Tuesday, February 7, 2012

An Object Obsession Leads to a Bijou Room


Or maybe it's later in the day when you read this.

In any case...hello;)

I wanted to share a little goodie I came across yesterday thanks to the latest issue of Veranda...which PS is fabulous...the cover is verrrrry pretty and looks splendid in my foyer...thanks magazine peeps for thinking of me and putting lots of pink on the front-ha!

Anyhoo...I spied this piece of gorgeousness....

It's a giant 42" square ottoman from Lee Industries and I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE it.

If I didn't already have a large tufted ottoman or have to worry about a white upholstered 'table' with 3 kids and a large dog, this would SO be happening in my house.

Only...I'd do this to it...

Yup...I'd gold leaf the shit out of the base, which would make that ottoman tufted sex.


And do you know what else I'd do?

I'd design a glamorous room around it, which would look a little somethin, somethin like this...

Pretty right.

I don't want to give away all my sources but I will tell you the rug is from West Elm and I'm going to get it for my master...eventually.  Also, the artwork is courtesy of the ridonkulously talented Jessica Rae Sommer...her new portfolio is KILLING me.

I'm pretty sure I need the painting above...or maybe this one...


Now, if you perhaps want me to put together a room like the one above for you, please do give me a shout...e-design/styling/personal shopping is happening around here and I'd LOVE to make your space a little more bijou;)

Oh and on a side note, can someone please tell me how the hell I remove backgrounds on Publisher?  Why can I not figure this out? Suckage.

Ta ta for now and don't forget about the little art giveaway happening around these hear parts...you have only until Thursday to enter to win a little 'Store Around the Corner' illustration bliss...

Good luck, happy day and hire me please;)




  1. i love a good mood board! and oh how quickly you could transform YOUR living room into that. But dont - cuz you just put all that hard work into it and it looks GREAT


  2. Absolutely beautiful room. I love it!! And guess what? I just got that rug for our bedroom. Waiting for it to arrive!! xo

  3. Fabulousness!!!!! That ottoman is gorg and the gold lead would just be insane! You are crazy talented Christine! xo

  4. I adore tufted anything, and this ottoman is beautiful!! Love the room you designed around it. So bijou! :)



  5. Omg. You killll me. This room is STUNNING. I'm obsessed. I need that ottoman, but only if it has the gold base. Holy gorgeous.

  6. So beautiful. I love your gold leaf ideas. There is a bookshelf in my living room I'm dying to gold leaf but I haven't convinced my husband just yet. I need to show him the pictures of your amazing home and I think he'll come around.

  7. Wow, that is the perfect mood board. I also want that rug SO badly!

  8. Love those lamps. What a gorg room.

    I don't even know what publisher is, so I'm not help there. sorry!

  9. Very glam Christine!! I love the ottoman with the gold leaf trim! Great rug!

    Art by Karena

  10. Its about time you started offering decorating services! Love that ottoman. Reminds me of the Karl Springer Poufs with brass bases I've been coveting.

  11. Oh my GOODNESS! I set about my usual stalking of you and your blog this am and to my surprise.... my what??? My art on your page, in this room? I'm going to do die now. My week has been made... Or month. Amaze.

    Do you know what's even more amazing? A lovely lady named Sarah from Canada just ordered a custom giant print of that painting for her house from me because she said she saw me on YOUR blog. I'm so honored!

    Ps. Amazing room- you are so talented. I've fallen a bit in love gold leafing too many things. Accident from working on large residential projects for the financially elite at design job. SO far only the scraps from finish samples have made it anywhere near my home. Sighhh :)

    Lots of love! And thank you inexplicably again,
    Jessica Rae

  12. Love that ottoman and that entire room you designed! It's to die for! I would gladly take either of these gorge paintings. Off to check out more of her work. I'm already swooning! :) xoxo

  13. OMG, I LOVE that ottoman. I use a lot of pieces from Lee in my client projects. They have a lot of finishes you can choose from, but I don't think I've seen gold. You could so gold leaf it and it would be divine! Maybe they should offer you a job! xo

  14. So the minute we send our kids off to university we'll all get that ottoman. Let the countdown begin:)

  15. Ugh, that ottoman is making me sick it's so beautiful. Nice call on the gold detailing. You'll be trippin balls with how awesome it's going to be.

  16. Wow that room is just gorgeous...love the touches of gold! :)

  17. that is a fabulous ottoman and a gorgeous room!!

  18. It's very chic, and I adore the idea of applying gold leaf to it!!


  19. That tufted ottoman is freaking amaze. I love the idea of gold leafing it. Sigh I would have a house full of white stuff if it wasn't for my son's (and husband's) grubby hands touching everything!

  20. Love your moodboard and your plans for that fabulous looking ottoman - the gold leaf is definitely a good idea! I also love the beautiful art by Jessica - I must check out more of her work, thank you for the intro xx

  21. If I could I would hire you in a hot minute! Love your style! If only we could shop together :)

  22. You had my attention at tufting...you had me drooling at gold leafing...and you had me in spasms of ecstasy with that fab inspiration board!!! I swear, when I'm the wife of a filthy rich attorney instead of a broke law student, you are the first person I'm calling (c: Smooches, lady!

  23. Totally irrelevant to today's post, but I just saw your gilded console table via Paloma - um, yeah, cigarette, please? ;)

    You kill, me, lady (you, in a good way, 'course)

    (I've missed too much in blogland, lately *sigh*)

  24. I'm trying to find pricing info for that ottoman, any help?

    LOVE the mood board, so glam!

  25. Love the ottoman. That gold leaf touch makes it Regal!!!!

  26. The ottoman is gorg and that gold leaf just adds your awesome touch to it!! I also Love the Jessica Rae prints TDF!!

  27. There is a tool in Publisher that is supposed to be able to pick one color in an image and make it "invisible". It doesn't work very well. It looks like a magic wand.

  28. That gold little touch make a brilliant quick fix and speaking about the room I just love it. Absolutely perfect I think. Cheers Olympic 2012 apartments

  29. um. i need that. nay, i neeeeeeeeed it. definitely with the gold leafing.



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo