Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hair Today, Red Tomorrow?

It may come as a shock to some of you, but that lovely being in my header is not yours truly...the settee is mine but sadly, not the face;)

I always giggle when people seem surprised when I tell them this...truly, if I looked like that, pretty sure I'd be on a plane to Milan/making millions...not sitting in my half made bed with semi-cold coffee and a laptop all up in my face;)

The girl in the shot is actually Karen Elson.

She's reeeeeeal purdy...

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...and I like her hair...

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Those of you have been following my Twitter and Instagram feeds already know that on the weekend, I went to the hairdresser with the hopes of a BIG hair change.

Let me give you a little background info...

I've been highlighting my brains out since the tender age of 13...and let me just say, that means (and I realize this is going to date me) that I started the process in its know (if you were say born in the 70s)...when it was a plastic cap, a hook and eye/needlepoint tool, and your hair being pulled through tiny holes...yup...not pleasant...anyhoo...point is, I've been doing it for a LONG time.

I did a little math last week...hold your hats folks...if I use $150 as rough estimate for each highlighting visit (and I realize it was less in 1987 when I started but it's way more now so I figure it evens out)...and multiply that by 6 times/year...and then hit the equal sign....

*****$21, 600*****

No other made up word for it than fucksticks.

So, I'm over it.


It's time for some greener...or in this case... redder pastures (or don't I wish, pinker) pastures.

If highlighting is out, I need  to dye the whole bloody thing.

So...I went to the hairdresser and came out of the little consult with a firm plan...and it looks like this...

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...with our well beloved header friend/shot being my top colour inspiration...

According to Meredith, I'm supposed to ask for copper auburn...with emphasis on the dark magenta or brownish red can happen with this girl...I've gone dark once before and let's just say, not so much...cadaverous on my pale white see-through skin.

Now the good news with this plan is that I come from a long line of redheads and was in fact a ginger until I was about family is either cursed with muddy ashy blondish brown or gorgeous red...I'm sick of being the former...sick of it I say. at 4 pm, this cat is going rouge.

Apparently it's going to take 3 hours and if I want blonde back, I'll have to wait almost 2 years for it to be possible again.


I feel good about the decision though...variety is the spice of life right...and it's only hair- I've never been one to get too hung up on changing it out every once and a while.

In fact, if I was 27 instead of 37, I would SO be going this route...

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...oh how I'd love to be able to pull off pink hair- if ever there was a person who'd embrace the thought, it's me, me, me...and I'm not talking tips...

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...though they are quite enchanting.

I do like the idea of blonde, blonde with pale pink highlights...something like this...

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...only all pale pink rather than blue.

Or...why not throw balls to the wall and just go all out...candy floss pink ladies and gentleman...

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If an Olsen can do it...

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Crap that logic sooooo doesn't work...I think they were born in 1986 or some shit like that...and they're you know...superstars/rich/gorgeous....yadda yadda...bitches.

Anyhow...the point is I can't do pink because I'd look ridiculous with candy floss hair and crow's hubster would likely draw the line on my pink obsession if it transferred to hair...damn him and my ever advancing age.

 Red it is...wish me god speed please.

I'll be back with snapshots of the 'after' goodness...god(s) willing...tomorrow...pray for me please.




  1. Cannot wait to see your gorgeous new head of hair. I love the idea of you going red!

  2. Good for you for taking the plunge!! I'm sure it's going to look amazing, I really like the colour in your inspiration shots. I dont even want to think about how much I've spent on highlights. Ahh! The price we pay for beauty...

    Good luck today, can't wait to see the fab new you!

  3. !!!! How exciting!!! I was following a bit of the twitter conversations around going red, and I must say, I think you will look fab as a redhead!!! My BFF went from blonde to red around 2 years ago and it took a bit to get the colour right but she looks fab now! (she also tried the at-home method to get the red, not the best idea haha) Can't wait to see!!!!! xoxo

  4. Can't wait to see it!!!!
    xo, Shannon

  5. Fantastic! I SO know what you mean... I was having to touch up roots every 4 weeks, and I finally just had enough! Can't do it anymore! I henna mine now, and it turns out more of an auburn shade (I think!) I love your color inspiration... can't wait to see it!

  6. Christine I too highlighted for a long time and then decided to color all over. I love highlights, not the time and expense!

    So excited to see the results!

    Art by Karena

  7. Good luck! You and Scarlett will look even more alike. Can't wait to see the afters.

  8. Can't wait to see the fabulous outcome!

  9. You will look FABULOUS! PS- Redheads have the MOST fun! ;)

  10. I am so excited for the reveal! It's going to be ahhhmazzing! My phone will be glued to my side waiting for twitter updates :) I am sure it will take time to get use to but is def a color you can rock!

  11. Awesome post, stealing fucksticks now too. And I KNOW you will be gorg red. I had no idea you had to wait 2 years if you want to be blonde again? Geesh. I better see some damn pics up on instragram/fb/blog/twitter whatever. Email a woman if you have to.

  12. So exciting - we must see an after picture! I love a good red head!


  13. OMG, I can't wait to see this in person on Friday! It's going to look a-mazing!!

  14. Oh babydoll! You will be ravishing! Cannot wait to see it!

  15. Ohhhh and you get to buy a whole new wardrobe to go with your new colored locks. :)

  16. YAY!!! Welcome to the world of redheads, we're sooo much more fun!!

    Much Love,

  17. I love red hair! I'm about to go red as well, except I'm a natural brunette. I'm just ready for a change too and like you said, it's just hair! Can't wait to see!

  18. I am SO excited for you!!! I went from blond to red once and LOVED it. I think about doing it again all the time.

  19. It will be awesome! Funny.. I always thought that was you too then saw your real photo a couple of weeks ago. Still gorgeous! :) Best of luck! Oh and I mentioned you over at my blog today!

  20. i absolutely LOVE redheads!! i bet itll look fabulous on you!

  21. You are brave to calculate how much you have spent on your highlighting trips... as a fellow platinum blonde I am sure my number would make me flip out. Can't wait to see you as a beautiful red head, my love!



  22. I have a feeling it's going to be gorgeous on you!!!

  23. Exciting! You're going to look fabulous I'm sure!

  24. I love red hair! My natural colour is a bronze/coppery brown...sadly I have had to deal with gray for some time which is total shitsville.

    Can't wait to see you as a red head this weekend!



  25. I kind of loved everything about this post. Especially because when I first discovered your blog forever ago, I wondered if that was you in the header too!! I think you will look GORGEOUS as a red head and can't wait to see the before/after!!! Godspeed and have FUN.

  26. Cant wait to see how it turns out !!


  27. Best of luck Beej,

    It's only hair, after all, but hey, it's a big leap of faith!
    Can't wait for the reveal ;)
    Cheers, Alcira

  28. Good luck! I think it is awesome that you are just going to go for it. i have heart palpitations over getting a hair cut.

    Can't wait to see the 'after'

  29. Good luck! I just went from red to black after 6 years. Thinking of adding a little blue sometime soon

  30. Yes! Do it! I can't wait to see how it turns out (coming from an auburn-redhead myself :) )!

    Also, I just had to say that this post was super helpful for me! I'm a redhead, and I'm currently looking for a red lipstick that will work with my skin color + hair, and these pictures were the perfect inspiration for me! Thank you SO much!! :)

    Fingers crossed for a fantastic transformation!

  31. Literally cannot wait to see the results! You better post pics asap! xoxo A & E

  32. Well how STINKING exciting!! I was thinking about coloring my hair back to dark brown this Friday. Good times! Can't wait to see it!

    Something 2 Write About

  33. Sooooo excited to see!! And really youd have to wait years before going blonde again?! Why? I went more honey blonde once, and I looked like I had a raging case of rosatia!! (Sp)

  34. Sooooo excited to see!! And really youd have to wait years before going blonde again?! Why? I went more honey blonde once, and I looked like I had a raging case of rosatia!! (Sp)

  35. I started doing wallgreens or sallys beauty red a few years ago and I love it.

  36. Ahahahaha! You make me laugh! Well, I bet you look fabbo! Be sure to show us pics.

    ~ Clare x

    PS: I come from a long line of ginger babes too, although I ended up with dark auburn hair. My little sis got pretty carrot locks.

  37. Oh God, I know what you mean; I"m so sick of foiling my hair too - I long to go back to my natural colour, only I don't know what the hell it is!! ; ) I'd have pink hair in a flash too, if I could carry it off! Good luck, can't wait to see your new do : ) xo.

  38. YES! i think you will look gorgeous as a redhead! cant wait to see how it turned out. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo