Monday, January 23, 2012

A Plant and Flower Tour

My computer pox continues...came home last night to no internet...apparently there was some local technical problem that has just now been fixed.

Ay-Carumba....I feel like a broken record when it comes to my tales of computer 'woe is mes'.

For now, things seem to be working so it's post time.


As you probably have already ascertain, I'm a fresh cut flower kind of girl...I spend at least $20-$50 a week on pretty blooms and although perhaps indulgent, my house just wouldn't be a home without them.

I've always loved orchids in pots as well.

What's new however, is my love for potted plants and greenery in general...

The Fiddle Leaf Fig, Clementine and potted orchid are all fairly recent additions to my abode and I'm praying to the almighty plant gods that I can keep them alive...the green prettiness is making me very happy.

So how about you? Plant lover much?




  1. I spend a small fortune on plants every month. Somehow I manage to murder all of them. I love the potted plant with the pink flowers that hang down! What is that?

  2. Hi Christine!
    Where did you get your Fiddle Leaf Fig?

  3. Love all your plant choices! The hot pink makes me happy! Friends tell me orchids are easy to keep alive but I always seem to kill them! Greenery really makes a room come to life!

  4. Can you please come add some greenery to my apartment?! I'm obsessed. I need a fiddle leaf plant like nowww.

  5. Love fresh flowers, but potted plants surely give a home a live feeling

  6. Christine-
    A tip to keep your cut flowers last longer:
    After you wash the vase, swirl a small amount of bleach in it and then rinse. Every time. The bleach kills the germs in the vase which are what kill the flowers...

  7. Oh yes I love plants! I have a little window garden going on with a bunch of different succulents in my kitchen. I also have a tall bamboo plant that I move around the house as well. I've had it since October and managed to keep it alive. I would love a fiddle leaf but they are pricey and there's a chance I would kill it! Sometimes I buy the clearance flowers at the grocer on the cheap. I wish I could go every week and do what you do!

  8. Wow, these are just lovely! I may be resorting to terrariums of sorts, since I love greenery, but can never seem to keep plants alive. I LOVE orchids too, but for some reason, they don't survive my house in the dry midwestern weather.... :(

  9. so pretty!
    what's the droopy pink flower?
    i love plants hard.

  10. I buy fresh flowers every week too and agree that they make a house a home! I'm not so good with plants though - I wish I was, but they always end up dying on me. I had a beautiful orchid (similar to yours) but it too somehow died... Yours look to be thriving though and look fantastic! xx

  11. I say money well spent! Beautiful pictures, I love every little glimpse of your home! I'm on the hunt for a Fiddle Leaf Fig right now. Nice big ones are hard to come by here.

  12. I have what like to call a black thumb, in that within a week every plant type material in my place withers and dies! My family is amazed that I have managed to keep an orchid alive since before the holidays. I thnk they've switched it out to make me feel better.


  13. not really a plant lover but these are beautiful :-)

  14. I love how you incoporated this life into your home. I completely agree with you- splurging on flowers may seem indulgent, but a house just isn't a home without them, in my humble opinion. :)



  15. Lordy you are a girl after my own heart. Fresh flowers are my favorite indulgence. I haven't been getting them lately (trying to rein in the budget), but oh how I pine. I especially like those two big leaves (fronds?) you have styled atop the gold leafed console. And who can say no to a good fiddleleaf fig tree?

  16. We have five plants in our home; I agree- our home wouldn't be the same without them! We just wrote our first budget (ick), and I had to persuade my husband to write in a "fresh cut flowers" line in our budget. He did so begrudgingly. :)

    What type of leaf is in the third photo. I've always looked for them, but when I'm at the florist I never the know the name to ask if they can get them in. I want to call them banana leaves, but I have NO idea why!

  17. We are plant lovers in our house too - we even have a plant that belonged to my husbands grandparents who have now passed. Our house just wouldn't be the same without all the pretty greenery.

  18. Wow, those are some gorgeous plants. Wish I had better light - are those droopy ones orchids? Just gorgeous and somewhat tropical looking!

  19. fresh flowers in my home always brighten my days.

  20. Where did you get your fig tree? - do tell! And you are right about plants and cut flowers in the house, they keep things lush and fresh. Spending the extra $ is well worth it and something I should make an effort to do more often.

  21. flowers are a must! they really help brighten everything up! especially this time of year!!

  22. These are gorgeous. I need to be better about flowers... Dang my house must be dreary.

  23. You have a lovely blog! it´s my first time visiting! loved your house pictures! xoxo from Mexico!

  24. so stunning!! And I am loving that red chair in the corner of the last photo!! :) xx

  25. Is the Clementine that weepy pink flower plant? It's GORGEOUS.

    Please oh please give very detailed info as time goes by on how you water/where you keep (sun) the fig. I've been craving one but am so scared it will die as I've heard they are difficult.

    Lovely!! Splurge on what you love.

  26. Christine,
    Your images always look so great. Particularly love the one of the plant on the side table with the "wilting" pink flowers. What a gorgeous flower! What is it??



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo