! Kidding ;) Can't wait to see your contribution to the online shopping world Christine. A fabulous use of your taste and talent.

  4. Ok, now I'm really never going to be able to save any money...

  5. Ooohh!! Great shops, and can't wait to see what Curate may have in store! I love your style, Christine, so i know it will be a thing of beauty and bliss!!

  6. Yay so excited for you to open up too! There is always room for my great web~world shops :)

  7. I want everything from these two bloggers shops! I love the clutches on Mackenzie's site, I want all of them. And all of Amber's pillows are so cool, I love all the different patterns.

  8. Very excited about your shop Christine, i know it's going to be fabulous.

  9. Oooo, fun news about the possible online shop! Can't wait! I've been doing my share of online shoppity shop these past few days as I'm homebound with babe and healing from the c section (can't drive for 6 wks??? suxors!).

  10. SUCH exciting news!! You are already such a tastemaker... I can't wait to hear more about Curate my Love! Hope you get to feeling better doll.



  11. oh what? a little B&B retail love?

    YES PLEASE!!! Can't wait to see what you come up wiht... cause I have a feeling it's gonna be hot.

  12. Both Mackenzie's + Amber's boutiques are beautiful! I know Curate My Love will be all kinds of fabulous too - can't wait! xx

  13. Ohmygosh! I can only imagine the fabulosity of your very own shop! Waiting with bated breath!


  14. So happy for you! You have an AMAZING sense of style, and I can't wait to see all of the pretties!!

  15. Love the name! It's perfect! Can't wait to see! XOX

  16. Love the shop reccomendations! I can't wait to check them out. Good on you for your shop too. It's nice to see bloggers getting out there and doing so well.

  17. Oh exiting! I am looking forward to it!

  18. Love your sweet blog! I'm a new follower!
    Anne ♥♥

  19. Excellent news, Christine! Can't wait to see Curate My Love come to life. A fantastic new venture and a wonderful concept x

  20. OH! Looking forward to hearing more about this little venture!! Hope you had a great weekend! X

  21. thanks for the intro to these two shops! off to cehck out more. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  22. Flipping fantastic! We are so excited about your news and wish you the best in putting it all together! Love the name, Christine! You're really soaring!
    Hope you feel better soon..we've got the same snot going on here!

  23. Mackenzie's shop is loaded with goodies! I am wishing her all the best success!

  24. Reminds me of courage my love in Kensington, but with a more refined aesthetic, I'm sure! Love that crazy talented Amber, and really love that there are all these new sources of great design! Hope you are feeling better, hon - x


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo