Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bedroom Glamaliciousness

My bedroom sucks poop balls.

It's a work in progress that sometimes goes in the right direction, but mostly reverts back to its position as household dumping ground.

I've gone through more bedding sets than I can admit...thanks to my large dog who insists on sleeping under the covers.

Kid's toys seem to think my bedroom is their own personal living room...quite sure there's no less than 40 cars/ My Little Ponies here at any given time.

When entertaining, any piece of crap I don't want somewhere else gets thrown present, I have 5 mirrors, 3 lamps, 6 framed pieces of art, 3 Christmas poinsettias,  3 hibernating orchids, a bookcase from Mac's room, a tool box, 8000 magazines, and a wood chest...all of these are things that are not supposed to be here.

On the flip side, the room is missing....artwork, a set of lamps, a rug and bedding...oh and the molding I put up months ago still has the pencil lines and needs a coat of paint just about as badly as I need chocolate each day.

As well, I had plans of wallpapering inside the molding and am dealing with a matched set of furniture that my husband insists we are not splitting be fair on this note, it is a rather lovely set so I'm OK with it...even Meredith says I should not mess with what's there so if she agrees with hubs, than I figure they must be right.

So...basically, it needs a giant de-clutter, a paint job...and wallpaper/accessories when budget permits.

In the meantime, I've been collecting some image pretty to inspire.

I want the room to be glamorous and elegant, with a little funk thrown in for good measure.

Something like this....

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Could you die over this room?

I could...the pink walls, molding, sconces, red sofa, portrait, and peacock art...sublime.

Maximalism at its best.

And some others that have caught my eye as of late...

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Headboard, palate, bolster, fuuuuurrrrr!

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Fabric on headboard and lamps...I'd give up an arm for those lamps.

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Not a single thing in this one that's not to love...most notably the inssanely gorgeous rug, mirror, chandelier and molding.


Bed, palate, lamps, artwork, velvet bolster.

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Bed, artwork.

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Moody vintage awesomeness.

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It's funny how I consider this room to be at the bottom of my never ending to-do list...It's the space with the least public visibility, and one I can easily shut the door to but...oh how I'd love a little oasis.

I have like zero budget left for any of this so all will be done on the down low...aka...cheaply and probably not in the next few/12 months- ha!

One can dream though right.

For now, I plan on emptying out the crap, vacuuming the dust that's collected around all said crap, painting the molding and framing up my beautiful new Kim Davies nudes...I was thinking of putting them in the bathroom but have changed that plan...I think three of them in large matted frames would look like heaven across the bed wall...

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I adored my Jenny original and DIY pink number there but as you know, they've migrated down to the living room/foyer so as of now, that wall is blank and lonely.

Don't you think these is big silver or gold frames would be killer across there?

I do.

One more thing...I have to apologize for not getting around this week to visit as much as I would like to. 

I am computer cursed and my latest one is now acting up.

The mouse-pad clicker button thing isn't responding properly so scrolling down on a page or clicking to select something takes like 10 pounds on the button each the point that I literally have a sore finger and am close to throwing the damn thing through the window.

I'm off to have it looked at today so am hoping that by next week, I'll again be able to say many more hellos.

I seriously, honestly am beginning to consider that I have a computer pox...absolutely insane how often I have woes in this regard..

Anyhoo...wishing you all a great day and sending mushy kisses your way. more thing...I was really excited when Victoria from vmac&Cheese asked me to take part in her mini-Alt series on blogger advice...

...make sure you check out everyone's brilliant 2 cents much great information about running a successful blog!  

And with that....




  1. gorgeous inspiration photos! im dreaming up a new bedroom...and adding lots of essential pieces onto our wedding registry! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  2. Lovely pics. I like the first one best.
    If it makes you feel any better (why would it?) I seem to have the computer pox too. Can't get a post done to save my life!

  3. almost every pic you posted went into my faves! I know what you mean about our bedrooms being last on the list of to-do's. I am in pretty much the same place you are with my own--reorganize, low budget, redo on the horizon! I love the molding in yours & the nudes would be perfect! xo

  4. Why is the master always at the bottom of the list?!! Mine was painted a grey blue when we moved in two years ago, and the colour is far too cold for me. I'm over my bed, and just gave my lamps to Natasha, lol. I love that campaign bed you've shown, with the scalloped headboard, but more colour, of course! I love your holdings, hon - you're off to a really beautiful start...

  5. i too love those images for the bedroom. i think the ballet slipper pink makes it romantic. i had initially wanted to do a gray and ballet pink in my bedroom, but then realized my little bulldog has not been kind to white sheets, so im rethinking my initial idea. now im headed for a but more of a rustic flare.

    Any ideas on the paper for the walls yet??


  6. I have to say out of all the shots, I like yours the best. It is classic and timeless. The trio of sketches will look heavenly above the bed!

  7. My favorite pieces are the glamourous headboards and the ones that are more minimalist. I agree though, our bedroom seems to be the last place that we focus our energy on. Probably because no one ever see's it but us! I love the rug in the first bedroom.

  8. I haven't seen your bedroom, but I get mines sucks 400 times more. I don't even have anything on the walls! These photos are fabulous inpiration. That second photo has my heart. So gorgeous.

  9. this is all such stunning inspiration! i have a feeling your end product will be even more fabulous though.. you have such a keen sense of style that is UNIQUE. love.

  10. why do we always tend to leave the master as the dumping grounds while we primp our other spaces? This house is the FIRST place that we actually addressed the master before much of the publically viewed spaces. I love's more of my romantic/traditional style, but it's so me. I love your inspiration shots, but must say, from the one shot of your master, it does look rather sumptuous! ps dreamt about you last night! struggling with baby names too...may email you for opinion =)

  11. I love all of these bedrooms. But I really love the gray and pale peachy pink 2! GORGEOUS!

  12. OMG! OMG! those rooms are over the top gorgeous!
    PS. I love your first sentence- I feel the same :/ Time to get it in gear!

  13. That first bedroom is absolute perfection!!!

  14. lovely inspiration. do you happen to know the souce for the peacock mural. i'm dying over it!!

  15. Love it all especially the fabric headboards, just divine.

    On another note, is your mouse remote by any chance? You may need to change the battery if it is.

  16. Oh, just read that it is a mouse pad, so no changing batteries there. Oh well, sorry, hope you can get it fixed somehow, maybe google the problem.

  17. You just described my bedroom - right down to the dog under the covers. Thanks for the inspiration to get off my butt. Its been on my list for way too long, and now might be the time to get started.

  18. Such beautiful inspiration pictures!I love the direction you are going! You will feel so much better after getting the unnecessary clutter out of your sanctuary!

  19. I adored your comments over on Victorias blog!
    Also, I can only imagine how gorgeous your bedroom will be when the time comes. Til then, I'll be drooling over your inspiration images!

  20. Amazing inspiration you've got here. I love the idea of "glamour and funk". That photo with the peacock on the wall is amazing. And the yellow French style bed... yes!

  21. your pictures are awesome!! i have the same problem with my bedroom... it is sooooo boring and not inspirational.. i just don't know what to do, as i am limited by the space and a non existent budget right now... i suppose it has to wait!

    thx for sharing... and for the frames, i would use gold ones

  22. hello amazing rooms - i think bedrooms should be your dream spot - this way your dreams you make in your sleep are possible when you wake up in a room that motivates you to get things done!

  23. I'm very happy to know that I'm not the only one whose master BR is less than an oasis (c: I was laughing my butt off about the my little ponies and cars...that sounds awfully familiar! I can't wait to see your new art in there, it's going to be spectacular!

  24. I have the hardest time with my bedroom too. I think it's because I can't find the right bedding for my dogs as well. I have a few good pieces to start with though. I just need some accessories and $ like you!

  25. Hey, you are dreaming your life away, your bedroom will never look like this if you are a normal mortal, these rooms are for Joan Collins and her ilk - Sorry but one has to be realistic a family and kids do not go with this and you really do not want any of these !!!

    Get some real more practical ideas, - Sorry BUT!!! Much love anyway, you can always pretend.

  26. I would die to have any of those bedrooms! It seems that it's always the last room to get attention and mine is no different. From what I see in your own bedroom image, it's looking pretty fab to me. The mouldings are incredible! xo

  27. Honey, I don't think a bedroom with THOSE moldings could ever suck poop balls... let's just call it unfinished ;)

  28. my bedroom is awful too...although i have decided to use my MFAMB as my jumping off point!

  29. Pic #5 with that velvet bolster? Yes please!

    I hear you on the messy bedroom front. It really is the easiest place to store the stuff you don't want your guests seeing. Mine's slowly turning into my little oasis but there are vintage maps & artworks I need to frame & get up on the wall. I also stupidly sold our bedside tables with our bed when we had a pretty new bed arrive only to realise I can;t find affordable pretty ones to match our current bed, hence piles of crap hanging around on the bedroom floor that used to be inside & on top of our bedsides... eek! Slowly getting there...

    ~ Clare x

  30. LOVE all your your inspirations lady, they are absolutely luscious and incredibly glam! The first room is amazing - yes I could die over this room! xx

  31. Gorgeous moods and rooms and I adore the nudes from Kim Davies - they are great.
    Hope your weekend is wonderful,

  32. Love picture #4! The ornate mirror is to die for. Love it!

  33. mmmph... all of this reminds me how much my bedroom sucks ;) ! These are great spaces, I can still dream...


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo