Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hair is done.

I'm not blonde anymore.

And here's the good far (and it's only been 12 hours so things could chage) I kind of maybe, sort of love it...makes me feel kind of bad ass.

It's got me thinking about punchy stuff that's a little different from the norm...because god knows, after 30 years of blonde hair, this new do is most certainly a whole different can of kidney beans for me.

Here's what I mean...

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It's not everyday that you see a large brass gazelle holding a red velvet purse...and PS, I still NEED a brass animal...and when I say need, I mean it...gazelle gods...hope you're listening...I wouldn't mind the purse either.

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Moldings...I don't have to say anything more about that.

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Chrome bed...ah-maaazing art...schwing!

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Hotness and sex..that is all.

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With a name like Lulie Wallace and the talent to paint a picture like the one above, me be loving her hard.
I. MUST. OWN. THIS. PAINTING...I probably can't but wow...the colour and roughness of it...pretty and ugly all mushed together in a gorgeous art

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Why on god's green earth would you have a boring white bookcase when it can be hot pink and blue?
Crushing on this hard and PS, a certain master closet might be getting something a little apropos of this very soonly:)

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If I could marry floors and moldings, it would be these.
And if only I could speak french...I'd so rip the family from their comfy beds and move to Paris...just for the apartment bliss.

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Ridonk modern kitchen, antique fireplace, hood...gah.

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And since we're on the kitchen front...let's discuss this...aside from the white gloss/brass House and Home favourite and my own #pkg, this is definitely a top 3 all time favourite kitchen...that hood makes me does all that black millwork.

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Perhaps a little over the top for this cat but for realz...stuff to learn here...emerald velvet, floors, mirrored cabinets...check and check.

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All. of. it.

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Twin chionoise day beds in a living room...yes thank you please.

Nicole Cohen {edit...the hair dye must have affected my brain - I originally posted the bloody wrong shot- sorry Nicole...this one is what I had meant...and PS, it's more gorgeous than the first;you're my hero for hand painting that fabulous on the walls...sort of want to try something similar in my playroom area...maybe in pink?

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Black and white giant houndstooth, in pussybow blouse form..yup.

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Oh Daphne Guinness...your mirrors, cray art and red velvet make me feel all warm and gushy inside.

And since my parents don't have Twitter or Instagram, I must end this drama parade with the 'after' shot of my attempt to jump the normal ship...

And mom...I know you're reading this and your ticker tape is saying "'s awful dark" ...don't's a little brighter/lighter in real life;)

So what say the rest of you like a little 'out of the norm' in your

I'm embracing...hard.




  1. I am in love with all of it! Really you should have born with it! You need more pics...I want more of you rocking it :)

  2. Seriously, these red locks were made for you. You look like a vixen! So happy you went for it!

  3. Love your new color!
    The interiors are good too, when I first saw that closet with the emerald, I instantly thought Elton John, no idea why. :)

  4. I love every single image here. Unexpected pretty is absolutely the best kind of pretty. So much eye candy. And your hair, well its absolutely fabulous. You look gorgeous!!!

  5. LOVE LOVE your new hair! gorgeous. and scarlet is the cutest btw :) xo

  6. I'm LOVING the red! Can't wait to see on Saturday in person! ;)

  7. this pot its to lovely :) and you are gorgeous !! :)

  8. I'm being 100% serious when I say that it makes you look ten. years. younger. One of the best "It's only a haircolour but it changes your whole look" transformations I have ever seen. No joke. You look edgier and more effortlessly chic. Ah-mazing.

  9. LOVE IT!!!!!

    Do NOT change. you look like one of my muses, Taylor Tomasi Hill!

  10. Looooove the hair! You look gorgeous as a redhead!

  11. Love the red , you look so sassy! The colour looks great.

  12. Love the new hair! You look amazing :)

  13. I am fairly new to your blog, but I have to agree with Elyse above, it takes years off of you...I love it.

  14. YES. I love it!! Especially with that matching little red in the bkgnd :) :)

  15. Love it Christine! Can't wait to see your new look tonight!

  16. Love the post and the hair! But I didn't do that wall!!!

  17. Love all these images!! And your hair is DIVINE! Obsessed. Great call!

  18. Of course!! Being normal all the time isn't very fun haha A fabulous post! xo

  19. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!! Looks GREAT~


  20. very dramatic! very chic and makes you look decades younger :)

  21. Well, you sent us way over the top on this one, Christine. And, your hair is darling & wonderful. I love it!

  22. The hair is awesome! So are the rest of your ideas.

  23. So much to love in this post!!! That gazelle, the chrome bed, the painting, and of course, YOUR HAIR. Your adventurousness is becoming contagious I think... I am feeling the bust-the-routine vibe!!

  24. that emerald chair is a dream - and i've been a blondie for 31 years - but HAVE gone through reds and browns - i 'm loven the red on yoU! ... i would love a change and usually my stylist know's SOMETHING will be up - but she has me blonde for awhile b/c too much stress on changing my color and going back to blonde in the summer

  25. I dug deep on your twitterz to find that shot when I saw all the hoopla...totally deserving! HOT LADY!! How did you know that would look so rad? Always works when you pull color from the wee ones, right? Beautiful girls.

  26. Normally my mantra is if it doesn't make you look blonder or skinnier, what's the point? But on you the red is smokin!

  27. LOVING the Red!!!
    And yes, out of the norm is how we like to roll round here ;)

    Cheers, Alcira

  28. You look fantastic!! Dare I say, even younger! I so admire how brave you were to do this and it totally paid off!

  29. It looks great! Love your new dark hair and the red lipstick looks fab too!!

  30. Wowza!!! It is so YOU!!! I can't imagine that you were ever blond seeing this photo!

  31. wow! I like the change - and as someone who rotates frequently from blonde to redhead and back tp blonde.. it does come out :) although the hairdresser will give you heck! That kitchen is so, so perfect. ANd the hand painted walls remind me of Kelly Wearstlers stairwell, non? love.

  32. Christine,
    I have to say...I love it! Really. Love. It. Your hair, that is. Keep it!

    Now, as for everything above, I was nodding in agreement until we got to the pink bookcase. Then, I gasped. I want that. But, not sure where to sneak that into the house full of testosterone. I have my pink-ish living room. And, that's about as far as I think I'm going to be able to go. Love it though. Someday! :)

    Enjoy being a redhead...I married one. My best friend in first head. Best friend in middle head. Best friend in high school...yes, red head. :)

    xoxo Elizabeth

  33. you look AMAZING!!! seriously. you looked beautiful before, but red really suits you! wish i could pull it off! xo

  34. Oh I love the new hair! It really suits your fiery personality! What is the upkeep in that colour? I have been highlighting for God know how long and want something different. Maybe not red...but dark???

  35. Wow love your hair!! So chic!!

  36. I know everyone else has already said it, but your hair looks awesome. You look totally amazing IN RED! I hope your husband likes it as much as we do, because girl, you are smoking! ;-)

  37. Your new hair colour looks fabulous on you! I love the sassiness that came with it. Chic and cheek! :)

  38. okay i absolutely love it. you look amazing! and now i am so tempted to die my hair red. i've debated it before, but i think you've just sold me! (but i think i'll wait till after my may wedding, just in case.)


  39. The hair is perfect. Great color!

  40. You look fabulous with your new hair colour! Love it! Also like the styling in that first image: the black and white artwork and framed photo, the brass gazelle and red purse, the whole composition is lovely. :)

  41. That color looks so amazing on you - gorgeous!!

  42. SERIOUSLY it was made for you. I love red hair, I'm so jealous you have the bravery to go for it. Amazing. Don't go back.

  43. OMG it's gorgeous on you!!! Really stunning!

  44. Wow!! I cannot get over how amazing your new hair color looks!!!! It makes you look so young and very stylish! Obsessed :)

    The Klury Report & Kini Style

  45. So glad you're happy with it, looks awesome! Yes I need a little weird in my life, creepy statues, funky art. I think isn't truly my style without a little funk factor for real!

  46. You look fabulous !!!


  47. I'm totally digging your new locks! They soften your skin tone and you might even be glowing! For real!And, you do look younger! Not even playing!

  48. YOUR.HAIR!!!!! To be honest, I am super jealous bc I would DIE for red hair, but I'm too afraid it would look bad on me :-/

  49. I love your new look! Gorgeous. And the hottness and sex image cracked me up! So true, right?

  50. the gold hood is seriously ridonkulous and your own new hood looks hot. but you already know that :)

  51. You look amazing!!! I mean you did before of course but I'm loving this change! Embrace it, beautiful! :) xoxo

  52. It looks so amazingly fantastic!!!!!!! You are stunning, my dear!

  53. It looks amazing! I wish I had the guts/coloring to pull of red hair!


  54. Has anyone else pointed out that you look just like Nichole Kidman in that pic??? LOVE the glamalicious new locks! Especially love that you were ballsy enough to go for such a dramatic change. I'm a chicken sh*t when it comes to that, ha!

  55. I ABSOLUTELY love it! You are beyond stunning! xoxo e & a

  56. BADASS is right!!! Your eyes really pop & you look fabulous!

  57. WOW!!! you look hot! love the sassy new locks! Definitely keep the red was made for you.

  58. Love the new look Christine - it suits you so much and makes you look like a brand new person - so bad ass! You have me now contemplating a change in hair... xx

  59. GAAAHHH!!! Love the hair. Great change!
    And thank you, thank you for posting pictures of amazing spaces that I haven't seen all over the web yet! It's why you're my daily read!

  60. Looks fab! Love it! xx

  61. That's because you look like an absolute sex pot! WAY TO GO! nothing risked, nothing gained! Carpe Diem! Life is too short for safe and comfortable... I might not be far behind!

  62. wait, is our daughter a red head?

  63. just like a natural red it!

  64. lovin' the new red locks! you are totally rockin' it!!

  65. I squealed when I saw that you posted MY original Lulie Wallace painting!! It arrived a couple of days ago, and it is even more stunning in real life. I couldn't love it more. Your vote of approval makes me feel so stylish-LOL!

  66. I'm loving it too! Is your Mom one that thinks the world should be blonde? Ha ha... my Mom HATES whenever I darken my hair. She thinks everyone should go blonde. With your face, Christine, you could shave off your hair and still be stylish and gorgeous! I love the witty banter that accompanies your posts. I hope to be able to catch up on everything I've missed over the weekend. My custom blog designs are keeping me busy but it makes it hard to visit those I love! xo

  67. I LOVE your hair red! Your right, you do look bad ass!

  68. Wow, very sophisticated, did I spell that right? I am a natural redhead but with age it has lightened considerably. You have inspired me to deepen the colour!


  69. You are looking Hottttt my friend! An awesome post to go with the gorgeous new look too! xx

  70. You look gorgeous!
    But you knew that, already! ;)
    Well done, my lady!

  71. Your hair looks great!

  72. I think it looks fantastic!! Bravo for taking the plunge!

  73. love the new hair!

    - Sara @ Gameday Stylist

  74. When I first read that you were going to dye your hair red I thought ewww, yuck. But HOLY SH*T you look AMAZING!!! You look ten years younger (and you didn't even look old to begin with) and so damn hip and fun and young! Best makeover I have seen in forever!!

  75. First off, you look AMAZING! so gorgeous! and so fun! So nice to mix things up! It's just hair, right?!
    And secondly, that kitchen - oh em gee. YES PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE.

  76. Can't imagine you blonde. The red looks so right.

    Stick yourself on the header now.

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Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo