Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Guest Post Day

Good day all.

I've got a few places to direct you to today so hope you're in the mood for some travel.

First up, I'm visiting the lovely...

...and taking part in her 'Bits and Pieces' series.

If you'd like to see what must haves I need for a future dream home...

...or who my fave designer is...

and/or more little 'bits' about HERE.

And PS, Lark and Linen is one of my  long time fave blogs...Jacquelyn is always posting just the prettiest as can be photos....see...


Next up on the our tour list...I'm also over here...

a newfound treasure

...sharing a what... the moment...a little of this might be involved...

Click HERE to see more.

A New Found Treasure is a new blog to me but I'm loving what it has to offer...

Pinned Image

August's decline 10mb


And last...but certainly not least....I'm thrilled/honoured/tickled pink to be over here...

...sharing my favourite budget friendly decorating tip...a hint, it might have something to do with this little DIY...

You can click HERE to see what I'm talking about, along with a 5 other fabulous tips...courtesy of some mucho talented bloggers:)

And with that, I'm finito for today.

Kisses/hugs/high fives




  1. so nice to have you today!! Thanks again
    Off to checkout the rest of your fabulous features

  2. Loved your guest post on Lark and Linen! All of these pictures are sooo gorgeous, I just got my eye candy for the day :).Can't wait to go check out your other features. Hope you're having a great week!

  3. WOW Go Christine lots of guest posting today! :) I am headed over to check out your guest posts! Have a great day love!!

  4. Oh my goodness you are one popular lady today!!!

  5. Can't believe I hadn't heard of lark & linen before. So excited to have found her blog.

  6. Loved your post on Lark and Linen (another one of my favorite blogs)! :)

  7. Busy much lady!? Loved your guest post at L&L- off to check your others out! Congrats on the feature too! xx

  8. What? Only *three* guest posts in one day??? Sheesh. You really need to step it up, Chrissy! (c: Ha! And you know I'm always in the mood for traveling when it involves you, my dear...

  9. Wow Christine, you're all over the place today eh Wonder Woman?? Fabulous, now I can discover new blogs while reading your posts...thanks for the tip!

    Queen Kelly forever ;D

    Peace. Love. LOL!


  10. I think you dream home could be my dream home. Love love love. XO Trina

  11. Great post! And thank you for the Style at Home lovin' :) Talk soon!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo