Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Artist Love - Kris Lewis

After posting on Monday about this piece of art nirvana...

...a fabulously awesome reader named Rachel, forwarded the information about the artist...this small act makes her rocket to the top of my 'aces people' list.

It turns out that this portrait fantastic is by artist Kris Lewis...

I've been browsing/drooling/lusting after his portfolio ever since first linking over and am just in love...period.

His work is a perfect modern spook...his works are eerie but in the most beautiful way- so my idea of perfect ugly pretty...I hope that doesn't offend him...just in case by the way of the gods, he's actually reading this....saying 'perfect ugly pretty' is a VERY high compliment in my books.

I  dare you to disagree.


Art bliss I tell you.

Though an original is far from a reality for me at this point, I can maybe afford a print and this one is at the top of my list...

Promise Broken

Yup...she has my name written all over her.

What say you?

Are you in to this modern girly spook?

Perhaps you prefer boy moodiness...Kris does that too...

Either way...if you approve (like I know Jenny does....she's radness in my books)...high fives...we can be friends.




  1. I love the piece with your name all over it. Some of them are definitely creeeeepy!

  2. Your fav is for sure my fav too! It would be PERFECT for my bedroom!


  3. Absolute art bliss!!!!



  4. Christine, his work is so hauntingly beautiful, ethereal and the way he captures the emotion of the subject is astounding!


    Art by Karena

  5. OH EM GEE!! These are absolutely on a whole different level. What an incredible talent. They're so beautiful and haunting. I mean, I HAVE to get a couple of those. Another great find, Christine!!

  6. I love how hauntingly beautiful these are. Completely amazing, and so much emotion in them. I like how he's able to take the piss a little and have cute things included too. I hate people who are too serious.

    Fantastic find.

  7. Oooo. I don't normally even like portraits, but his are so captivating. I feel like I want to get to know these people.

  8. Wow these are incredible. The faces are unbelieveable.

  9. yep, pretty darn awesome. love good and helpful readers! go get your print.

  10. Oh, modern spook gets me every time! I absolutely love that so many portrait artists are taking it to a higher level these days and creating works that are beautiful and emotive.

    So glad someone was able to get Kris's info for you!

  11. I really like the first one and the third one. Very cool. I am bookmarking this artist!


  12. wow these are awesome. love how she does the eyes, very penetrating

  13. this guy is an amazing realist.

  14. These are amazing and the technique is flawless. I agree though with most....a bit too creepy for me.

  15. Yes! Love it! I'm most definitely into modern girly spook. In fact, I recently came across an artist that hit that spot perfectly too: Charmaine Olivia. You may have heard of her but I certainly hadn't. I posted about my faves here:

    She's too cool for school! Thanks for adding a newbie to my list!

    ~ Clare x

  16. Love the one with the flower petals! xo

  17. Yes modern spook works for me. Man is he ever taletned, that last picture looks like a picture not a painting of a little boy..the eyes are so lifelike. Now why didn't I get a teeny tiny dose of talent like that? Not fair!

  18. These are so great...quirky and beautiful all at once...the best art in my book always is! xx

  19. LOVE these pieces ... super moving and striking!

  20. Wow, wow, wow! Love it. Super intriquing. Thanks for the introduction.

  21. Love them...the faces are very realistic. Cool!

  22. Absolutely divine work. I love his style. I love the moodiness of his pieces. I feeeeel them. You have great taste, Christine!! x


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo