Saturday, January 21, 2012


Good morning lovelies.

I'm up and out of bed at an ungodly hour because my sweet redhead is auditioning for a TV show...woot.

We're excited...but it's early.

Anyhoo...I've got some other news as well.

As most of my Canadian friends are aware, next weekend marks some big events around these here parts.

The Interior Design Show kicks off...

Interior Design Show 2012

...which means it's gala time!!!

And...we've also got the Canadian Design Bloggers meet up...

Canadian Design Blogger Meetup

and Blog Podium ...

BlogPodium get all excited about.

Of course, this many events in just one weekend means we're all going to need some outfits.

And luck for you, I've dreamt up a little gala pretty for you to peruse...

You can find out my inspiration and where to buy all this pretty by clicking over to the Blog Podium website HERE.

Oh and while you're there, scroll down and read about all the featured bloggeres/ amazing line-up...whispers...they even did a wee write-up about little old me...

...which you can read HERE...count me honoured to the moon!

Happy weekend!




  1. if i were going i would do this if i saw you-


  2. Ohhh, this makes me wish I were back in Canada. I neeeeeeeeed to move back.

    Good luck ;) You don't need it though.


  3. Totally! So many events next week and super excited! Now what to wear!

    Have fun at the audition!

  4. First of all, good luck to your precious little red head!

    I love that such great things are happening for you because of your blog! It is so well deserved. I'm telling you... I see a design show in your future! I hope the producers of HGTV are reading B&B!! xo

  5. you are the cutest ever! for the longest time i thought you were the redhead in the blog header, but im equally as stunned by your cute blonde self.

    have so much fun this week. your outfit rocks socks!


  6. Looking forward to seeing you, Christine! I lurve your Gala inspiration outfit, but I fear now that I must rethink my choices. That Alexander McQueen is BEYOND!!!

  7. Awww yay for you! I wish I didn't live so far away or I'd be there in a heartbeat! :) I know your little redhead is gonna do amazing! Cause us redheads do nothing less than amazing!!

    Much Love,

  8. So fun!! You are so darling, everyone is going to be so thrilled to meet you. :-) Good luck to your sweet redhead.

    I saw some pink and black swirled marbley stone topped tables today that made me instantly think of you. They were fab and at a thrift!

  9. I am so incredibly sad I am not going :( I had my outfit picked out and everything. Darn teenagers and the expense that they bring! Oh well have a glass of wine for me!

  10. I hope I can catch of glimpse of you on Friday & Saturday....

  11. I think 2012 is starting to look pretty great ;)


  12. so amazing Christine! you are so talented! have a wonderful time :)

  13. so many dun things going on!! lovelove that mcqueen dress! good luck to s! xox

  14. So happy for you! You have so much great things going on. It's fabulous! And I just love this look. LOVE is not a strong enough word :)

    Hope the audition went well and that the rest of your weekend is going well! xoxo

  15. That outfit is amazing; hello to the shoes - they are quite fabulous! Congrats on the write up lovely lady! xx

  16. you know i already LOVE the outfit ensemble!:-). However, i wanted to wish your daughter good luck(i know i'm late), so i hope the audition went great!! xx

  17. How exciting! I’ll be missing it this year unfortunately but who knows, maybe next time! :)

  18. sounds like a blast! we need some more blogging events here in cali! if you now of any please let me know :) ps love the outfit inspiration... gorgeous!!!! :)
    Golden White Décor

  19. I guess us West coasters will be living vicariously through you and all the other TO bloggers. Have fun and I can't wait to see a photo of you in this lovely outfit!

  20. Wowza! That is a fabulous outfit! Good luck to your little redhead!

  21. Congrats, this is so great!
    I'm so into blushes right now, it's ridiculous. I can pair it with anything it seems. Black and gold with blush is just so chic!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo