Thursday, March 8, 2012

Project Kitchen Gorgeous...Hood

Just when you thought Project Kitchen Gorgeous was completeski's...I've got an update:)

I've been living in and LOVING every inch of my gorgeous's absolutely, positively my dream come to life...adore, adore.

Except for one little thing...the stove hood.

Don't get me's a perfectly lovely stainless steel number...but...there's just something about it that I'm not completely in love with and since every other inch is exactly as I hoped it would be, hubs and I have agreed to switch it out.

So...after discussing ideas with Meredith, we've come up with a few options's where you come in.

I've got quotes on three possibilities and let's just say some are less than others...and, I'm not entirely sure I know exactly what I want.

Of course, I've gathered a ton of inspiration.

My dream of all dream hoods would be this one...

Best hood I've ever seen and the best kitchen I've ever seen in print- adore!

...but it's far too rich for my blood.

I also adore this little beauty...

hood heaven

...but again, even in white (rather than the metal,) it's still about double what our budget is.

It's still on the 'maybe' list but...I'm trying to decide if I love it enough to stretch the spending.

So let's count that as choice #1.

Choice numero deux is one of Meredith's designs...

...the beading on the bottom would echo the detail on my Barbara Berry desk in the foyer.

It would be finished like my cupboards in white and would go to the ceiling.

This is the most economically friendly option.

And then there's number 3...Meredith and I both noticed this at the Interior Design Show and I snapped a photo on my iphone to show hubby...

...his response killed me....'but there's not brass/gold in our house'....hard not to exactly observant;)

Anyhoo...this hood isn't brass but a painted finish on would be about the same price as #1.

I love the shape and the brassy goodness.

So...what say you?

Which is your favourite?

Keep in mind that below the hood is a solid piece of marble....on either side are open shelves.

Would you spend double to get option #1 or #3, or do you prefer the less fussy #2?

VERY much looking forward to hearing your thoughts.




  1. I would 100% spend more for #1 or #3. Your kitchen is so special, your hood deserves to be the same!

  2. Laughing so hard at your husbands's comment!! You know I love love #3. But I know no matter which one you choose, it will look fabulous.

  3. OOOH I love to weigh in on these decisions - that's one of the funnest (yep, its a word) things about blogging.

    I am actually REALLY liking Meridith's design. That, or the double metal jacket feature, with the steel and the brass (I think pic numero 2). Either way, I know it will be awesome!

    Bethany [from] Powell Brower Home

  4. The one from the show made me gasp.
    Guess that's my answer!

  5. So tough, love 1 & 3! 3 is so striking! I say 3, makes a serious statement & it's a finish so couldn't you refinish it years later if you ever tire of it:) not that I see that being a possibility!

  6. Absolutely love #2. The silver and gold mix is just perfection.

  7. I love the last one!!! The most beautiful thing Ive ever seen.

  8. #3 looks like it belongs with you!

  9. 3! 3! 3! it looks unbelievable with the marble in the photo, i can only imagine it would be a stunner in your kitchen too! xoxo

  10. #1 is so classy and has that built in look ! Also it will not draw your eye away from kitchen but add to the beauty!

  11. I would have to say #1. I love the mix of metals :)

  12. The last one for sure! It is SO YOU. And hurry up woman! You have kept us guessing for almost a year now!!!! I demand pictures of project kitchen gorgeous! ;)

  13. Think of this hood like a diamond... would you be happy if your husband proposed with #2? Sure. But you'd be over the moon with #1 or #3 instead!

  14. I am new to your it! I went through the archives and cannot find your new kitchen. Have you shown it? It is impossible to make an educaated decision without seeing the whole kitchen. That said, I love the last hood.

  15. No contest. Last one!

  16. The last hood.

  17. I would pay double for #1 if it were metal, not white! Definitely #3!!! Love it!

  18. i absolutely love #3..i'm surprised that painted wood would be more expensive than bead boarding. why dont you check out young house loves blog- they recently DIYED their own hood. it may help :-)

  19. Oh my! I want a bold hood so badly myself. You must go with the one you spotted- it's divine!



  20. Can you do number 2 but add on some metal accents/ strapping? I prefer white and metal combo to full on gold/brass/painted.

    ps, I've missed PKG!

  21. I LOVE #1 & #3!!! Gorgeousness all around!!!

  22. The shape is elegant and I love the brass. Very classy!

  23. I love what you're calling choice #1!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure Meredith's design would be fantastic as well.

    Go for your gut. Your kitchen is absolutely breath-taking!!!!! You don't want to look at the hood with regret.

    Sorry to your dear husband for encouraging extravagance - tell him not to kill me - but your gorgeous kitchen deserves nothing less.

    Kerrie xoox

  24. number 3, definitely. A hood is a focal point of a kitchen- you want it to be as great as the rest of your re-do!

  25. I can't decide between Meredith's and the brass! They would both be amazing. I guess Meredith's would be less trendy - it looks timeless!

  26. #3!!!!! I have kitchen envy!

  27. Love option #3 but Meredith's design would be fine too and as someone send, could you add some brass accents to the white painted wood?

  28. ooooh love #3...but I am always swayed by $$ so would probably go for 2. which means YOU should probably go for 3 :) PS - does your hubs also "notice" that you don't have a lot of pink in the house?

  29. I've gotta go with #1 all the way! Your kitchen is so fabulous that you need to have perfection all the way. I'd totally splurge for it. :) xoxo

  30. Oh hubby...I love his's endearing that they are so design oblivious (c: I'm scrolling through and I'm like "meh", "yeah, I like that", "hmm...okay"...and then HOLY @*&%! LOOOOOOVE #3...and looks like I'm in good company (c: It's so shiny and the lines are delish...'course I would be making a way more informed decision if I had actually *seen* PKG...but knowing you, I'm pretty sure this is the ticket (c: Can't wait to hear what you decide!!!

  31. Funny, I got the same response from the hubby when I brought up the idea of brass hardware for our new kitchen! I like the idea of your own design you showed!

  32. OMG, I would be so excited with any and all options...who knew, but now I have HOOD ENVY! :)

  33. I dream about that first gold hood. To DIE for. But really, any of these options will be fantastic!

  34. NO!! the one at IDS isn't brass? I totally thought it is a real piece of metal beauty!! Still my heart is set for option 3 ... though I have to say I love that Barb Barry details on the sketch!

    Can't wait to hear what you decide Christine! Hope all is well and enjoy the sunny weekend. XO

  35. If it's in the budget, even over the course of the next few years budget, GO FOR IT! Can't be having any regrets. Please show us pictures! PS-That first kitchen is OFF THE CHAIN. Those windows? Wow. Can't wait to see!

  36. I would go with number three as well, but that's because I was lead designer on this kitchen! A little bit biased I guess. Glad to see everyone liked the design so much, I was thrilled with how it turned out for IDS!

    Thanks so much, and thank-you for posting the pic on your blog! Great, great, great blog. I can't believe I follow you and saw our hood up here!


  37. Go for #1 Christine, range hood makes a big statement in a kitchen, and this one is so elegant. My than a range hood. Looks like it belongs in a French Chateau, it would look fabulous in your kitchen.



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo